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UNIVERSITY OF BIHAĆ Faculty of Technical Engineering

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1 UNIVERSITY OF BIHAĆ Faculty of Technical Engineering

2 University of Bihac was founded in 1997 to economically and culturally develop region of Una-Sana and to give opportunity to provide further education. High schools were already in the 70s in Bihać established for machinery, textiles and economy, and they were part of the University of Banja Luka and then after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 90 years a part of the University in Sarajevo. The students of the University of Bihać come mostly from the Una-Sana Canton, located in the northwest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where cca. 300,000 people live.


4 The University of Bihać has adapted its degree programs according to the Bologna reform.
The University of Bihać has cca. 6,000 students and about 400 employees in the learning process at various Bachelor and Master degree programs. Since we have introduced reforms in 2005, we will introduce this year doctoral degree programs. The University of Bihać has 6 faculties and one High School.

5 Faculty of Technical Engineering
Faculty of Economics Faculty of Education Faculty of Law

6 Faculty of Biotechnology
Faculty of Islamic Studies High medical school

7 Faculty of Technical Engineering Bihac
Faculty of Technical Engineering is the oldest faculty in Bihac It was founded in 1970 as a High school for Mechanical Engineering and in the first semester it had 153 students. Now we have about students at 5 Bachelor and Master degree programms.

8 Department for Mechanical engineering
Department for Wood Technologies Department for Electrical Engineering Department for Civil Engineering Department for Textile Engineering

9 Faculty Interior Laboratory for CNC

10 Laboratory for Hydroforming
Laboratory for Robotics

11 Computer center Laboratory for material testing

12 Laboratory for Rapid Prototyping
Laboratory for testing of construction materials

13 Laboratory for Textile
Laboratory for Physics

14 Library and reading room
Student Info Service

15 Faculty of Technical Engineering participates in various projects supported by Tempus, Mercator Switzerland, WUS, IPA. Faculty of Technical Engineering organizes each two years a scientific conference „Development and modernisation of Production“ The last one took part in Dubrovnik with nearly 200 participants and almost 120 papers and presentations.

16 Bihać

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