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Spring Test Administration Training Session for Grades 3–8

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1 Spring Test Administration Training Session for Grades 3–8
February 13–16, 2017 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

2 Presenters Dan Wiener Administrator of Inclusive Assessment
Jodie Zalk Test Administration Coordinator Scott Kelley Assessment Reporting Specialist Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

3 Today’s Agenda Review materials Updates for spring 2017 and beyond
Test administration and test security protocols Accessibility features for all students Participation requirements and accommodations Students with disabilities ELL students Data review and additional information for CBT Reporting updates Resources and support Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

4 Total number of schools
2017 Testing Mode Summary Public schools administering CBT only : 40% (565 schools) Public schools administering PBT in at least one grade/subject: 60% (840 schools) This is based on the 1,405 public schools serving students in grades 3–8, such as elementary schools, middle schools, and combined elementary/middle schools. Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Schools doing CBT 38% 93% 41% 42% 95% Schools doing PBT 62% 7% 59% 58% 5% Total number of schools 973 961 894 589 505 500 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

5 Transition to Next-Generation Tests for Grades 3–8 ELA and Math
* Paper test accommodation for students with disabilities or new ELLs See for details. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

6 2017 MCAS Test Design Next-generation ELA and Mathematics tests will be a combination of Legacy MCAS test questions Newly developed MCAS test questions PARCC test questions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

7 Grades 5 and 8 Science and Tech/Eng Transition Plan
2016–17 (PBT) 2017–18 (CBT) 2018–19 (CBT) Assesses 2001/2006 standards Assesses overlapping 2001/2006 and 2016 standards Assesses 2016 standards Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

8 Test Administration Protocols
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

9 Spring 2017 Test Administration Updates
Manuals Separate manuals for high school and grades 3–8; separate TAMs for CBT and PBT Gr. 5 and 8 Science and Tech/Eng in the PBT TAM only Scratch paper for all students for ELA and Math Student questionnaire at grades 5 and 8 After STE testing; approx. 15 minutes Accessibility features New computer-based tools available to all students with paper-based equivalents Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

10 Develop School Security Plan
Review with the superintendent: Staffing plan Training plan How to implement security requirements Considerations: Who is involved in planning? How will you evaluate its success? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

11 Plan Your School’s Schedule
Testing window and administration deadlines Testing locations and staffing plan (including administering accommodations) Daily schedule, including dismissal waves Testing times different from spring 2016 MCAS Test sessions remain untimed in 2017. CBT: Plan sessions based on heaviest load. Use CBT Device Planner: xlsx Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

12 Number of Sessions ELA Mathematics Grades 3–5: 3 sessions
Gr. 3–6: 2 non-calculator sessions Gr. 7–8: 1 non-calculator session 1 calculator session See the test schedule ( for details. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

13 Complete Other Preparations
Prepare record of test administrators and students. Check the Department’s website. Student Assessment Updates – Read the Principal’s Administration Manual (PAM). Use form (PAM Appendix E) to submit requests to test students in alternate setting if needed, including Students receiving instruction at home or hospital Students who are suspended/expelled, but still enrolled Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

14 Prepare for Administration – CBT
Complete forms. CBT internal tracking forms (sample in PAM Appendix E) Principal’s Certification of Proper Test Administration (PCPA) – Order additional TAMs if necessary. Distribute TAMs for review during training. Print student testing tickets and track them. Print Math reference sheets (grades 5–8), if students use printed reference sheets. Prepare scratch paper for distribution. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

15 Prepare for Administration – PBT
Complete forms. PBT internal tracking forms (sample in PAM Appendix E) Materials Summary Principal’s Certification of Proper Test Administration (PCPA) – Order additional materials if necessary. Distribute TAMs for review during training. Can affix Student ID Labels to answer booklets. Labels based on Oct. SIMS as well as SR/PNP updates Prepare scratch paper for distribution. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

