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Grade 6 Year End Celebration– Gardom Lake May 16-18, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 6 Year End Celebration– Gardom Lake May 16-18, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 6 Year End Celebration– Gardom Lake May 16-18, 2017
Leadership and Team Building at its Best!

2 A Typical Day at Camp Waking up in a Cabin with your friends
Breakfast together A day full of activities outside Lunch and dinner shared together Lot of time with activity groups and cabin group


4 And at the end of the day…
At the end of the day playing Mission Impossible together in the dark, ending with sitting by the camp fire together The next day you wake up and do it again




8 Cost per Child ITEM Cost Per Child Food and Accommodations 100
Activities 50 Transportation 10 T-Shirt 15 Approx. TOTAL 175

9 Activities at Camp Level 4 Fieldtrip(Outdoor Adventure)
8 activities during the camp with Gardom staff leading and our people supervising Archery, zipline, climbing wall, orienteering, kayaking, high ropes, team challenge, Frisbee golf, swimming *free time Night games and campfire

10 Parent Volunteers Needed
Chaperones in Cabins (male/female) Supervise with teachers during activities and meals 1:8 ratio of supervision Special talents: first aid, guitar, drama,etc $70 fee Transport of baggage in trucks or vans Criminal Record Check required-start now

11 Questions? Permission forms will be sent out in the new year
Request for Parent Chaperones will be available at the office at the same time frame as permission forms Payment schedule ($175 total) will also be made available in the new year

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