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Chapter 6 Branch & Bound (B & B).

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1 Chapter 6 Branch & Bound (B & B)

2 Key Points Understand the pruning policy of B & B
Master the framework of B & B FIFO Priority queue Learn from examples Container Loading Problem (CLP) 0-1 Knapsack Maximum Clique Problem (MCP) Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

3 B & B vs. BT Similar to BT, B & B searches solution in solution space tree Different targets BT usually searches all solutions subject to constraints B & B usually searches a solution subject to constraints or maximal or minimal solution B & B can be used to solve optimization problems without an exhaustive search in the average case Different search strategies BT: DFS B & B: BFS or best first search

4 General Thoughts For a specific problem, define its solution space
X=(x1,…, xn), xi∊Si={ai 1,…, ai ri} and the solution space is S1×S2×…×Sn Determine a solution-space tree easy to search Traverse the solution-space tree in BFS or best first search and avoid invalid search by pruning function Constraint function Bound function

5 General Thought (Cont.)
BFS or best first search Each active node has only one chance to be an expanding node Search procedure: Once being an expanding one, the node produces all its children as candidate active nodes The child judged as infeasible or sub-optimal solution is discarded The remaining children are inserted into active node list Chose next active node as an expanding node and repeat the above step The process continues until the solution is found or the active node list is empty

6 Two Kinds of B & B Priority Queue FIFO
Use FIFO rule to choose an active node to be the next expanding node Priority Queue Use priority queue to choose an active node to be the next expanding node To accelerate search speed, each active node maintains a bound value and the active node with the optimal bound value is chosen as the next expanding node towards the branch with the (an) optimal solution

7 0-1 Knapsack Problem -- Review
30 16 15 15 ¥ ¥ ¥25 (a)3 items and the knapsack

8 (a)3 items and the knapsack
B & B -- FIFO 30 A wt, cp =0 16 1 15 15 B C 0, 0 16, 45 1 1 ¥ ¥ ¥25 D E 16, 45 F 15, 25 G 0, 0 (a)3 items and the knapsack 1 1 1 1 H I J K L M N O 0, 0 16, 45 30, 50 15, 25 15, 25

9 (a)3 items and the knapsack
B & B – Priority Queue 30 A wt, cp =0 16 1 15 15 B 16,45 C 0,0 1 1 ¥ ¥ ¥25 D E 16,45 F 15,25 G 0,0 (a)3 items and the knapsack 1 1 1 1 H I J K L M N O 16,45 30,50 15,25 15,25 0, 0

10 Traveling Salesman Problem -- Review
TSP has many practical applications plane routing telephone routing networks traveling salespeople

11 A weighted graph of 4 vertices
TSP A Salesman wishes to travel around a given set of cities, and return to the beginning, covering the smallest total cost Basic idea Let G=(V, E) be a weighted graph and its weights are positive A traveling route is a cycle that includes all vertices in G The cost of a traveling route is the sum of its edge weights Find the traveling route with minimal cost 1 4 3 2 6 5 20 10 30 A weighted graph of 4 vertices Permutation Tree A B E D C K J I H G F Q P O N M L

12 A weighted graph of 4 vertices
TSP – B & B with FIFO A 1 B 1 4 3 2 6 5 20 10 30 A weighted graph of 4 vertices 2 3 4 30 C D 6 E 4 3 4 2 4 2 3 35 F 40 G 11 H 26 I 14 24 J K 4 3 4 2 3 2 L M N O P Q 59 66 25 25 59

13 TSP – B & B with Priority Queue
A 1 B 2 3 4 1 4 3 2 6 5 20 10 30 A weighted graph of 4 vertices 30 C D 6 E 4 3 4 2 4 2 3 24 F G 11 H 26 I 14 J K 4 3 4 2 3 2 L M N O P Q 25 25 59

14 TSB – B & B Conclusion From the search process of TSP using B & B, we can see that, as compared to BT, B & B continually adjusts its search direction to prioritize the search of the subtree that is most likely to yield an optimal value

15 B & B This strategy can be used to solve optimization problems without an exhaustive search in the average case 2 mechanisms: A mechanism to generate branches when searching the solution space A mechanism to generate a bound so that many braches can be terminated

16 Dynamic Search of Solution Space Tree
Construct a rational bound function to determine the bound of objective function [down, up] For a maximization problem, compute up For a minimization problem, compute down BFS solution space tree: An expanding node produces all its children and compute their bound values If the bound value of a child indicates that its subtree cannot yield a solution better than the currently optimal, the child is discarded Otherwise the child is inserted into the active node list Pick the next expanding node from the active node list