16 Preparing Students Students can ask for help from a test administrator to locate a tool or navigate to a test question, as requested by student New accessibility feature: students may ask test administrator to read aloud selected words (Math and STE only). For CBT, familiarize students with student testing platform (“TestNav”) Student tutorial Practice tests Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

17 Student Tutorial Shows how to … Recommended time: 20–30 minutes
navigate through the student testing platform use different onscreen tools and accessibility features use CBT accommodations enter seal codes at the beginning of a session review responses before submitting a test Recommended time: 20–30 minutes Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

18 Different Ways to Access the Practice Tests
Item Description CBT web-based practice tests tutorial/ Easy to share with parents/guardians Mimics TestNav student testing platform without needing to download the application CBT practice tests accessed via the TestNav app technology-setup/ Download the TestNav8 application, choose Massachusetts customer list, and select the Practice Tests link on the sign in screen. More closely reflects the actual student testing experience Access via the TestNav application PBT practice tests New question types for PBT practice tests CBT practice tests in the infrastructure trial Purpose is to evaluate technology and test administration staff preparedness, and to allow students to use the secure testing environment. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

19 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

20 Updates on Materials for Testing
Dictionaries not allowed for grades 3–8 ELA Grade-specific calculators used for Mathematics: Grade 7 Mathematics Session 2 only: a five-function calculator (i.e., a four-function calculator with a square root key) Grade 8 Mathematics Session 2 only: a scientific calculator Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

21 Materials Needed for Testing – CBT
Required materials Computer for each student Computer for test administrator Scratch paper Pen/pencil for scratch paper Testing tickets Seal codes CBT-embedded materials Rulers Reference sheets* Calculators* Notepad for ELA Highlighter and other tools * Ok to print/give out Note: Headphones only for use with Text-to-Speech edition. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

22 Student Testing Tickets – CBT
1 student testing ticket per subject area test Can print 1, 4, or 8 per page Recommend writing testing device ID on students’ tickets One line for the device ID Can write different device IDs for different sessions on the same line (one after the next) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

23 Sample Student Testing Ticket
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

24 During Test Administration
Monitor and coordinate test administration. Distribute and collect materials using tracking forms. Securely store materials between sessions and after each day of testing. Remind test administrators to read scripts verbatim. Keep a log of test administrators and students. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

25 Scratch Paper for ELA and Math
Test administrators provide 1 sheet to students Students may have more if they need – up to two pages at a time. If a student needs more, he or she will need to turn in used scratch paper. Paper can be reused if there is no student writing on it. Can be lined, unlined, graph paper Tracing paper can also be used. Must be tracked during administration Must be securely destroyed after testing Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

26 Prepare Materials for School Files
Retain your school’s test administration files for three years. These materials may be requested in the event of an investigation. Lists of materials to retain available in PAM Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

27 Prepare the Scorable Shipment – PBT
Assign an answer booklet for students who participated in ANY part of testing students who were absent with medical documentation Do not assign a booklet for first-year ELLs who do not participate in ELA (testing is optional). Transcribe responses if necessary for certain accommodations damaged/defective booklets Prepare envelopes Return, Special Handling, Void Packing diagrams and instructions in PAM Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

28 Before Packing – PBT Confirm there are no secure materials left behind. Students’ used answer booklets Test booklets Each day after testing, verify that all materials have been returned to you. Two independent counts of test materials recommended Double-check central storage area. In the bottom of a bin In between file folders Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

29 Next Steps after Testing
Complete forms: Materials Summary (PBT) No need to complete the Materials Summary after testing for CBT. (Simply retain in school files.) PCPA (CBT and PBT) Signature must match the name of the principal in School/District Profiles ( Retain certain materials for school files. Recycle certain materials. Document that used scratch paper has been securely destroyed. Update SIMS and the SR/PNP if necessary More later in this presentation Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

