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Shared leadership Finland Eira Kasper 15.5.2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Shared leadership Finland Eira Kasper 15.5.2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shared leadership Finland Eira Kasper

2 A pioneer in upper secondary education nationally and internationally
Innovation Sustainable development Sense of community Leadership and management Economic resources Service in secretarial office Process of going to upper seconday school FROM START TO GRADUATION Recruitment process of students Junior student Motivated and cooperative learner Student counselling Support for students’ wellbeing Curriculum Staff Core curriculum Strategies of the city of Vantaa Laws and acts

3 Shared leadership Knowledge of experts to use
A leader doesn’t know everything Commitment to objectives and development work Culture of trust Result of development work of many years Student representatives In teams Team Team Management group Principals and teachers 2 + 4 Teachers vote 4 representatives for 2 year’s period Members of management group are heads of teams Team Team Team Team 12 teams. Every teacher belongs to at least one team.

4 Motivated and cooperative learner
Global citizenship Cross-cultural studies Upbringing objectives Sense of community Support of growth process Arrangements of studies Music curriculum Learning methods Dance curriculum Motivated and cooperative learner Challenges for students of special interests Good learning results Skills for learning to learn Media studies Math and science IT Foreign languages Physical education Visual arts Theatre Support for learning Everyone is taken care of Individual student counselling Guidance of home room group Social welfare of students Activity of tutor students

5 Enthusiasm and skills for learning
At Vaskivuori School there are motivated, tolerant, active and cooperative young people in an international and inspiring atmosphere. A student is supported to meet and solve challenges he or she faces in learning. High quality and up-to-date instruction At Vaskivuori School there is proficient and motivated contact teaching which guarantees extensive education and possibilities for wide-ranging post-graduate studies, and an unique study environment with chances for distance learning. Business Idea of Vaskivuori School At Vaskivuori School there are motivated and versatile learners, a qualified staff, knowledge of technology and an inspiring atmosphere. Everyone appreciates and encourages each other. You can feel the joy of learning and teaching at the School. Skilful /qualified staff Vaskivuori School appreciates the development of the skills of qualified and inspired teachers, capability of the staff, the joy of teaching and job satisfaction. There is knowledge from learning technology to music and from physical education to humanistic subjects. Appreciated and active School Vaskivuori School has attractive special fields. The School is frequently covered in the media and its positive brand attracts skilled young people now and in the future. The School has a visible and active approach.

6 Decision making power, examples
Teachers and students Curriculum A year plan Rules and regulations Projects School parties and happenings How to organise a school year Teachers Division of classes for each teacher Core curriculum, laws and acts Strategies of the city of Vantaa Legally a principal bears all the responsibility at school.

7 Why Shared leadership? (1/2)
By taking part in planning, preparation and decision-making process commitment initiating learning understanding of the whole organization understanding of your own role in the organization

8 Why Shared leadership? (2/2)
getting to know all your colleagues from different subject groups understanding of leaders’ work and decisions increasing of job satisfaction and well-being Curriculum is a process – not a book that collects dust for the next ten years Collective agreement: A teacher should use 50 – 107 hours in a school year for cooperative work outside classes

9 A story of the participatory leadership (1/4)
A usual practice in schools There are subject teams at schools Members of the management group are representatives of subject teams Subject teams At Vaskivuori School there have always been and are going to be subject teams, it is a self-evident structure that belongs to the school culture. The two parts of the curriculum In the curriculum there are two parts, the general objectives with e.g. cross-cultural studies and the objectives of subjects.

