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Dignity + Safety Task Force

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1 Dignity + Safety Task Force
February 7, 2017

2 Knowledge is Power Goals for Task Force:
To ensure that all Hoosier women are guaranteed dignity and safety; especially in regard to sexual assault, reproductive health, and LGBTQ rights. We will host education sessions on the first and third Thursdays of the month designed to grow our competency on vital issues and allow each individual to take personal actions.

3 What does the “F” word really mean?
The definition of “feminist” is a person who believes in equality between men and women. But many are uncomfortable with being called a feminist. Why? How has feminism evolved? What does it mean to be a feminist in 2017? Join us for a discussion about the evolution and current state of feminism. Event Date: March 2, at Ivy Tech Community College Could also talk about equal pay day, how women are unfairly treated in corporate America, practical advice, etc.

4 Rape Culture Event Date: March 16, at Ivy Tech Community College
Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Examples of Rape Culture: Blaming the victim (“She asked for it!”) Trivializing sexual assault (“Boys will be boys!”) Sexually explicit jokes Tolerance of sexual harassment Event Date: March 16, at Ivy Tech Community College

5 Planned Parenthood Do you want to know what Planned Parenthood really does? Let’s debunk the myths and share the facts! What life-saving services does Planned Parenthood provide? Who do they serve and who are their patients? Why is this organization important in our communities? Event Date: April 6, at Ivy Tech Community College

6 Campus Sexual Assault In a 2016 study released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), an average of approximately 21% of undergraduate women reported experiencing sexual assault since entering college. Let’s discuss how we can improve our colleges and university climates, policies, and prevention. Event Date: April 20, at Ivy Tech Community College

7 LGBTQA+ 101 This conversation will provide participants with general understanding about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer identities and issues. Do you want to be a better ally to the LGBTQA+ Community? Do you identify as LGBTQ+ and wish to dialogue about how the community can strengthen LGBTQA+ rights? Let’s gather in a safe space and discuss language, terminology, and ask questions.

8 Abortion This session will cover the procedure and the politics of abortion. Understanding abortion: Medication vs. surgical Who accesses abortion and what are the laws in Indiana impacting access to abortion? Who provides abortion? Is it just Planned Parenthood? What are the common misperceptions?

9 Understanding the Transgender Community
This session will be dedicated to educating people about the transgender community and raising awareness of the issues facing transgender and gender nonconforming people.

10 Human Trafficking According to the FBI, human trafficking is believed to be the third-largest criminal activity in the world. Human trafficking includes forced labor, domestic servitude, and commercial sex trafficking. We will gather to better understand this heinous crime, how and where it is happening, and what we can do to help.

11 History Methods/Usage Innovations Access Legislation Contraception
Covering the vast world of contraception! History Methods/Usage Innovations Access Legislation

12 Beyond the Stork Talking with Kids about Sex and Sexuality
Few kids want to broach this subject with their parents, but parents are just as uncomfortable! This session will focus on age appropriate conversations with children, sharing your own family values, and teachable moments. This is an ongoing conversation, not a one-time talk.

13 Intimate Partner Violence
The CDC defines Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) as a serious, preventable public health problem that affects millions of Americans. describes physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse. This session will help us understand who is impacted by IPV, how we can help prevent it or assist those impacted by it, and how we can advocate for legislation to keep each other safe.

14 Health Care and the LGBTQA+ Community
Members of the LGBTQA+ community face greater obstacles to obtaining and benefiting from sexual and reproductive health services than non-LGBTQA+ people. In addition to high rates of stress due to systematic harassment and discrimination—which has been shown to affect physical and mental health—LGBTQA+ people face low rates of health insurance coverage, high rates of HIV/AIDS and cancer, and high rates of discrimination from medical providers.

15 Consent Consent means affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. If this is such a clear definition, why is there so much controversy? We look forward to a discussion about consent, and how to teach children to understand this concept.

16 Advocacy 101 It’s clear there are a lot of issues that Hoosiers care about. If there weren’t, you wouldn’t be here! This session will focus on the ways you can impact change on the local, state, and federal level in order to make last impact on the issues most important to you!

17 Reproductive Justice The concept and framework of reproductive justice was first introduced by the SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective. Reproductive justice centers around the belief that all people should have the ability and access to determine their reproductive future whether that means having children, not having children, or parenting children in safe and healthy environments. This session will talk about the intersection of multiple oppressions and how to dismantle them to ensure true access to health care.

18 Comprehensive Sexual Health Education vs. Abstinence Only
Sex ed can be confusing The difference between abstinence only and comprehensive sex education Which is more effective and why? What are kids in Indiana learning in school? What do we wish they were learning? What do they learn in the absence of education from parents or schools?

19 Task Force Contact Information Susan Kindig Ali Slocum Tracey Horth Krueger Lizzie Schuerman

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