30 Options for Returning Materials – PBT
 Complete Early Shipment Early pickup of all scorable and nonscorable materials  Partial Early Shipment Early pickup of used answer booklets for students who were tested by certain dates AND Pickup of remaining scorable and nonscorable materials by deadline  Regular Shipment Pickup of all scorable and nonscorable materials as soon as testing has been completed (by deadline) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

31 Schedule Your School’s Pickup (PBT Regular Return Shipment)
Two methods: Schedule online at One day prior, and by 3:00 p.m. OR Give cartons to your regular UPS driver. Call to inform the MCAS Service Center ( ). Call the Service Center to cancel early pickup if using regular return. Do not take materials to UPS or remove from building. Do not leave materials unattended. Use correct UPS labels. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

32 Test Security Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

33 Most Common Security Issues from Spring 2016 Grades 3–8 Tests
Improper read-aloud use Cell phone use Improper use of text-to-speech Going forward or back to another session Copying/cheating Improper use of calculator/dictionary Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

34 Importance of Leadership
Superintendents must review their principals’ test security plans. Superintendent’s Assurance of Proper Test Administration (optional form in PAM Appendix E) Principals must maintain the security of the testing environment and test materials. PCPA certification statements shown in PAM Appendix E Train test administrators and others, and ensure they comply with requirements. Meet with students. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

35 A Secure Testing Environment
Plan for appropriate testing spaces students who may need more time lunch, restrooms Cover/remove prohibited classroom displays No unauthorized visitors Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

36 Security Requirements for Materials
Store all test materials in a central location each day. Locked when tests are not being administered Restricted access Maintain chain of custody of materials during test administration. Do not remove materials from school. Do not leave materials unattended. Materials must be returned to the central secure storage area and signed in each day. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

37 What is considered “secure?”
Test questions not publicly released by the ESE Student responses to test questions PBT Test booklets Answer booklets that contain student work CBT Content on-screen Student testing tickets Seal codes Used scratch paper after ELA and Mathematics testing Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

38 Secure Test Setting for CBT
Seat students at least two seats away from each other or in every other row. Seat students back-to-back. Arrange monitors back-to-back. Seat students in a wide semi-circle with all the students facing into the center of the circle. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

39 Arranging Monitors Back-to-Back
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

40 Seating Students in a Semicircle (Best for Laptops)
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

41 Other Option to Maintain Security: Physical Barriers
Tri-fold display boards around testing devices Cardboard or heavy cardstock placed on desks or taped to the sides of monitors to create a barrier Partitions between students sitting at the same table Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

42 Example of Using Partitions
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

43 Confidentiality of Secure Test Content
Do NOT … Review test booklets or answer booklets before, during, or after testing OR secure test content on-screen for CBT exceptions for certain accommodations Provide students access to tests before testing Photocopy or otherwise duplicate materials Technology staff cannot take pictures of computer screens. Retain, recycle, remove, or destroy test materials Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

44 Train Test Administrators and Others
All individuals involved in test administration must participate in training (topics listed in Part III, section M of the PAM). Including technology staff for CBT Forms requiring signoff by test administrators (PAM Appendix E) Participated in training and received their TAMs Signed a nondisclosure agreement if providing certain accommodations Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

45 Planning for Required and Prohibited Materials
Principals must develop procedures so that students receive required materials, and do not access prohibited materials. Principals must inform: Test administrators which script to read regarding cell phones (the one provided/recommended, or a school-specific one) how they will actively monitor the room how to handle a situation if a student is found with a prohibited item Students Parents/guardians Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

46 Test Administrator Responsibilities
Follow directions in TAMs and read scripts verbatim. Supervise students at all times to prevent cheating. Prevent use of prohibited materials. Focus full attention on the testing room. Do not coach students or alter responses. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