10 A story of the participatory leadership (2/4)
Started in 1990, the school of 300 students Six teams for the six fields of cross-cultural studies Every now and then students took part in teachers’ meetings Quality Award in 1995 New start in 1996, the school of 600 students Half of the teachers and students came from a different kind of school culture A management group was founded, members were nominated by a principal from volunteers The word TEAM became a swearword > the term changed into “operational group” New operational groups/teams Students’ role increased > to operational groups, to all teachers’ meetings

11 A story of the participatory leadership (3/4)
Next start in 2006, the school of 1000 students The third part of teachers and students came from a different kind of school culture but with very positive expectations 12 – 14 operational groups/teams The post of a vice principal was founded by the local authority Clear instructions: a manual for operational groups/teams, a description of shared leadership etc. Members of the management group are voted by teachers A tighter connection between operational groups/teams and the management group Fewer teachers’ meetings of 70 participators, more decision making power to the management group and operational groups/teams

12 A story of the participatory leadership (4/4)
Some tasks of principals are delegated to three teachers Student representatives also in the management group Process descriptions and instructions to update them Award of the best quality practice (CAF) of the public sector in Finland in 2015 What’s next? The school has a clear structure and clear descriptions of everyone’s responsibilities The school is able to receive new challenges and changes A new principal will start in the beginning of the next school year

13 Cons / Challenges Teachers’ thoughts: they are educated to be subject teachers in classes not managers Teachers might burn out, you have to take care of their job satisfaction and well-being. Students come and go As teachers gain more knowledge, they also see more room for criticism. There may be many little bosses

14 A manual for teams Every teacher belongs to at least one team
Half of team members change every year You may stay in the same team max two years You may present three suggestions regarding your next team (the management group decides) Selections are made before the end of the school year, a new team will be ready to start at the beginning of the school year A yearly plan (a mission, objectives, description of actions, evaluation) Minimum 6 – 8 meetings during the year The management group decides which teams are needed in the next school year, usually 1 – 3 changes

15 Examples of teams Team of sustainable development
Team of well-being and safety Team of support for learning Team of international activities Team of cooperation with working life Team of staff’s well-being Team of curriculum work Team for development of leading of home room groups Team for development of using IT in classes etc.

16 To become a skilful upper secondary student (1/2)
A problem: Students at our school, especially girls, don’t believe in their possibilities and skills as learners compared to students in other schools in the area. Positive beliefs have a correlation of r = ,33 and negative beliefs r = -,26 for learning results. A proposal of a team of well-being and safety A project not only for girls but for all the first graders To become a skilful upper secondary student

17 To become a skilful upper secondary student (2/2)
Evaluation of the project at the end of the school year “The project plan was better than the activities we accomplished” A research in 2016 There are less negative beliefs in learning to learn skills than in other schools of the area. Students’ positive beliefs in their skills have decreased less than in other schools from junior secondary to upper secondary. How? Teachers thought they failed to follow the plan! All the teachers and many students took part in a process of making a project plan in teams and in subject teams. There was a lot of dialogue!

18 New findings in 2016 and 2017 (1/2) Students’ sense of community above the region’s average Only 3,4 % of students think the atmosphere should be better Students take part in the decision-making process, above the city’s average Studying the results of all upper secondary schools in the city, Vaskivuori was the only school in which the well-being of the students increased in the first two years of studying. In comparison with the Vantaa area schools, in Vaskivuori school the cognitive and reasoning skills of the students improved especially in the first two years of upper secondary school.

19 New findings in 2016 and 2017 (2/2) According to the survey of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, our teachers' sense of control over their work has improved time after time and we are now in the best 10 percent in results. teachers’ experienced work atmosphere has improved every year since 2012 teachers’ experienced social capital has improved every year since 2012.

20 Students’ board applied for a school of the year award granted by the Teachers’ National Union ( ) “In our upper secondary school you can be who you are. We have students from the greater Helsinki region, but also students from further away come to Vaskivuori just to be able to study at our school. We have had few bullying cases in our school, which shows in bullying surveys.” 1/3

21 Students’ board’s application (2/3)
“People’s satisfaction doesn’t show only in surveys. The students and the staff feel welcome at Vaskivuori because of our team spirit and open-minded atmosphere. Many students stay at school until evening doing their homework or just spending time.”

22 Students’ board’s application (3/3)
“If someone dreams about making a music video, short film or his/her own production, you can assemble a crew for it with ease. The school is filled with different kinds of people, and everyone has the chance to be who they are. We are a big family where everyone has their place.”

23 Thank You Eira Kasper

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