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FLDt First Line Diagnosis tool ‘The fault analysis tool for the ISIS Accelerator’ Update Oct 2014 WAO Mainz Julian Brower CEng FIET Section Leader ISIS.

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Presentation on theme: "FLDt First Line Diagnosis tool ‘The fault analysis tool for the ISIS Accelerator’ Update Oct 2014 WAO Mainz Julian Brower CEng FIET Section Leader ISIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 FLDt First Line Diagnosis tool ‘The fault analysis tool for the ISIS Accelerator’ Update Oct 2014 WAO Mainz Julian Brower CEng FIET Section Leader ISIS Accelerator Performance Improvement (IAPI) My Name is Julian Brower I work at ISIS, part of the STFC in Oxford England My Talk today will; introduce ISIS, and a way we are starting to reduce downtime using FLD

2 FLDt update ISIS and its operations ISIS availability FLDt the system
FLDt implementation Using FLDt Results of using FLDt

3 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire
ISIS foothills of the Downs 10 miles south of Oxford ISIS was started in 1985 and running continuously for 28 years This is the complex and the spoil forming the hill to the right from TS2 See diamond in the distance

4 ISIS accelerators H ion source (17 kV) 665 kV H RFQ 70 MeV H linac
800 MeV proton synchrotron Extracted proton beam lines The accelerator produces a pulsed beam of 800 MeV (84% speed of light) protons at 50 Hz, average beam current is 200 A (2.5× 1013 ppp) therefore 184 kW on target (148 kW to TS-1 at 40 pps, 36 kW to TS-2 at 10 pps). Slide courtesy of J Thomason

5 World class Spallation Neutron Source since 1985
Flagship STFC facility ~360 staff Up to 800 experiments/yr, 450 papers/yr Research fields clean energy environment pharmaceuticals health care nanotechnology materials engineering IT World class facility One of the flagship facilities for the Science and Technology Facilities council, ISIS employs 340 staff Over the 28 years has achieved 400 publications a year, sum in total The research fields focus on the worlds grand challenges; energy, environment, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, nanotechnology, materials science, engineering and IT.

6 Operating ISIS 4 man crew, 8 hour shifts Duty Officer, 3 others
First line faults Existing experience, skills and knowledge Supported by on call equipment owners 24/7 1hr lost time reports 5 crews, each 4 men, 8 hour shifts, Duty Officer, Assistant DO and two support crew They deal with all first line faults Use existing skills and knowledge to analyse faults. Broad range of experience and skills, some having worked on ISIS for 20+ years On call system for specialists

7 User Cycles 120-150 (180) days/yr, 4-5 x 30 day cycles
Experiments ½ day – 2 weeks 1 day maintenance day mid cycle (2013) Overall availability 85% + Reasons for non availability Machine age Running an accelerator Running harder (>90% availability) Speed to faults Loss of expertise

8 ISIS Availability over last 5 years
User cycles

9 Availability history Total run hours 894hrs Beam on target 790.6hrs
Lost time hrs Overall availability 88.4% Total run hours 1200hrs Beam on target hrs Lost time hrs Overall availability 89.9% Total run hours 1199hrs Beam on target hrs Lost time hrs Overall availability 90.3% Ions source produces H- ions 1st accelerations in the RFQ to 665 KeV 4 stage Alvaraz LINAC running at 202.5Mhz accelerating to 70MeV 800MeV Synchrotron running ISIS runs at 50Hz typical

10 Improving availability
Sustainability, replacing obsolete equipment Cycle wash up meetings, trend analysis Understanding the machine physics Improving machine diagnostics Minimise fault finding time

11 Largest areas unavailability RF Injector(LINAC), Ion Source, Extract, Inject
Gave us staring point to focus resources We want to cover all ISIS eventually

12 Improving availability by effective fault resolution (FLDt project)
Interactive fault analysis tool Technical knowledge base at point of need Access to centralised resources Reduce beam downtime 5 years initial project Permanent ongoing maintenance

13 FLDt, a network of interconnected flow diagrams, with links to technical information and resources

14 Standardised FLDt format
Interactive Fault Analysis Pathway

15 Risk assessments Word search Live scopes Annotated diagrams Circuit diagrams Appendices

16 Procedures Movements Spares

17 FLDt coverage PC accessible Presents information in a Web Page Format
Available online throughout 70% of ISIS Crew issued with IPADs PC accessible Wi-Fi accessible

18 Workflow Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Identify
Population of content Verification Delivery & feedback Meeting with EO’s Crew fault scenarios LTR’s and MCR Log (operational issue EO’s self develop Feedback Updates Tracking and revisions

19 Results (based on 2 user runs)
Statistics Crew feedback Affects on down time Unintended consequences

20 Statistics

21 Crew feedback IAPI produce next FAP IAPI act on feedback Duty officer

22 Effects on down time 6 recorded incidents on LTR’s (1hr +)
Availability (%) 6 recorded incidents on LTR’s (1hr +) in 1 cycle, but it’s too early to tell

23 Additional benefits Developing skills and knowledge
Equipment owners focus Fits management’s sustainability model Joined up knowledge base Communication between groups Focus on spares (future integration) Common nomenclature framework

24 FLDt deliverables/timescales
220 Fault pathways (600 for 70% equipment coverage) Wi-Fi connectivity over 70% of ISIS (end of LSD) One additional staff to facilitate growth Now on annual appraisals Metrics and feedback growing Aiming for >10% lost time saving/year by 2017

25 Danke Thank you Merci

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