47 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

48 What is permissible for test administrators to help students with technology during testing?
Examples of allowable assistance, after a student tries but cannot figure out how to use interface: Logging students in Pointing to a tool button (e.g., the calculator or answer eliminator button) Helping a student use the drag-and-drop feature Showing how to move through the test using arrow keys Helping a student submit his or her test Example of prohibited assistance: Telling a student to use the calculator or a specific tool on a particular question Telling a student the correct answer when using the drag-and-drop feature Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

49 Test Security Requirements for Students
During testing, students must NOT … preview test materials copy others’ work or communicate with other students ask for or accept any coaching let someone else answer for them work in a different test session use materials that are prohibited during testing See PAM Appendix E for a sample form to document students’ understanding of requirements (grades 6–8). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

50 Results will be invalidated for students who use cell phones or other electronic devices at any time during a session, including after a student turns in his or her test materials, during a break, or during the transition to a test completion area. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

51 Please contact the Department at 781-338-3625 IMMEDIATELY to report testing irregularities.
See Part I of the PAM for more information about test security requirements as well as information on reporting testing irregularities. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

52 Suggestions for Maintaining Security
Plan for end of session (e.g., dismissal waves). Use seating charts. Have an empty seat between students. Whenever possible, Assign test administrators for classes other than their own. OR Have two test administrators in each room. Suggestions from schools posted at samples/default.html Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

53 Questions & Answers Short Break
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

54 Accessibility Features for All Students
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

55 Accessibility Updates for Grades 38
Accessibility and Accommodations Manual for the Spring 2017 MCAS Grades 3–8 Tests Updated Jan at PAM Appendix B: Procedures for Testing Students with Disabilities Some previous MCAS accommodations are now called: Universal Accessibility Features available to all students on computer- and paper-based tests Designated Accessibility Features can be given to any student at the discretion of the principal “Nonstandard” accommodations are now called Special Access accommodations. Expanded list of accommodations for ELL students Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

56 Universal Accessibility Features for all students
Computer Paper Alternative background and font color (PNP) Colored overlays Screen magnification/ Zoom tool Magnification device Line reader tool Tracking device/straight edge Answer eliminator Use pencil in test booklet to eliminate answer choices Answer masking (PNP) Masking using blank card Item flag/bookmark Place marker Highlighter Audio aids Test administrator reads aloud (or signs) selected word(s) on Math or STE, as requested Test administrator repeats/clarifies test directions Test administrator redirects student’s attention to test Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

57 Alternative background/font color
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

58 Line Reader Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

59 Answer Eliminator Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

60 Computer- and Paper-based Tests
Designated Accessibility Features for any student, at principal’s discretion Computer- and Paper-based Tests Small group test administration (up to 10 students) Individual (one-to-one) test administration Frequent supervised breaks Test in a separate location Familiar test administrator Seating in a specified area of room, including study carrel Adaptive or specialized furniture or lighting Noise buffer/noise-cancelling earmuffs/headphones (no music) Student reads test aloud to self Specific time of day “Stop Testing” policy: If student is not responding to test questions after 1520 minutes, test administrator may ask if student is finished. If so, collect the student’s test materials Student may sit quietly or be excused. 60 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

61 Participation of Students with Disabilities
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

62 Assigning MCAS Accommodations
Test accommodations should be based on those used for instruction Student must be familiar with accommodation before testing begins Periodically evaluate effectiveness of accommodations. IEP or 504 plan must specify which accommodations will be used for testing. Include a description of the accommodation, not just the accommodation number. IEP must be signed by parent/guardian before accommodations may be provided. Notification of parents is required for 504 plans. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

63 Documenting Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Document selected accommodations in each student’s SR/PNP for both paper- and computer-based tests. The purpose of the SR/PNP is to: enroll students in both computer- and paper-based testing order special test forms collect and update information on which accommodations were actually used. (Update SR/PNP if accommodation was added or not used by student.) Provide a summary report of accommodations for school/district use. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