17 B & B Efficient in the average case because many branches can be terminated very early Although it is usually very efficient, a very large tree may be generated in the worst case Many NP-hard problem can be solved by B & B efficiently in the average case The worst case time complexity is still exponential

18 Container Loading Problem – Review
Given n containers, each with weight wi, and 2 ships of volumes c1 and c2, and Determine if there is a rational loading plan such that these n containers can be loaded onto the 2 ships If yes, offer the loading plan

19 CLP -- Review If there is a loading plan, the optimal one can be found in this way Load as much as the 1st ship can load; The rest containers are loaded onto the 2nd ship Equivalent to choose a subset of containers such that their total weight is closest to c1, a special 0-1 knapsack problem

20 CLP -- FIFO When checking an expanding node, first examine if its left child is feasible If yes, insert the left child into the active node list Then insert its right child into the active node list (as the right child must be feasible) When its two children are produced, the expanding node is discard from active node list

21 CLP -- FIFO The head of the queue of active nodes is deleted from the queue to be the next expanding node There is a tail flag -1 in the queue after checking all the nodes at each level i The queue is not empty when deleting the queue head When the deleted element is -1, check if the queue is empty If it is empty, the solution is found Else add a tail flag -1 into the queue and check active nodes at the next level

22 CLP -- FIFO while (true) { // check left child
if (Ew + w[i] <= c) // x[i] = 1 EnQueue(Q, Ew + w[i], bestw, i, n); // right child is always feasible EnQueue(Q, Ew, bestw, i, n); // x[i] = 0 Q.Delete(Ew); // pick next expanding node if (Ew == -1) { // arrive at the tail of nodes at the same level if (Q.IsEmpty()) return bestw; Q.Add(-1); // flag of the tail of nodes at the same level Q.Delete(Ew); // pick next expanding node i++;} // explore the next level of solution space tree }

23 prune subtree rooted at right child
Improvement prune subtree rooted at right child Update bestw earlier // check left child Type wt = Ew + w[i];// the weight of left child if (wt <= c) {// feasible node if (wt > bestw) bestw = wt; // insert into active node list if (i < n) Q.Add(wt); } // check right child if (Ew + r > bestw && i < n) Q.Add(Ew); //optimal solution may be //in this subtree Q.Delete(Ew);// pick next expanding node

24 Construct Optimal Solution
The path from the active node to the root should be stored Each node should have the pointer to its parent and flag of left or right child class QNode {QNode *parent; // pointer to parent bool LChild; // flag of left child Type weight; // corresponding load at this node

25 Construct Optimal Solution
When the optimal value is found, the optimal solution can be obtained by backtracking to the root according to the parent pointers stored in each node on the path for (int j = n - 1; j > 0; j--) { bestx[j] = bestE->LChild; bestE = bestE->parent; }

26 CLP – Priority Queue MaxHeap is used to store active node list
Bound/priority function: Ew: the current load of the ship r: the weight of remaining containers bestw: the currently optimal value uweight: the upper bound of potential load in the ship uweight = Ew + r > bestw The node with maximal priority in the queue is picked as the next expanding node The uweight of any node in the subtree rooted at node x is not larger than that of x The load of a leaf is the same as its priority and thus when a leaf is the expanding node, the optimal solution is found

27 0-1 Knapsack Problem -- Review
Given a set of n items, each with a weight wi and a value vi, and a knapsack with a capacity of C. Determine the number of each item to include in the knapsack so that the total weight is less than or equal to the capacity and the total value is as large as possible A special integer programming problem (a) 4 items and the knapsack v: v/w: 4 7 5 10 3

28 0-1 Knapsack Sort items in non-increasing order in terms of their values per weight Solution X=(x1, x2, …, xn), xi∊{0, 1} denotes item i is chosen or not in the knapsack Solution space: subset tree Constraint: the inclusion of item i does not exceed the knapsack capacity Bound: wt: the current weight of items in the knapsack cp: the current value of items in the knapsack bestp: the currently optimal value of feasible solution up: the upper bound of the knapsack value for a subtree gp: value produced by greedy ALG for remaining items Bound function/priority, up = cp + gp > bestp MaxHeap for the priority queue If an expanding node is a leaf, the optimal solution is found

