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Presentation on theme: "ROTARY YOUTH WORKSHOP CONCLUSIONS November 2016 1 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Which are the main topics that worry young people currently?

Is difficult to find a job even you are very qualified. The situation in the economy: Unemployment reflects bad economic situation and lack of vision in planning. Systematic corruption and bad work ethics in higher education. Most of the works are replaced little by little by robots and other machines. 3 3

4 SOLUTIONS More traineeship, practical programs in companies (government could pay them minimum wage). Decreasing the taxes for the companies that hires young people. Concept of “work smart”. Scholarships, Erasmus and youth programs in university in order to promote educational exchanges. Promote self-employment with easy access. - Encourage entrepreneurship by reducing their rates. Teach more creatively in schools. To apply the mentoring system in the Rotaracts club. 4 4

5 Role of Young People in the Construction of Europe
5 5

Young people are tomorrow’s leaders. They will take in the roles of politicians, lawyers and others leaders to serve their countries Most Rotaractors are great examples of European citizens / world citizens. We encourage other to do so as well. Young people contribute with solidarity, empathy, being more tolerant and understanding We need to destroy the old Europe and try to construct another one. Without racism, discriminations. Young people avoid getting involved. Europe is in crisis SO young people are afraid about their future. We live in an uncertain world and this is a fear for everybody. They just want to succeed on their own 6 6

7 SOLUTIONS Learn from people outside of our circle of friends or comfort zone. Teach to not discriminate against anyone. Give voice to those in need and those not as represented. 7 7

8 How is Rotary seen in your community/ Country?
8 8

9 As a cult, in a negative way. Mostly men and only few women.
CURRENT SITUATION AND CAUSES We are an NGO that acts world-wide. Group of dedicated people. As a cult, in a negative way. Mostly men and only few women. Clubs are rather conservative. Not that many young professionals. 9 9

10 SOLUTIONS Join efforts – Rotary + Rotaract + Interact are stronger together – make good actions together and become known. We need to give information – people can ask us all the questions they need – be open to everyone. Wear our pins constantly so people are more curious and know the image/logo. Friends who are in other organizations can be more prone to join. Original solutions from Portugal! -- ask Google to create a Rotary “Google Doodle”. Rotaract can be explained easily = NGO, friendship, leaders. Let non-Rotary members join some of the activities of a club/district. 10 10

11 Rotary Youth Programmes Outcomes
11 11

Some lose the connection to the family of Rotary after their involvement with Rotary. We do not have data. Most Alumni lose contact to Rotary or are not actively asked if they want to participate in Rotary. We do not think the message of the continuity is conveyed properly to the Exchange participants, the Rotex, the RYLA’s participants and alumni. 12 12

13 Summer camps, RYLA’s and exchanges!
BEST EXPERIENCES Summer camps, RYLA’s and exchanges! Some the Rotex participants were astonished about their experience and happy to talk about it. People who participate in such activities express their interest in joining Rotaract/Rotary afterwards. 13 13

14 SOLUTIONS Promote this kind of activities in places like schools, universities, other associations. Make sure to follow up with the participants so they feel comfortable with the organization. Give information to all the participants – encourage them to join, even an activity. Rotaract and Rotex should become more united, by activities, like RYLA’s. Rotex have relationship with Rotary members but not so much with Rotaract members. 14 14

15 Rotaract – Rotary Transition
15 15

16 What % of Rotaracts join a Rotary Club afterwards in Districts-Countries?
5% or less...

Rotary Clubs don’t share information with the Rotaract Clubs. Some don’t involve Rotaractors in their projects or promote their joint activities. Some still do not accept women or young people because of big age difference. 17 17

18 If none of the clubs around you interest you, then CREATE ONE!
SOLUTIONS If none of the clubs around you interest you, then CREATE ONE! Less formal environment in the Rotary world to attract more young people. Mixed activities – new regulation will help in this matter. The communication between Rotary and Rotaract must improve – by the use of whatsapp, facebook, slack… The creation of joint Rotaract-Rotary e-clubs to ease the communication and normalize the presence of e-clubs. 18 18

19 19

20 Showing more interest and supporting the activities held by Rotaract.
CURRENT SITUATION AND SOLUTIONS Showing more interest and supporting the activities held by Rotaract. Visiting the Rotaract Clubs and being informed about their activities. Making the events organized by Rotary more accessible as price/cost.” 20 20

21 Giving more social & media presence to Rotary
21 21

22 CURRENT SITUATION Rotarians have to talk about what they do, especially about the social projects in the community. We need to be in constant communication with journalists, blogger and make new topics to write about. Most of Rotaract clubs are present on Facebook and Instagram, while the same cannot be said for Rotary clubs. We have to appear more friendly and more reachable through two-way communication. 22 22

23 District and Clubs will be very visible on the internet.
SOLUTIONS With constant marketing, with long term strategy - like companies have. Directed to a certain audience. Only by giving our time and resources we can do something great on internet! Updating daily, more news, more "fans/followers", better visuals that will appeal to people and broaden our message. More HASHTAGS. If everyone who has a Facebook or an Instagram account share the posts only 1 day of the week, the information will reach many more people. District and Clubs will be very visible on the internet. 23 23

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