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Search Engine Optimization for Freelancers

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Presentation on theme: "Search Engine Optimization for Freelancers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Engine Optimization for Freelancers
How to promote your website in search engines Stanisław Czech

2 Main Points What is SEO How to define goals of a SEO campaign
How to implement such campaign How to measure results I hope that every one who participates in this presentation, in an hour from now will have a clear idea of: - points

3 Hands on approach Activity – new tab
Ctr + Tab / Ctr + Shift + Tab

4 What is SEO? SEO – Search Engine Optimization is a form of Search Engine Marketing including the process of improving the visibility of a web site or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. In practical terms it means: obtaining position on the first or second page of organic (unpaid) results in main search engines for keywords relevant to provided services in the most popular search No more def.

5 What do we want to achieve?

6 Search Engines In this presentation I will concentrate on information and strategies relevant to Google. 1 important information I should mention is that while Google has dominant position in America and Europe, in China most importantis Baidu

7 Defining Goals freelance translators/translation agency
wants to increase sales by gaining new clients due to increased traffic to their websites from search engines Paid results

8 Right keywords / key phrases
Relevant Not too general Not too narrow Not too many (1-5) Relevant – if you hope to convert traffic to money chosen keywords must be relevant to your services

9 Two important questions
Will it increase traffic to my website? How difficult it is?

10 Predicting potential traffic
Google Trends

11 Putting it in perspective

12 Assessing difficulty

13 How difficult it is Analyzing competition – number of results

14 You need to replace someone

15 Analyzing a single website
1. Google Page Rank 2. Site 3. Incoming links – Yahoo!

16 Yahoo Site Explorer

17 Practical experience Spanish medical translation Polish translation
Polish translator Polish into English English into Polish Spanish medical translation German technical translator I want this training to give you practical examples of

18 Internal and External SEO

19 Structure of a website:
Internal SEO Structure of a website: <head> meta information </head> <body> contents of a webpage </body>

20 Head <head> <title> … </title> <meta name="description" content="text"> <meta name="keywords" content="words or phrases"> <meta name="robots" content=„index, follow"> </head>

21 In practice <meta name="description" content="Translation service and translation jobs for freelance translators and translation agencies." /> <title>Translators & translator resources -</title> <meta name="description" content="Translation service and translation jobs for freelance translators and translation agencies." /> <meta name="description" content="Translation service and translation jobs for freelance translators and translation agencies." />

22 This info may be used to promote profile
Content is King Search engines love (original) text. Text which is distinguished (by means of HTML) is better than plain. This info may be used to promote profile at!!!

23 Content is King - Headers
<h1> SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT </h1> <h2> Something Also Important </h2> <h3> something still important </h3> How headers are displayed depends from the applied CSS (cascade style sheet) if your website does not have

24 Content is King <u> DO NOT USE </u>
<strong> Polish Translation </strong> is better than Polish Translation <em> Polish Translation </em> is better than Polish Translation <u> DO NOT USE </u>

25 Alternative text for pictures Bookmarks Alternative text for links
You can also use Alternative text for pictures Bookmarks Alternative text for links

26 In Practice <h1> Experiment for the Virtual Conference </h1> <h1> Spectacular Polish Legal Translation </h1> <h3> Provided by spectacular Polish legal translator </h3> <strong> Don't take it too seriously </strong> <br> <em> It's meant to check how search engines react to different tags </em>

27 In Practice cont.

28 External SEO Linking is Queen

29 Link building Polish Translation
The most important single element of SEO Origin Designation Code Polish Translation <a href=„Your Website">Anchor text</a> For instance:

30 Google Webmaster Tools
Requires registration Invaluable help in improving your position Sitemap Information about problems Performance of your site Much more

31 In Practice

32 Your site from Google’s point of view 
In Practice cont. Your site from Google’s point of view 

33 Submitting your sitemap
As it is not presentation about HTML I assume that you already have created a sitemap.

34 Link building is about quality
Don’t exchange links with Link Farms Link from good pages Link to good pages Use different anchors Don’t link only to your homepage

35 Monitoring position and traffic
Checking if the site has been indexed (Site: Checking position manually Using special program – I recommend Web CEO (basic edition is free) Monitoring traffic

36 Monitoring web traffic
The simplest way is installation of a simple counter on your website Profiles at (Member Only) have inbuilt statistics Website – several free options, one of the best is Google Analytics ( Clicky Web Analytics - excellent reviews ( As I use on everyday basis Google Analytics I will present here this tool, what does not mean that it is the best

37 Google Analytics – Control Panel

38 Comparing 2 periods of time

39 Comparing 2 periods cont.

40 Traffic Sources

41 Thank you very much! You can find more information on Please feel free to contact me via my profile or me at:

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