64 Special (Accommodated) Test Forms
CBT: The following are available as accommodations for grades 38 and must be requested ahead of time in student’s Personal Needs Profile (PNP): Text-to-speech, digital read-aloud requiring headphones/earbuds Screen reader, for a student who is blind or visually impaired; used in conjunction with a hard-copy Braille test PBT: The following are available as accommodations for grades 38 and must be requested between March 2030 as an additional order (if not already requested in PNP): Large print Kurzweil-3000 (ONLY for grades 5 and 8 STE) Braille Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

65 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Test Presentation Accommodations Computer-Based Paper-Based Paper test, if unable to use computer (PNP) N/A Large print test (PNP) Screen reader for student who is blind (PNP) Braille test (PNP) Text-to-speech for Math, or Human read-aloud for Math and/or STE (PNP) Human read-aloud for Math or STE (PNP); or Kurzweil for STE (PNP) Human signer for Math, STE, or test questions only for ELA (PNP) Test administrator helps student track test items Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

66 Text-to-Speech Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

67 Text-to-Speech (Continued…)
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

68 Text-to-Speech (Continued…)
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

69 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (Continued)
Response Accommodations Computer-Based Paper-Based ELA graphic organizer or Math/STE reference sheet (only those developed by ESE, available at Human scribe or external speech-to-text device for Math/STE (Note: 504 plan needed for fractured writing arm) (PNP) N/A Answers recorded in test booklet Typed responses (PNP) (No transcription necessary) Monitor placement of test responses Responses recorded (audio or video), then transcribed by student during playback Braille writer, note-taker, or refreshable Braille display Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

70 “Special Access” Accommodations (formerly called Nonstandard)
May only be provided if student: is “virtually unable” to decode, calculate, write, or spell (at beginning level of learning the skill); AND receives ongoing intervention to teach the skill. May not be provided if student is simply performing “below grade level.” Score may be invalidated if ineligible student receives a special access accommodation. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

71 Special Access Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Computer- and Paper-based Tests Text-to-speech/Human reader for ELA (PNP) Signing the ELA reading passages (PNP) Scribe responses (or speech-to-text device) for ELA (PNP) Calculator or mathematics manipulatives on non-calculator session of Math (PNP) Spell-checker for ELA (PNP) Word prediction for ELA (PNP) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

72 Assistive Technology (AT)
Students may use assistive technology (AT) if listed in their IEP or 504 plan and approved by ESE; for example: Word prediction, speech-to-text Adaptive keyboard, mouse, monitor NOTE: Text-to-speech is only available in TestNav version. Assistive technology categories: AT available in TestNav; e.g., answer masking Compatible AT that interacts directly with TestNav on same computer List is available in PAN and at External technology that does not interact with TestNav Requires a second computer station May require test administrator to assist in transferring responses to test. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

73 Examples of Testing Irregularities due to Prohibited Materials
Using an English-language dictionary or thesaurus on any grade 38 test Using a bilingual word-to-word dictionary is allowed for ELLs/former ELLs. Using an unapproved individualized math reference sheet or graphic organizer Use ONLY these organizers/reference sheets: Using a calculation device on non-calculator sessions of Mathematics test, unless listed in an IEP/504 plan. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

74 Prohibitions for Test Accommodations
Test administrators may not… Provide accommodations not listed in a student’s IEP or 504 plan Accessibility and Accommodations Manual, or Appendix B of the PAM, without Department approval Provide a different grade-level test Alter, photocopy, or scan a test booklet Coach a student (e.g., “Write more” or “Go back and review”) or provide clues/assistance Cannot define words, explain or paraphrase questions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

75 If a Student Refuses an Accommodation
Document refusal in writing in the student’s file. Sample refusal form — Appendix C of the Accessibility and Accommodations Manual and PAM Appendix E Continue to make accommodation available for remainder of test administration. Uncheck box in PNP on “Manage Student Test” screen, if accommodation was not used. Notify parent/guardian. Amend IEP/504 plan for future testing. Consider listing accommodation in the IEP/504 plan “as requested by student,” or remove it. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

