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Connecting Family & Community to the STEAM Theme

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1 Connecting Family & Community to the STEAM Theme
St. Petersburg, FL Connecting Family & Community to the STEAM Theme

2 Presented By Lizz Singh- Family & Community Liaison, Douglas L. Jamerson, Jr. Elementary School


4 Who Are We? Pre-K to 5th grade public elementary school with a focus of mathematics and engineering Opened in 2003 in an inner city neighborhood in St. Petersburg, FL (Pinellas County) 575 students with a full range of programs including ESE: autistic, varying exceptionalities, advanced academics District-wide magnet school No enrollment criteria for students – all ranges and abilities 66% free and reduced lunch

5 Awards & Highlights MSA National School of Merit/Excellence (2007-Present) 2016 STEM Excellence Award (Future of Education Technology Conference) State Graded ‘A’ School (2011-Present) Nationally Recognized PTA Department of Education ‘Golden School Award’ (Volunteer Program) Center for Mathematics & Engineering 66% free and reduced lunch

6 Where Are We Headed? Perseverance Problem Solving Critical Thinking
Vision Engineering innovative thinkers for global success! Mission Provide a diverse and caring learning environment with highly qualified teachers, unique family and community partnerships, and distinct engineering curriculum that promotes productive citizenship and highest student achievement. Knowledge Perseverance Short vision for marketing purposes – known by staff, parents, and students Mission modeled after 5 Pillars of Magnet Schools Problem Solving Critical Thinking Curiosity

7 Who Are You? District leaders? School-based administrators?
Magnet coordinators/specialists? Classroom teachers? Parents? Discuss at your tables: Where are you from? Where is your school in the magnet process? What do you hope to gain from this session?

8 Magnet Schools of America
PILLARS OF MAGNET SCHOOLS 1 – Diversity 2 – Innovative Curriculum & Professional Development 3 – Academic Excellence 4 – High Quality Instructional Systems 5 – Unique Family & Community Partnerships 66% free and reduced lunch

9 1 - Diversity 2015-2016 Demographic Data 46% Caucasian
39% Black/African American 7% Hispanic 5% Multiracial 3% Asian 56% Low SES *Diversity goals outlined in annual Marketing Plan Title I school, 66% free and reduced lunch, 65% minority 66% free and reduced lunch

10 2 – Innovative Curriculum
Our distinctive engineering curriculum… is created and implemented by classroom teachers. is based on state science standards and incorporates Common Core Mathematics & ELA standards. teaches basic engineering, science, and design concepts. spirals from Kindergarten to 5th grade. integrates throughout all subject areas. Title I school, 66% free and reduced lunch, 65% minority 66% free and reduced lunch

11 3 – Academic Excellence Title I school, 66% free and reduced lunch, 65% minority 66% free and reduced lunch

12 #1 in the district and Top 5% in Florida!
3 – Academic Excellence Title I school, 66% free and reduced lunch, 65% minority 66% free and reduced lunch 36 out of 77 students scored at Level 5 #1 in the district and Top 5% in Florida!

13 3- Academic Excellence

14 4 – High Quality Instructional Systems
Over 60% of teachers have earned a graduate degree and/or National Board Certification. School-wide Mathematics Lesson Study Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Partnership with the University of South Florida College of Engineering Leadership opportunities through conference attendance and presentations Title I school, 66% free and reduced lunch, 65% minority 66% free and reduced lunch

15 5 - Family & Community Involvement
Research shows that… When parents volunteer at their child’s school, attendance and grades improve. Classroom volunteers increase planning and instructional time for teachers. Parents who feel welcome at a school take their child’s education more seriously. We have observed a direct correlation between increases in family involvement and student achievement. 66% free and reduced lunch

16 5 - Family & Community Involvement
Involvement opportunities should vary by… 1. Content Field trips Teacher assistance Fun events Theme-based nights Curriculum nights Field of service experts 2. Day and Time Before, during, and after school School days and Saturdays When planning involvement opportunities, consider the diversity goals outlined in your Marketing Plan: “How can we attract a population of families that is representative of our student population?” 66% free and reduced lunch

17 Family Involvement at Jamerson
Fun, PTA-sponsored Events Back to School Picnic, BooHoo/Yahoo Breakfast, Howl-O-Fun, All Pro Families Breakfasts & Picnic, School-wide Assemblies, Lunches Vary the invitation – newsletter, student agenda, social media, Connect Ed calls, word of mouth, personal Include food Offer at a variety of times and days Fun, free/low cost, risk-free Often times parents who had negative school experiences will change their attitude toward our school after attending one of these events. 66% free and reduced lunch

18 All Pro Families Breakfast
Family Involvement at Jamerson Fun, PTA-sponsored Events All Pro Families Breakfast Howl-O-Fun 66% free and reduced lunch

19 Family Involvement at Jamerson
Theme-based Events Fall Engineering Day & Expo Spring Engineering Day & Expo Engineering Day consists of assemblies, school and class-wide design projects, and scavenger hunts. Engineering Expo occurs during the evening of Engineering Day and showcases magnet theme projects for families and community partners. Families and community partners are invited through written invitations, s, and phone calls. Engineering Day motivates students to bring their parents back to school that night. It creates “Student Ambassadors.” 66% free and reduced lunch

