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CTAE Pathways Career Technical Student Organizations.

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3 CTAE Pathways

4 Career Technical Student Organizations

5 Work-Based Learning

6 Dual Enrollment

7 End-of-Pathway Credentials
Microsoft Office Specialist Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access Television Video Production Specialist Carpentry Skills Connect Assessment Cosmetology Skills Connect Assessment Basic Culinary Arts – Career Tech Testing Early Care & Education Entry Level Childcare Training – Career Tech Testing MBA Research Marketing Program of Study assessment NOCTI National Healthcare Foundation Skills Assessment State of Georgia Certified Nursing Assistant Basic Arc and Shield Welding Certificate

8 Baldwin High School Senior Parent Night

9 Graduation Requirements
4 Math Credits 4 English Credits 4 Science Credits 4 Social Studies Credits Health & PE 3 CTAE Courses in the same Pathway are strongly suggested not required 2 Foreign Language Credits in the Same Language (if attending 4 year university) 23 Total Credits Required for Graduation

10 12th Grade Required Courses
Pre-Calculus or Gifted Pre-Calculus, or Advanced Mathematical Decision Making British Literature or AP Language Physics or Human Anatomy or Forensic Science Economics Foreign Language if attending a 4 year university and it was not taken as a junior Must Earn 23 Credits to Graduate

11 State Testing All students must take state mandated Georgia Milestones End of Course Tests (EOC’s) in Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, 9th Grade Literature, American Literature, Biology, Physical Science, U.S. History, and Economics. According to State Law, these tests MUST count for 20% of the student’s final average in these 8 courses. All students MUST pass these courses in order to graduate.

12 Academic Credit Recovery
Last day for seniors is May 13th. The following week May is the time for graduation practice and senior picnic. Seniors that fail courses that are required for graduation are put in credit recovery courses during the week of graduation practice. Students not finishing until the last minute are placed at the back of the graduation line. Students not finishing in time for graduation can still graduate after attending and completing summer school.

13 SAT/ACT Seniors need to finalize plans for after graduation. Most college admission deadlines are in March and April. The SAT testing dates remaining are March 5th, May 7th, and June 4th. The ACT testing dates remaining are April 9th and June 11th. Fee waivers are still available for these tests. Students receive only two per test during the combined 11th and 12th grade years.

14 Compass Testing/Final Transcripts
Many two year and some four year colleges accept the compass test for admissions. Compass testing will be held here at BHS the week of February 22nd. Students may sign up in the guidance office. Seniors will submit a final transcript request during the week of graduation practice. All final transcripts cost $2.00 and they will be mailed the week after graduation. HOPE eligibility is determined by the Georgia Student Finance Commission and not by Baldwin High School. Transcripts are uploaded to the Georgia Student Finance website the week after graduation. GSF sends the HOPE information to the student’s college.

15 Move On When Ready Available to any Georgia student in grades 9-12.
Students who meet the admissions criteria may chose to take courses at CGTC, GMC, or Georgia College. Full tuition, fees, and cost of textbooks are covered for the MOWR program. MOWR college hours do NOT count against the HOPE hours cap. The MOWR dual-credit program will pay a maximum of 15 semester hours or 12 quarter hours per student. Dropping a course or not following program rules (such as attendance) may result in students being removed from MOWR; thus affecting their high school graduation requirements.

16 State/Federal Scholarships
Time to file Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after you the parents and/or student file income taxes. Mercer will be here on campus the week of February 8-12th to help with those applications. Please sign up in the guidance office.

17 Local Scholarships Local scholarships in the past have included Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, BHS Class of 1990, Straight Street Ministries, April EYES, LaNoir Civic Club, DAR Good Citizen. As soon as these applications are handed to me, I announce them during the afternoon announcements. Please check the guidance office weekly for updates. All applications are located on the top shelf of the guidance office bookcase.

18 Honors Day 2016 Honors Day is usually held during the last of part of April or the first week of May. Students will be recognized for several achievements during the program such as: highest average for each subject pathway completers senior winners of our local scholarships.

19 Questions

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