76 Participation of ELL Students
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

77 MCAS Participation by ELL Students
ELLs are required to participate in MCAS or MCAS-Alt in all subjects required for students in their grade. Exception: First-year ELLs have option to participate in ELA testing for diagnostic purposes, but are not required. If considered EL, foreign exchange students (coded #11 in SIMS) are required to participate in tests scheduled for their grade. Accessibility and Accommodations Manual for the Spring MCAS Grades 3–8 Tests PAM Appendix A: Procedures for Testing ELL Students Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

78 Accommodations for ELLs (EL)
ELL Accommodations Paper-based test (PNP) (only for a first-year ELL who is unfamiliar with technology) Approved Bilingual Word-to-Word Dictionary or Glossary for ELLs/former ELLs Text-to-speech/human reader for Math and STE (in English) (PNP) Scribe for Math and STE (PNP) Grade 10 English/Spanish Mathematics Test or Retest, if enrolled fewer than 3 years (PNP) Read aloud/repeat/clarify test directions in student’s native language, if native language speaker is available Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

79 Designated Accessibility Features Particularly Helpful for ELLs
Principal May Assign Separate Testing Spaces, Smaller Group Size, or Familiar Test Administrator Staffing and test security requirements must be maintained. “Stop Testing” Policy If an ELL student does not seem to be responding to test questions, the test administrator may ask if the student is finished. If so, collect test materials. The student may do homework, read a book, sit quietly, or be dismissed from test session. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

80 Documenting MCAS Accommodations for ELL Students
Selected accommodations for ELLs must be documented in the SR/PNP. In addition, MCAS accommodations for ELLs should be documented in writing and kept on file at school. Sample form in Appendix B of the Accessibility and Accommodations Manual at ELLs with disabilities must also receive test accommodations, per their IEP/504 plan. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

81 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0— English Proficiency Test
Assesses Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening skills in English for any student reported in SIMS as ELL First-year ELLs must participate in ACCESS testing to be considered an ELA test participant. Results will be reported on or about May 31. Transitioning to all online testing by 2019, like MCAS. Paper test will be offered as an accommodation for ELLs with disabilities. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

82 Questions & Answers Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

83 Review Data Before Testing
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

84 Review Data for March SIMS
Next SIMS window is March 123. Review your school’s SIMS data for students enrolled in your school (contact your district SIMS coordinator) Students’ names are correct and newly enrolled students are included Demographic information ELL or former ELL, IEP, and 504 status First-year ELL status now reported in SIMS (not answer booklets). Grade levels Students will be reported as absent if enrolled, but not tested. Update SIMS with any changes you make to student data in the SR/PNP. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

85 Update SR/PNP as Needed
The Department preloaded grades 3–8 student information into PearsonAccessnext (PAN) as follows: Grades 3–8 students enrolled as of October 1, 2016 Grades 4–8 accommodations from spring 2016 MCAS or PARCC ELA, Math, and STE SR/PNP window for PBT and CBT: January 23–February 10 During SR/PNP window: add new students to PAN. PBT: receive labels; CBT: add students to sessions After SR/PNP window closes: update new or different accommodations in PAN. PBT: place additional orders (labels not produced); CBT: add students to sessions PBT and CBT: Remove registration in PAN for students who transfer out. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

86 Two Ways to Update SR/PNP
Option 1: Export student registration file from PAN. Best for adding/removing a large number of students (i.e., schools with high student mobility) One row for each student test (ELA, Math, STE) Prepare and save a file of students who transferred out since Oct. 1. Prepare and save a separate file of new students who will participate; enter selected accommodations to be added to PAN. Import file(s) into PAN. Option 2: Within the PAN Interface Best for adding/removing a small number of students (i.e., most schools) Add new students who enrolled after Oct. 1. Add or update accommodations for students. Remove registration for students who transferred out since Oct. 1. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

