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Suggested resources and links Train the Trainer December 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Suggested resources and links Train the Trainer December 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Suggested resources and links Train the Trainer December 2011

2 An approach to building equality into the curriculum
M. Materials A. Assessment S. Social aspects T. Teaching E. Environment R. Resources

3 Good practice Induct staff on E and D principles, objectives, policies and procedures Mix participants in training sessions to ensure cross fertilisation of ideas, cultures, customs and experiences etc Make participants aware of how important E and D is to everyday practice Make reasonable adjustments to provide access for all

4 Resources and links Croydon DVD Is Croydon Racist? You Decide
Watch Generation 3.0's new documentary film, Is Croydon Racist? You Decide.

5 Resources and links Fiddle toys

6 Resources Posters

7 Diversity in Diction Look through your lecture notes and consider the examples you use. Do you always say “he”? Don’t excuse this by saying you mean it to include women as well. Do you personalise the people or characters in your anecdotes, or analogies? Check out Diversity in Diction to look at how you really can make people believe you mean to be inclusive.

8 4 minute DVD No arms and legs

9 Fawcett Women’s unemployment is currently rising at a disproportionate rate to men’s. Figures out in August 2011 show that: Women’s unemployment is now at its highest in more than 20 years – 1.05 million women are now unemployed. Women’s unemployment is currently rising at a disproportionate rate to men’s - 78% of the increase in redundancies that occurred between April-June 2011 was a result of women losing their jobs, as opposed to 22% from men losing their jobs.

10 Offensive language and discrimination

11 Bullying is a problem

12 Bullying Videos

13 Diversity challenges: what would you do

14 Cultural greetings

15 Multifaith calendar Calendar
Flipbook Video

16 Equality and Diversity resources

17 Diversity and Dialogue
DVD and Booklet

18 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Social care

19 Equality and Diversity at Cirencester College

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