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Presentation on theme: "YOUR HDHP Plan With HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT"— Presentation transcript:

Furman University YOUR HDHP Plan With HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT Plan year: 2017 Offered by: Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company or Connecticut General Life Insurance Company. a

2 Your health plan plus a health savings account HDHP Plan with Health Savings Account (HSA)
+ Health Savings Account = Tax- advantaged HSA plan Medical plan Combines a medical plan with a health savings account Provides coverage for current health care expenses with the option to save for future expenses In-network preventive care is covered by the plan at 100%* You own the account and you, your employer or both can contribute Contributions are generally not taxable** You have investment options A tax-advantaged health savings account provides coverage for current health care expenses with the option to save for future health care expenses Combines a qualified health plan (medical/pharmacy coverage) with a HSA You, your employer, or both, can contribute to the HAS, which is owned by you Money put in the HSA is generally not taxable* You have investment options with the HSA * Some preventive services may not be covered under your plan. For example, immunizations for travel are generally not covered. Other non-covered preventive services/supplies may include any service or device that is not medically necessary or services/supplies that are unproven (experimental or investigational). See your plan materials for a complete list of covered preventive care services. **HSA contributions and earnings are not subject to federal taxes and not subject to state taxes in most states. A few states do not allow pretax treatment of contributions or earnings. Please consult your personal tax advisor or contact your plan administrator for information about your state. Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

3 Your HDHP with HSA plan details
Health plan: Open Access Plus (OAP)* 802,700 doctors/specialist 15,200 facilities Deductibles: $2,600 individual $7,800 family Preventive care**: Covered at 100% (in-network) Pharmacy – after deductible *** 20% generic 20% preferred brand 20% non-preferred brand *Network size based on Cigna directory data as of October 2014 and is subject to change. **Some preventive services may not be covered under your plan. For example, immunizations for travel are generally not covered. Other non-covered preventive services/supplies may include any service or device that is not medically necessary or services/supplies that are unproven (experimental or investigational). See your enrollment materials for details. ** *Health benefit plans vary, but in general to be eligible for coverage a drug must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), prescribed by a health care professional, purchased from a licensed pharmacy and medically necessary. If your plan provides coverage for certain prescription drugs with no cost-share, you may be required to use an in-network pharmacy to fill the prescription. If you use a pharmacy that does not participate in your plan’s network, your prescription may not be covered, or reimbursement may be limited by your plan’s copayment, coinsurance or deductible requirements. See your enrollment materials for details. Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

4 Are you eligible to participate?
Because HSA plans have certain tax advantages, the IRS defines specific rules for participation. To be eligible, you: Must be enrolled in an IRS-qualified high-deductible medical plan (high-deductible medical plans offered with Cigna Choice Fund® HSA meet IRS requirements) by the first of the month If your health plan effective date is after the first of the month, your HSA will be established on the first of the following month Cannot have any other health coverage which is not also a qualified high-deductible plan: Cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return Must not be enrolled in Medicare (A, B or D) or TRICARE Must not be covered by a Full Purpose Flexible Spending Account (FSA), including a spouse’s full purpose FSA Because HSA plans have certain tax advantages, the IRS defines specific rules for participation. To be eligible, you: Must be enrolled in an IRS-qualified high-deductible medical plan (high-deductible medical plans offered with Cigna Choice Fund® HSA meet IRS requirements) Cannot have any other health coverage which is not also a qualified high-deductible plan: Not covered by spouse’s medical or pharmacy plan (unless it meets the IRS definition of a qualified high-deductible plan) Not covered through Medicare Part A, B and D or TRICARE Not covered through a general-purpose Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plan (either employer’s or spouse’s) Cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

5 Your HSA maximum contribution
The IRS has set the following limits for 2017: Under age 55 and not enrolled in Medicare (based on a 12-month period): Up to $3,400 individual coverage* Up to $6,750 family coverage* Age 55 or older: Maximum contribution increases by $1,000 (considered a “catch-up” contribution) Up to $4,400 individual coverage* Up to $7,750 family coverage* To make the maximum contribution in a calendar year, you must: Meet all requirements to be eligible for HSA contributions on January 1 Remain qualified through December 1 If these criteria are not met, maximum contribution is prorated = if 1/12 maximum contribution for each month then the individual is qualified *Contributions to your HSA that you receive from your employer and incentives count toward your maximum. Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