87 Remove Student Registrations
Find students by using selection filters at Setup>Students Select “Register Students” task. Deselect “Registered” checkbox. Note: It is not necessary to unenroll, delete, or remove ELA/Math/STE tests, or delete students from your organization. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

88 Verify Students’ PNP Use the PNP Report to view accommodations and accessibility features. Go to Reports>Operational Reports and select “Students & Registrations.” Select “Download” to access your most recent report, or “Request Report Refresh” for a new report. Filter by organization, test, accommodation/ accessibility feature, or select ALL. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

89 Infrastructure Trial

90 Introduction Purpose of an Infrastructure Trial: An opportunity for districts, schools, and students to prepare for the computer-based tests by simulating test-day network utilization It will provide final confirmation that: TestNav is configured correctly Devices can successfully run TestNav Networks will bear the full load Participating staff know what to do for computer-based testing Who should participate: test coordinators, technology coordinators, test administrators, students

91 Infrastructure Trial: Logistics
When to conduct an Infrastructure Trial? As soon as sample test content is available (now) Conduct the trial on your busiest anticipated test day, during the potentially busiest time of day. Where and when should students be tested for the Infrastructure Trial? Homeroom, computer lab, small group Identify locations for students needing accommodations. After testing: Debrief with your team to identify and resolve any potential issues. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

92 Infrastructure Trial: Technology Coordinator Tasks
Configure internet firewalls, filters, and testing devices. Install proctor caching software on precaching computer(s); set up TestNav configuration in PAN. Install TestNav on student testing devices. Precache test content. Test your work by logging onto a sample test. Monitor system performance during the trial. Create a log of any issues for resolution. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

93 Infrastructure Trial: Test Coordinator Tasks
Work in PAN Training Site: Create test administrator accounts (and others, as needed) in PAN (resources available at Generate sample students for each tested grade/subject. Create sample test sessions; add students to sessions; prepare and start sessions. Facilitate test administrator tasks: View seal codes; print student testing tickets Prepare, start, and unlock test sessions Manage student testing in active sessions Resume and mark students complete, as necessary Stop sessions Save a step: export PAN users from the Training Site to import into the Operational Site. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

94 Generate Sample Students
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

95 Create Sample Test Sessions
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

96 Prepare and Start Test Sessions
In Testing>Sessions, find, select, and “Go to Students in Sessions” OR “Show Students in Sessions.” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

97 Prepare and Start Test Sessions (cont’d.)
In Testing>Students in Sessions, select, prepare, and start the session. Under Resources, view Seal Codes and Print All/Selected. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

98 Administer Operational Computer-Based Tests

99 Tasks to Administer an Operational CBT Session
Create Sessions Prepare Sessions Start Sessions Administer and Manage Active Student Tests in Sessions Stop Sessions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

100 What is a CBT Session? A virtual group of students who will take the same grade and subject test in the same testing location The Department did not create sessions for schools. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

101 Two Ways to Create CBT Sessions
Option 2 Manually Create Sessions (for smaller schools): Log onto PAN Interface, select Spring 2017 MCAS Gr. 3-8 Admin. Go to Testing>Sessions. Create/Edit Sessions task. Click Start. Add “Session Name” using a consistent naming convention. Select grade/subject test. Select Precaching Computer (if available). Add students; then Click Create. Repeat above steps for more sessions. Option 1 Auto-Create Sessions (for medium-to-large schools): Export Student Registration file from PAN. Save as .CSV with new file name. One row for each student test (ELA, Math, STE) For ELA and Math only, populate column M, “Session Name” using a consistent naming convention. OK to leave unchanged records (STE or PBT) in the file. Import Student Registration file into PAN. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

102 Auto-Create Sessions: Step 1 Export Student Registration File
Setup>Import/Export Data>Import/Export Data task Select file type Student Registration Export Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