20 Family Involvement at Jamerson
Theme-based Events Engineering Expo 66% free and reduced lunch Engineering Day

21 Family Involvement at Jamerson
Volunteer Opportunities PTA and SAC Board, field trips, lunch with students, special events, teacher assistance, tutoring and mentoring Jamerson has over 300 active volunteers totaling more than 12,000 hours in This is an increase of over 100% in the past four years. Volunteers run our media center, school store, Sunshine Math program, and extracurricular clubs. 66% free and reduced lunch

22 Family Involvement at Jamerson
Volunteer Opportunities Special projects utilizing the volunteers’ specific skills Solar Pump for Hydroponic Garden 10th Anniversary Commemorative Mural 66% free and reduced lunch

23 Solar Energy Classroom
Family Involvement at Jamerson Volunteer Opportunities Special projects utilizing the volunteers’ specific skills Solar Energy Classroom Jamerson Waterway 66% free and reduced lunch

24 Family Involvement at Jamerson
Volunteer Opportunities Fun events 66% free and reduced lunch

25 Family Involvement at Jamerson
The “Jamerson Parent Guide” outlines FAQs and everything a parent might want to know about our school. First Friday Breakfasts provide opportunities for parents to talk with other parents and school leaders. 66% free and reduced lunch

26 Extracurricular Clubs & Activities
Run as a partnership between sponsor teachers and parents Offered in 6-8 week sessions before or after school Clubs include STEM, Lego, Mad Science, Sunshine Math, Girls Math, Strategic Games, Spanish, Garden, Drama, Silk Painting, Fused Glass, and more. 66% free and reduced lunch

27 5 - Family & Community Involvement
Community partnerships… Should be mutually beneficial. Often relate to the magnet theme. Can provide resources to the school in the form of money, time, or teacher development. 66% free and reduced lunch

28 Florida Engineering Society
Community Partnerships at Jamerson A “Community Partnership Database” can help with tracking contacts and looking for trends, including lists of partners, dates of contact, and types of contact. Partner Date / Contact Florida Engineering Society 1/8/14 Site visit 1/23/14 Sent electrical engineer to speak to 5th graders 4/14/14 Magnet coordinator attended monthly meeting Dyson 1/22/14 1/31/14 Received Dyson “Engineering Box” 3/26/14 Set up activity at PTA science night 66% free and reduced lunch

29 Community Partnerships at Jamerson
University of South Florida – College of Engineering Professional development, assistance with curriculum development City of St. Petersburg (Mayor, City Council) Mrs. Jamerson Feeder Middle Schools Florida Engineering Society Local Engineering and Related Companies Guest speakers and small donations National Engineering Companies Large donations Lawyers for Literacy Parents of Jamerson students, utilizing specific skills 66% free and reduced lunch

30 Community Partnerships at Jamerson
How to develop community partnerships: Develop your program with buy-in from teachers and families. Seek out targeted partners for Great American Teach-In presentations. Invite potential partners to your school for tours and special events. Showcase what makes your school great, and why a partnership would be mutually beneficial. “We are developing your future engineers.” Highlight partners on your website, in your newsletter, on social media, and at special events. 66% free and reduced lunch

31 Community Partnerships at Jamerson
Annual Partnership Breakfast, including a school tour and student-led presentations. 66% free and reduced lunch

32 Community Partnerships at Jamerson
Include partners in ribbon cuttings and special ceremonies. 66% free and reduced lunch

33 Community Partnerships at Jamerson
Invite partners to theme-based events. 66% free and reduced lunch

34 Community Partnerships at Jamerson
Recognize and honor your partners and volunteers often. 66% free and reduced lunch

35 Keys to Sustainability
Supportive administrators who understand the vision Curriculum leaders who can ‘put it all together’ (Magnet Coordinator and Community Liaison who cooperate) Teacher leaders who can carry out the vision and buy into the extra duties of a magnet school teacher Parent leaders who grow vibrant PTA and SAC groups

36 Marketing & Recruitment
Research shows that 80-90% of our marketing occurs through “word of mouth.” Volunteers & community partners spread the word. Marketing Plan & Marketing Cards The school’s vision, mission, School Improvement Plan, and Marketing Plan are developed with input from staff, SAC Board, and volunteers. Visibility: car magnets, t-shirts, signage, pens, etc. Positive press 66% free and reduced lunch

37 Marketing & Recruitment
Unique marketing opportunities- think outside the box: Spirit Nights-McDonald’s, Chuck E Cheese Grand Prix 66% free and reduced lunch

38 Marketing & Recruitment
Unique marketing opportunities- think outside the box: City Holiday Parade St Petersburg Science Festival USF Tampa Engineering EXPO 66% free and reduced lunch

39 Marketing & Recruitment
Unique marketing opportunities- think outside the box: Presentations at local preschools Get your logo EVERYWHERE Partner with local high schools and colleges 66% free and reduced lunch

40 Marketing & Recruitment
Prepare a comprehensive tour, and have knowledgeable people to represent your school. Student ambassadors. REMEMBER…..FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE EVERYTHING! 66% free and reduced lunch

41 Marketing & Recruitment
SCREAM THE THEME! 66% free and reduced lunch


43 Questions???
For more information contact Lizz Singh:

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