6 YOUR HDHP with HSA PLAN Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

7 HDHP with HSA for an individual
DELIVERING VALUE. EVERY DAY. HDHP with HSA for an individual HSA PLAN $250 from Furman 80% PLAN + + 100% YOU YOU $2,350 20% $2,600 $6,550* ALL EXPENSES OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUM DEDUCTIBLE Contributions (from you or your employer) can be used to pay for qualified health expenses or saved to pay for future health expenses. IN-NETWORK IN-NETWORK PREVENTIVE CARE IS COVERED BY THE PLAN AT [100%] *Includes deductible. Your out-of-pocket costs may exceed the amount shown if you choose to receive care out-of-network. All plans have exclusions and limitations. For costs and details of coverage, see your enrollment materials. Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

8 HDHP with HSA for a family
DELIVERING VALUE. EVERY DAY. HDHP with HSA for a family HSA PLAN $500 from Furman 80% PLAN + + 100% YOU YOU $7,300 20% $7,800 $13,100* ALL EXPENSES OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUM DEDUCTIBLE IN-NETWORK IN-NETWORK PREVENTIVE CARE IS COVERED BY THE PLAN AT [100%] *Includes deductible. Your out-of-pocket costs may exceed the amount shown if you choose to receive care out-of-network. All plans have exclusions and limitations. For costs and details of coverage, see your enrollment materials. Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

9 Planning for your medical costs
MEDICAL PLANS Planning for your medical costs Plus Basic HDHP with HSA Single Family Payroll deduction $1,692 $6,144 $912 $3,156 $480 $1,920 Deductible $800 In-network $2,400 Out-of-network $7,200 $1,500 $4,500 $13,500 $2,600 $7,800 Out-of-network 7,800 $23,400 Out-of-network Out-of-pocket maximum* $4,000 8,000 Out-of-network $8,000 $16,000 Out-of-network $6,000 $18,000 Out-of-network $12,000 $36,000 Out-of-network $6,550 $19,650 Out-of-network $13,100 $39,300 HSA contribution from employer N/A $250 $500 Lifetime maximum Unlimited If you choose to receive care outside of your plan’s network, only covered expenses will be applied to your deductible – subject to your plan’s Maximum Reimbursable Charge provisions. See your enrollment materials for more information about costs and details about covered and non-covered services, including plan exclusions and limitations. * This is the most a family (employees plus covered family members) will pay for in-network out-of-pocket expenses. It’s important to note that each individual family member’s out-of-pocket costs are capped at $7,150 for 2017 health plans. To see examples of how this works, please visit: > Reform Topics Overview > Cost Sharing Limits, or Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

10 Planning for your medical costs
MEDICAL PLANS Planning for your medical costs HDHP with HSA Single Family Payroll deduction $480 $1,920 Deductible $2,600 In-network $7,800 Out-of-network $23,400 Out-of-pocket maximum* $6,550 $19,650 $13,100 $39,300 HSA contribution from employer $250 $500 Lifetime maximum Unlimited If you choose to receive care outside of your plan’s network, only covered expenses will be applied to your deductible – subject to your plan’s Maximum Reimbursable Charge provisions. See your enrollment materials for more information about costs and details about covered and non-covered services, including plan exclusions and limitations. * This is the most a family (employees plus covered family members) will pay for in-network out-of-pocket expenses. It’s important to note that each individual family member’s out-of-pocket costs are capped at $7,150 for 2017 health plans. To see examples of how this works, please visit: > Reform Topics Overview > Cost Sharing Limits, or ` Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

11 YOUR PHARMACY PLAN Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

12 Planning for your prescription costs
MEDICAL PLANS Planning for your prescription costs Plus Basic HDHP with HSA In-network Retail (30-day supply) Retail/Home delivery (90-day supply) Retail (30-day supply) Generic You pay $5 preventive You Pay 30% up to $10 You Pay $10 preventive You Pay 30% up to $25 You pay 30% up to $10 You pay 30% up to $25 You pay 20% after deductible Cigna-preferred brand You pay 50% up to $100 You pay 50% up to $250 Non-preferred brand You pay 50% up to $500 Self-injectable medications You pay 50% up to $250 – limited to 30 days You pay 50% after deductible up to $250 You pay 50% after deductible up to $250 – limited to 30 days Out-of-network Not Covered . Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