103 Auto-Create Sessions: Step 2 Prepare the CSV file
Develop a unique, consistent, easy to understand session naming convention that includes: Test Administrator Name Subject/Grade/Location/Time of Day Open Student Registration CSV file in Excel (or other file editor) Sort by Test Code, student name, to facilitate editing Scroll to and populate Column M “sessionname” for each student’s test (one for ELA; one for Mathematics) Populate small group sessions, as needed, including Human Read Aloud or Human Signer*. You may leave unchanged records in the file (PBT, STE). Save the CSV file. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

104 Auto-Create Sessions: Step 3 Import the CSV file
Setup>Import/Export Data>Import/Export Data task Select file type Student Registration Import Browse to and import the .CSV file with updated sessionname. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

105 Designate Human Reader/Human Signer Sessions in PAN: Step 4a
Go to Testing>Sessions and use the Search box to find Human Reader/Human Signer session(s). Select Create/Edit Sessions task, click Start. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

106 Designate Human Reader/Human Signer Sessions in PAN: Step 4b
On Create/Edit Sessions screen, select Proctor Reads Aloud checkbox. Verify Test Form Group Type: Human Reader or Human Signer. Click Save. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

107 Auto-Create Sessions: Step 5 Check Your Work
Reports>Operational Reports>Online Testing Select Session Roster Filter by individual test or show all tests Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

108 Prepare for Test Administration: Distribute Session Rosters
To generate a list of all sessions in school: Reports>Operational Reports Online Testing>Session List To generate a student-level session roster: Online Testing>Session Roster Test Administrators can generate their own Session Student Roster when getting seal codes and test tickets in the Students in Sessions screen. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

109 Prepare for Test Administration: Locate Seal Codes and Student Testing Tickets
Go to: Testing>Sessions Search for session name, or “Show all results.” Click box next to Session name and select either: Go to Students in Sessions (at top); or Show Students in Sessions & Control Sessions (in task area). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

110 Prepare for Test Administration: View Seal Codes, Print Student Testing Tickets
On Students in Sessions screen: Select Session Name from Session List on left. Select Resources dropdown. Click “Print all” or “selected for this session.” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

111 Ready to Start Testing: Unlock the Test Session
Find and select session name from Students in Sessions If session is not started, click Start Session Slide the padlock to the unlocked position Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

112 Monitor Student Testing Progress
Find and select session name from the Session List on Students in Sessions screen Monitor testing progress on Student Test Status column After each unit, and after any interruptions in connectivity, students must be Resumed from the Exited status. Resume Upload, and Mark Tests Complete, as necessary. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

113 Reporting Updates

114 General Reporting Timeline * all dates are tentative
Grades 3–8 Partial preliminary results in June (machine scored only) Full preliminary results in late August (discrepancy reporting) Grade 10 Partial preliminary results in June Full results for ELA; Multiple-choice for Mathematics Full preliminary results in mid-August (discrepancy reporting) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

115 General Reporting Timeline cont’d * all dates are tentative
All Grades Series of reporting conference calls beginning in June Calls will be focused on specific topics. Official results in late September/early October Single official release: grade 10 official release may be delayed due to standard setting for grades 3–8. Parent/Guardian Reports in early October Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

116 Resources and Support

117 MCAS website
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

118 MCAS Resource Center
Training modules: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

119 “Office Hours” Conference Calls
April :00–11:30 a.m. Topics related to beginning of testing April :00–11:30 a.m. Topics related to end-of-administration tasks Short presentations Opportunity to ask questions and hear experiences from other schools and districts Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

120 Support For logistics questions MCAS Service Center
For policy questions ESE Student Assessment Services Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

121 Questions & Answers Evaluation Forms Conference call sessions: Please fax your form to Face-to-face sessions: Please leave your form at the registration desk. Thank you for participating.

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