29 0-1 Knapsack Bound Function // n: the # of items,cleft: left capacity
while (i <= n && w[i] <= cleft) { cleft -= w[i]; //w[i]: the weight of item i b += p[i]; //p[i]: the value of item i i++; } if (i <= n) b+=p[i]/w[i] * cleft; // fill up the knapsack return b; //b: the bound value

30 0-1 Knapsack while (i != n+1) { // nonleaf node
Search process of B & B while (i != n+1) { // nonleaf node // check the left child of the expanding node Typew wt = cw + w[i]; if (wt <= c) { // the left child is a feasible node if (cp+p[i] > bestp) bestp = cp+p[i]; AddLiveNode(up, cp+p[i], cw+w[i], true, i+1);} up = Bound(i+1); // check the right child of the expanding node if (up >= bestp) // the optimal solution may be in the right subtree AddLiveNode(up, cp, cw, false, i+1); // pick the next expanding node (omitting)}

31 0-1 Knapsack – B & B Priority Queue
Sort items in non-increasing order in terms of their values per weight Solution X=(x1, x2, …, xn), xi∊{0, 1} denotes item i is chosen or not in the knapsack Solution space: subset tree Constraint: the inclusion of item i does not exceed the knapsack capacity Bound/priority: wt: the current weight of items in the knapsack cp: the current value of items in the knapsack bestp: the currently optimal value of feasible solution up: the upper bound of the knapsack value for a subtree gp: value produced by greedy ALG for remaining capacity & items Bound function/priority, up = cp + gp > bestp MaxHeap for the priority queue If an expanding node is a leaf, the optimal solution is found

32 (a) 4 items and the knapsack
v: v/w: 4 7 5 10 3 B & B A wt=0,cp=0, P=76, O=0 1 B C 0, 0, 57, 40 4, 40, 76, 40 1 1 D E 4, 40, 69, 40 F G 1 1 1 1 4, 40, 52, 65 9, 65, 69, 65 H I J K L M N O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A’ D’ B’ C’ E’ 9, 65, 69, 65 Leaf node, optimal solution is found

33 Maximum Clique Problem -- Review
Given a undirected graph G=(V, E) Complete subgraph Clique Maximum Clique (MC) 1 2 4 5 3 Graph G

34 MCP Solution X=(x1, x2, …, xn), xi∊{0, 1} denotes vertex i is chosen or not in the clique Solution space: subset tree Constraint: vertex i is connected to any chosen vertex Bound/priority: bestn: the # of vertices in currently found maximal clique cn: the # of chosen vertices in current clique n-i: the # of unchecked vertices Bound function/priority, the upper bound of the # of vertices in current clique un: cn + (n - i) < bestn MaxHeap for the priority queue

35 A weighted graph of 4 vertices
TSP -- Review A Salesman wishes to travel around a given set of cities, and return to the beginning, covering the smallest total cost Basic idea Let G=(V, E) be a weighted graph and its weights are positive A traveling route is a cycle that includes all vertices in G The cost of a traveling route is the sum of its edge weights Find the traveling route with minimal cost 1 4 3 2 6 5 20 10 30 A weighted graph of 4 vertices Permutation Tree A B E D C K J I H G F Q P O N M L

36 TSP – B & B Priority Queue
Solution X=(x1, x2, …, xn), xi ∊{1, 2, …, n} Solution space tree: permutation tree Constraint: when an expanding node is producing a child of choosing the ith vertex, the vertex should be connected to the (i-1)th vertex on the chosen path If the expanding node is a parent of a leaf, the chosen vertex should also connected to vertex x1 Bound/Priority function: cc: current cost rcost: the sum of minimal outgoing edges of remaining vertices and the current vertex lcost: lower bound of the potential route in the subtree rooted at a node lcost = cc + rcost bestc: the cost of currently minimal path MinHeap for the priority queue

37 TSP – B & B Priority Queue
1 4 3 2 6 5 20 10 30 A weighted graph of 4 vertices A 1 B cc=0, rcost=18, lcost=18 2 3 4 30, 14, 44 C 6, 14, 20 D 4, 14, 18 E 3 4 2 4 2 3 14, 10, 24 cost 1 2 3 4 30 6 5 10 20 24, 10, 34 F G H I J K 11, 9, 20 26, 9, 35 4 3 4 2 3 2 L M N O P Q 25, 0, 25 25, 0, 25 bestc:25 bestc:NoEdge

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