13 Planning for your prescription costs
MEDICAL PLANS Planning for your prescription costs HDHP with HSA In-network Retail (30-day supply) Retail/Home delivery (90-day supply) Generic You pay 20% after deductible Cigna-preferred brand Non-preferred brand Self-injectable medications You pay 50% after deductible up to $250 You pay 50% after deductible up to $250 – limited to 30 days Out-of-network Not Covered Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

14 HOW TO USE YOUR PLAN Delivering value every day
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15 Opening your account at HSA Bank
Then, we’ll forward your eligibility information to HSA Bank If your HSA health plan effective date is after the first of the month, your HSA will be established on the first of the following month HSA Bank assigns you an account number and performs a Customer Identification Process (CIP) Once your account is opened, you will be sent a Welcome Brochure and debit card(s) If you choose to enroll in the HSA plan offered by your employer, a bank account will automatically be opened for you at HSA Bank Your employer will prepare an eligibility file and submit it to Cigna Reminders on enrollment process Your eligibility record must contain: Your name Social Security Number Date of Birth Residential Address (a PO Box cannot be accepted) Eligibility records that are incomplete will not be processed. HSA Bank places accounts in open status and will post contributions even if you have not passed CIP. If you do not provide required information within 60 days, HSA Bank will close your account and returns the funds to you. Employer makes HDHP/HSA option available during benefit enrollment and notifies employees that if elected, a bank account will be opened at HSA Bank. Notes under Reminders: Eligibility records that are incomplete will not be processed. Bank Enrollment Status Report on CignaAccess will reflect status of all records submitted to HSA Bank so eligibility can be corrected Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

16 The medical claims process
DELIVERING VALUE. EVERY DAY. The medical claims process If you opt to have your claims displayed on the HSA Bank site, you can elect to have all or some of your claims paid directly from your HSA. You visit in-network doctor/hospital/ facility Cigna receives and processes the claim Cigna sends an explanation of benefits or EOB as your receipt You can log in to to build an on-demand health statement. If not, you have the option to pay the doctor bill using your HSA or pay out of pocket. Sick visit to an in-network doctor/hospital/facility – receive discounted rate for Cigna plan. Cigna receives the claim from doctor and processes it based on the HSA-qualified plan deductible, covered expenses and Cigna-negotiated discounts. If you opt to have your claims displayed on the HSA Bank site, you can then elect to have all or some of your claims paid directly from your HSA. If not, you have the option to pay the doctor bill using your HSA (debit card/checkbook/online bill pay/fund transfer) or pay out of pocket. Cigna provides an explanation of benefits or EOB (“receipt”) showing: doctor’s fee, Cigna discount, amount billed by the health care plan, amount paid to doctor and what you saved. You can log in to to build an on-demand health statement. You can customize your statement view according to: date range, claim type, transaction type, family member/self and more. Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

17 Understanding and tracking HSA expenses
DELIVERING VALUE. EVERY DAY. Understanding and tracking HSA expenses Explanation of benefits (EOB) Clearly shows how and when claims were paid Can be received in the mail or electronically Available online at with opportunity to choose to receive alerts Online health statement An exact snapshot of the information that you want Customized your statement view by date range, claim type and more Easy to print and save 24/7/365 customer phone assistance One toll-free number Benefits and claim details IRS requirements Transaction activity and balance Live transfer to HSA Bank for investment questions Help with resources 24/7 online health account management Details on plan coverage, balances, claims and payments HSA bank account information Link to HSA Bank to manage investment accounts Explanation of benefits (EOB) -Clearly shows how and when claims were paid -Receive them in the mail or electronically depending on your preferences -Available online at with alerts once each claim is processed Online health statement -Available on, you can get an exact snapshot of the information that you want – in real time, on-demand and online -Customize your statement view according to: date range, claim type, transaction type, family member/self and more -It’s easy to print and save each statement you create to your computer 24/7 customer phone assistance -One toll-free number – on the back of the ID card and debit card -Medical [and pharmacy] benefits and claims -HSA IRS requirements -HSA transaction activity and balance -Live transfer to HSA Bank for investment questions -Help with tools and resources on 24/7 online health account management -Review your plan coverage -Check available balances -Track claims and payments -Get HSA bank account information -Manage investment accounts via link to HSA Bank Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

