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Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy    16th Session 5-7 July 2017 Room XVII, Palais des Nations, Geneva    Wednesday, 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy    16th Session 5-7 July 2017 Room XVII, Palais des Nations, Geneva    Wednesday, 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy    16th Session 5-7 July 2017 Room XVII, Palais des Nations, Geneva    Wednesday, 5 July 2017 Afternoon Session     Agenda Item 3a. Capacity-building and technical assistance activities implemented     Presentation by Mr. Kazuhiro Hara Japan Fair Trade Commission    This material has been reproduced in the language and form as it was provided. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNCTAD.

2 16th Session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts
Japan Fair Trade Commission Experience on the technical assistance activities for developing countries Round table on “Capacity-building and technical assistance in competition law and policy” 16th Session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts 5 July, 2017 Kazuhiro Hara Director, International Affairs Division Japan Fair Trade Commission Keynote speaker: Kazuyuki Sugimoto (15 minutes) Panelists: M. Nawir Messi (10 minutes) Leslie Overton (10 minutes) Discussion, Q&A (up to 25 minutes) –the developments relating to international co-operation between agencies Keynote speaker: Hwang Lee (15 minutes) Panelists: Xiaoye Wang (10 minutes) Yanbei Meng (10 minutes) Discussion, Q&A (up to 25 minutes) –what the recent enforcement actions in China seem to tell us about the priorities of the agencies there Thank you, John. Good evening everyone. It‘s my pleasure to have an oppotunity to speak today. I would like to talk about the JFTC‘s exerience and our international effort to share our experience with Asian colleagues. The strategy to achieve convergence in global antitrust enforcement, which is vital for globalizing world economy, should include strong support for the competition authorities in Asian countries. To let you know what the JFTC has been engaged in would contribute to today‘s discussion, I believe.

3 JFTC’s Typical Technical assistance for developing coutries
Japan Fair Trade Commission Japan Fair Trade Commission JFTC’s Typical Technical assistance for developing coutries ・ Country-Focused Activities The JFTC holds the training course and dispatches its officials as experts.    e.g., Indonesia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Kenya, etc.   Merit  The contents of assistance can be provided responding to needs from each recipient country. Challenges  The limits of budget/manpower shackle our broader offering of assistance. The JFTC starts new technical assistance project under Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) * Broadly covering for all ASEAN member states * 3

4 to Assist ASEAN Competition Authorities
Japan Fair Trade Commission Technical assistance project under JAIF to Assist ASEAN Competition Authorities Period :Sep. 2016~Aug. 2018(2 years) Target :All ASEAN Member States (AMSs) Activities:Divide AMSs into two groups.          Group A : Already have competition authorities          Group B : Establishing new competition authorities         JFTC carries out workshops by the themes focused on each group. Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Program focused on existing authorities ・Digital Forensic ・Practice of Leniency Program, etc. ・Sharing of Experience in Case Investigation on Intellectual Property Right, etc. If appropriate, the other group can also participate in each program A Program focused on new authorities ・Practice of On-the-Spot Inspection ・Advocacy ・Sharing of Experience in investigation on sectoral cases, etc. Keynote speaker: Kazuyuki Sugimoto (15 minutes) Panelists: M. Nawir Messi (10 minutes) Leslie Overton (10 minutes) Discussion, Q&A (up to 25 minutes) –the developments relating to international co-operation between agencies Keynote speaker: Hwang Lee (15 minutes) Panelists: Xiaoye Wang (10 minutes) Yanbei Meng (10 minutes) Discussion, Q&A (up to 25 minutes) –what the recent enforcement actions in China seem to tell us about the priorities of the agencies there Thank you, John. Good evening everyone. It‘s my pleasure to have an oppotunity to speak today. I would like to talk about the JFTC‘s exerience and our international effort to share our experience with Asian colleagues. The strategy to achieve convergence in global antitrust enforcement, which is vital for globalizing world economy, should include strong support for the competition authorities in Asian countries. To let you know what the JFTC has been engaged in would contribute to today‘s discussion, I believe. Brunei Cambodia Laos Myanmar B Feedback based on Discussion in East Asia Top Level Officials’ Meeting, etc.

5 Staff Exchange amongst AMSs
Japan Fair Trade Commission Japan Fair Trade Commission Details of Proposed Activities: Training Courses in Japan;3-10days, lectures by JFTC staff and Academic Expert (t.l.1-2/year) Regional Workshops;1-3 days, lectures by JFTC staff, Japanese/ASEAN Academic Expert (t.l.1-3/year) Staff Exchange amongst AMSs Case of Actual Activities (already implemented) : The Group Training Courses on Promotion of Cross-border Enforcement in ASEAN Region (11-13th, January 2017, Japan)* The Regional Workshop on Investigation Techniques on Merger Review (27-29th, March 2017, Vietnam) The Regional Workshop on Investigative Strategies and Techniques to Fight Bid Rigging Cartels (26-27th, April 2017, Malaysia) * Lectures by JFTC staffs, Academic Experts and UNCTAD Experts.

6 JFTC/UNCTAD Technical assistance for African Competition Authorities
Japan Fair Trade Commission JFTC/UNCTAD Technical assistance for African Competition Authorities Background The JFTC conducted a needs survey in 2013, with assistance by UNCTAD, to the African competition authorities in terms of technical cooperation.  Based on the survey, the JFTC and UNCTAD held “The Workshop on Investigative Tools for Case Handlers of African competition agencies” in July 2015 in Geneva to be linked with the 7th Review Conference of the UN Set on Competition.   The concept of the training course was to provide useful knowledge to their practice of competition law enforcement and to share Japanese experience with participants. ◆ 14 participants of 8 African countries participated.

7 Japan Fair Trade Commission
Next Activity Received positive feedbacks from the participants of the last workshop for additional training course.  Decided to hold “The Training Course on Investigative Tools for Case Handlers” in Geneva which will be held on 10th- 12th July, 2017 to be linked with the 16th session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy. This Training Course will be focused on practical investigation techniques for anti-competitive practices.  25 participants from competition authorities in 19 African countries will take part in it. Now continue with the slide 4, I’d like to introduce JFTC’s another technical assistance project. JFTC and ASEAN member states started new technical assistance project called JAIF project. This project is funded by Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (called JAIF) . This project is planed for ASEAN Competition Authorities to strengthen competition law enforcement. The outline of this project that holding the group training course in Japan, holding regional workshops in ASEAN member states, and staff exchanging amongst ASEAN member’s competition authorities. In implementing these TA activities, the contents will be decided in accordance with their experience of enforcement on competition law in order to respond attentively to their respective needs for technical assistance. So, we make plan to hold these activities hearing their needs widely. ・Feature of Japanese investigative tools ・Planning of on-the-spot inspection ・Gathering & utilizing of digital evidence ・Interview techniques ・Debate on hypothetical case, etc. Proposed Program 7 7

8 Thank you very much for your kind attention
Japan Fair Trade Commission Thank you very much for your kind attention Opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the speaker and are not necessarily those of the JFTC. Thank you for your kind attention.

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