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CELLS Unit A Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Mrs. Meyer.

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Presentation on theme: "CELLS Unit A Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Mrs. Meyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CELLS Unit A Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Mrs. Meyer

2 Scientific Method

3 What is a cell? Lamprey

4 Do cells make up plants?

5 What is NOT made up of Cells?

6 Cells make up all living things.

7 A cell is the smallest unit capable of life
What is the definition of a cell: A cell is the smallest unit capable of life

8 Anton von Leeuwenhoek was first to observe one celled living things.
Robert Hooke discovered the first cells. Cork Cells were thought to have been these cells. Anton von Leeuwenhoek was first to observe one celled living things.


10 Cork cell

11 Answer: Small cells are beneficial because they have lots of surface area compared to their volume!

12 How does this plant cell look different/similar from the cork cell?

13 Does This Human Cell Look The Same?

14 Plant or animal?

15 Plant or animal?

16 Plant or animal?

17 What kind?

18 trick question , that one was
a bacteria cell.

19 Cells are Us Cell Biology 10/23/2017 Red and white blood cells above vessel-forming cells. A person contains about 100 trillion cells. That’s 100,000,000,000,000 or 1 x 1014 cells. There are about 200 different cell types in mammals (one of us). nerve cell Cells are tiny, measuring on average about cm (20 um) across. That’s about 1250 cells, “shoulder-to-shoulder” per inch. G. Podgorski, Biol 1010

20 All living things are made up of cells.
Plant cells Animal cells Fungi cells Bacteria cells Protist cells

21 A way to remember the 5 types of cells is to make up a sentence using the first letter in each type.
Plant Animal Fungi Bacteria Protist

22 Circle the first letter in each cell type
Plant Animal Fungi Bacteria Protist Work with the people around you for two minutes to come up with a sentences with words starting with the letters P A F B P

23 Write your favorite sentence down to help you remember later.
Pete Ate Five Big Pizzas

24 Plant Cells Plants are classified into the Plant Kingdom.
Plants may be grouped into Vascular or non-vascular Plants are made up of plant cells. Plant cells have: - a strong cell wall, -large water vacuoles, and -several chloroplast for photosynthesis used in energy & food production.

25 Plant cells Plant cells are usually square or rectangle shaped.
Cell wall Cell membrane Plant cells are usually square or rectangle shaped. Plant cells have: -cell wall, - cell membrane, --chloroplasts, -nucleus, -large vacuoles for food & water, and - cytoplasm to protect all the internal organelles. vacuole vacuoles cytoplasm nucleus

26 Plant Cells Multi celled organisms
Cytoplasm is the clear jelly like matter that protects the inside cell organelles. Cell walls are found in plant cells but not in animal cells. They are stiff, non-living cell parts that help shape the plant cell. nucleus cytoplasm Water vacuole Cell wall Cell membrane


28 Review Question #1: What do these plant cell organelles do?
B chloroplasts cell wall C D vacuoles cytoplasm

29 Definitions and plant cell parts.
Cell Wall-provides shape and protection for the plant, fungi, bacteria and algae cell. Chloroplasts-a green structure that is used in photosynthesis to harness the energy of the sunlight. Cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondrion, cytoplasm, vacuole and ribosome defined with animal cells.

30 Definitions and plant cell parts.
Cell Wall-provides shape and protection for the plant, fungi, bacteria and algae cell. Chloroplasts-a green structure that is used in photosynthesis to harness the energy of the sunlight. Cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondrion, cytoplasm, vacuole and ribosome defined with animal cells.

31 Question #2: Which gas is used by plants during photosynthesis?-
A carbon dioxide B oxygen C nitrogen D phosphorus

32 Answer to question #2. You got it! A Plants use carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and they excrete (their waste) oxygen.

33 Question #3: Which of these is the source of energy
for photosynthesis? A Gravity B Electricity C Magnetism D Sunlight

34 Answer to #3: Yes, sunlight D.
Sunlight is the source of energy for plant photosynthesis.

35 What are some differences you see between the plant and animal cell?
Write them down on a paper to hand in as you leave.


37 CELL MEMBRANE Outer covering, protective layer around ALL cells
For cells with cell walls,the cell membrane is inside the cell wall Allows food and air into the cell & waste products out of the cell.

38 Cell Jobs Turn to page 6 to take notes.

39 CELL WALL Provides structure and protection for the plant,
Algae, fungi and bacteria is made of cellulose A cell wall is found in plants, algae, fungi, & most bacteria.

40 Chloroplasts Used in photosynthesis to harness the energy of the sunlight

41 CELL MEMBRANE Outer covering, protective layer around ALL cells
For cells with cell walls,the cell membrane is inside the cell wall Provides structure and protection for the plant, fungi, bacteria an algae cell.

42 NUCLEUS Control center of the cell Directs all cell activities
Contains instructions for everything the cell does These instructions are found on a hereditary material called DNA Usually the largest organelle

43 Mitochondrion Powerhouse of the cell providing energy.

44 CYTOPLASM jelly-like fluid inside cell membrane constantly flows
like protoplasm or gak Provides an enviornment For organelles

45 Vacuole Storage place for water, food and waste

46 Golgi Body Gather molecules and combine them and build vesicles.

47 Ribosome Produces proteins

48 E.R. – Endoplasmic Reticulum
Transportation System

49 Lysosomes Break down food particles


51 Types of Cells (Prokaryotes)

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