18 Your HSA web and mobile experience on myCigna
DELIVERING VALUE. EVERY DAY. Your HSA web and mobile experience on myCigna Real-time HSA balances displayed on the Review My Coverage section of myCigna Mobile view of HSA account balance and transactions Welcome Guest Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

19 Your HSA saving and investment features
MEDICAL PLANS Your HSA saving and investment features $2,000 minimum in HSA to invest Mutual Fund selection option managed by DEVENIR Self directed brokerage option powered by TD Ameritrade (trading fees may apply). Tax-free growth of interest or investment earnings* For either investment option, integrated, online access to trading, balance information, and much more is available on the HSA Bank website via Investments are subject to market fluctuation, investment risk, and possible loss of principal. You are urged to consult a professional financial advisor and tax advisor prior to exercising any investment options. *HSA contributions and earnings are not subject to federal taxes and not subject to state taxes in most states. A few states do not allow pretax treatment of contributions or earnings. Please consult your personal tax advisor or contact your plan administrator for information about your state. Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna 19

20 WE’RE HERE FOR YOU Tools and resources
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21 TOOLS & RESOURCES We’re here 24/7/365 i By phone – Cigna24 Call anytime day or night for live customer service Ask for a Spanish-speaking representative or speak with us in your preferred language – interpreter service is available in over 200 languages Talk with a trained nurse when you can’t reach your doctor myCigna – online or through the mobile app Directory of doctors, hospitals, facilities with cost and quality information Useful tools to help you: Check your coverage and EOBs Manage and track claims Track account balances and deductibles, and sign-up for notifications Organize your personal health history and records Find quality of care information for common procedures and treatments Get Claims and Balances statements on demand to view claim history and account transactions View prescription drug prices Download the myCigna Mobile App* for easy access on the go! *The downloading and use of the myCigna Mobile App is subject to the terms and conditions of the App and the online stores from which it is downloaded. Standard mobile phone carrier and data usage charges apply. Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2016 Cigna

22 Q&A What you want to know
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23 You cannot open an HSA if, in addition to coverage under an HSA-qualified High Deductible Health Plan ("HDHP"), you are also covered under a Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or an HRA or any other health coverage that is not a HDHP. The HSA provider and/or trustee/custodian will be solely responsible for all HSA services, transactions and activities related thereto. Neither your employer nor Cigna is responsible for any aspects of the HSA services, administration and operation. Rates will vary by plan design including the amount of plan deductibles, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket and lifetime maximums. All health insurance policies and health benefit plans have exclusions and limitations. For costs and details of coverage, see your enrollment materials. The information in this presentation summarizes the highlights of your plan. For a complete list of both covered and not covered services, including benefits required by your state, see your employer’s group insurance certificate, summary plan description or group service agreement – the official plan documents. If there are any differences between the information in this presentation and the plan documents, the information in the plan documents takes precedence. All Cigna products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries and not by Cigna Corporation. Such operating subsidiaries include Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC), Connecticut General Life Insurance Company (CGLIC), Tel-Drug, Inc., Tel-Drug of Pennsylvania, L.L.C., Cigna Onsite Health, LLC, Cigna Behavioral Health, Inc., and Cigna Health Management, Inc. “Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy” refers to Tel-Drug, Inc. and Tel-Drug of Pennsylvania, L.L.C. In Texas, Open Access Plus and LocalPlus plans are considered Preferred Provider plans with certain managed care features and Open Access Plus IN and LocalPlus IN plans are considered Exclusive Provider plans with certain managed care features. Policy forms: OK - HP-APP-1 et al (CHLIC), GM6000 C1 et al (CGLIC); TN - HP-POL43/HC-CER1V1 et al (CHLIC). The Cigna name, logo, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. All pictures are used for illustrative purposes only. a 05/ © 2016 Cigna. Some content provided under license.


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