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Presentation on theme: "DESIGNING ASSESSMENTS FOR BLENDED LEARNING COURSES"— Presentation transcript:

Content Starter Set BANDUNG, 16 MARET 2017 DESIGNING ASSESSMENTS FOR BLENDED LEARNING COURSES Harry B. Santoso Head of Digital Library & Distance Learning Lab Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia “Let’s put a ding in online learning movement!” DISAMPAIKAN DALAM ACARA: Blended Learning Workshop TELKOM UNIVERSITY

2 Agenda Points to Ponder Learning Assessments
Formal Assessments vs Informal Assessments Formal Assessments Quizzes Essays Projects/Authentic Tasks

3 Points to Ponders Berapa banyak tes yang biasa Anda gunakan dalam satu semester? Berapa persentase untuk tugas dan ujian? Apa ekspektasi Anda menggunakan Online Assessment? Bagaimana Anda akan mengimplementasikan formal dan informal assessment dalam Blended Learning course?

4 Learning Assessments Tujuan dilakukannya assessment dalam Blended Learning, sama dengan yang lainnya, mengecek kedalaman dari student learning, yaitu sejauh mana mahasiswa kita mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Riley et al. (2014) menyarakan agar para instruktur (dosen) bertanya pada diri sendiri, “How well does your course make connections between learning objectives, course activities, and selection of site tools to accomplish the assignments? How well do face-to- face and out of class time learning activities complement each other?”

5 Types of Learning Assessments
FORMAL ASSESSMENTS Provide a systematic way to measure students’ progress These types of assessments also contribute to the final grade which indicates a students’ mastery of the subject, e.g., midterm and final exams INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS Generally provide the faculty member the ability to gauge their students’ comprehension of course material. It does not involve assigning grades. They can be used to allow students to practice the material prior to a formal assessment, e.g., self-test

6 QUIZZES/TESTS Multiple choice and short answer tests (or quizzes) are useful for assessing students’s abilities to recognize and recall contents. “More ways to be academically dishonest” (Watson and Sottie, 2010)

Requires a subjective analysis More difficult and time consuming to grade Is appropriate to gauging how well students are able to apply the concepts learned in class

8 Project/Authentic Tasks
Assessment Strategies and Disciplines that may Commonly Use Them Types of Assessment Strategy (Text-Based) Disciplines that might use each assessment strategy Essay Multiple Glossary Lab Manual Physical Sciences Computer Code Computer Science Technical Writing Technical and professional writing Reflection Teacher education, health education, social work Observation Log Teacher education, nursing, laboratory sciences

9 Project/Authentic Tasks
Assessment Strategies and Disciplines that may Commonly Use Them Types of Assessment Strategy (Media) Disciplines that might use each assessment strategy Image gallery Art, Industrial design Web page or website Multiple Presentation Business, public administration Audio Language acquisition Video Theatre arts (monologue), marketing

10 Example of Assessment Rubric Cognitive

11 Example of Assessment Rubric Psychomotor

12 Example of Assessment Rubric Affective

13 Preparing an Assignment for Assessment
Some standard items to include in your instructions for all types od online assignments: Name of the assignment Learning objective(s) to which this assignment relate(s) When the assignment is due Any resources that you recommend using to complete the assignment Expectations (length, level of effort, number of citations required, etc) Level of group participation (individual assignment, group projects) Process (how students turn in assignment, if they provide peer review, how peers give feedback, how you give feedback) Grading Criteria (include rubric if you are using one)

14 Question and Answer


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