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Information Night 3rd May 2017

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1 Information Night 3rd May 2017
24/10/2017 St. Augustine’s College First Year Parents 2017/2018 Information Night 3rd May 2017

2 Agenda Transition into secondary sector
St. Augustine’s settling in approaches School structure FAQ’s Contact details Diary dates

3 School Chaplain Fr. Gerry Horan O.S.A

4 Deputy Principal Mr. Jim Power

5 Transition from Primary to second - level
Needs good planning A complex stage for students Opportunities and challenges Need for a major ‘handshake’ between all the partners Teaching and Learning – change in methodologies & teaching methods

6 Feelings on first day 0 20 40 60 80 100 Excited Happy Pleased Nervous
Lost Scared Moving Up -ESRI/NCCA 2004

7 Transition From Primary to Secondary
Excitement Daunting Change can be intimidating Navigating new building Moving from class to class Lockers Social transition Moving Up -ESRI/NCCA 2004

8 Guidance Counsellor Ms. Elaine Moore

9 ‘settling’ in approaches in School
Induction process (Friary Camp, School tour/familiarisation day) Mentor system (Buddy system) Class structure and organisation Class tutor Pastoral team ‘Teach’ key policies (code of conduct; anti bullying) Parent/teacher meetings Extra curricular events/clubs

10 School Support Service
24/10/2017 School Support Service Year Head Class Tutor for each class group Guidance Counsellor Chaplain Learning Support Team Student Support Team Administration Staff Matron School Journal / Diary Student Council Parents’ Association

11 Student Support TEam Year Head: Brother Lennon O.S.A
Class Tutor for each class group Subject Teachers Guidance Counsellor & Chaplain Administration Staff & Matron Deputy Principal & Principal

12 Class / Subject structure
Class Groups – alphabetically and gender balance Core Subjects (Gaeilge; English; Maths; Geography; History; Business; Science; CSPE; Religion; PE; Games) Choice between French / German Choice of one Practical Subject (Art; Music; Woodwork; Technical Graphics; Home Economics) Taster in choice subjects Continuous Assessment Mixed ability grouping (Mixed-ability grouping in First Year leads to improved progress in literacy and numeracy and can give students more confidence as learners. Moving Up -ESRI/NCCA 2004)

13 How Parents / Guardians can Help
24/10/2017 How Parents / Guardians can Help Be familiar with time-table Encourage Attendance Monitor Diary Be familar with school procedures & policies Help develop good study habits Help develop routine Routine is the key to SUCCESS Attend Parent / Teacher Meetings Read Reports carefully Use the School Support Service

14 FAQ’s School times – 9:00 am – 3:55 (Monday-Thursday) am – 1.15 (Friday) School Journal –notes to and from parents / attendance / explain absences / “call-parent” Sign in / out Uniform / Track suit Lunch Mobile phones Book list Website - (school dates, school news, extra curricular activities, school policies, presentations etc)

15 Parent / Guardian Contact
24/10/2017 Parent / Guardian Contact Student Journal / Diary School Office (Helen Russell or Fr. Cooney ) - Year Head / Class Tutor Ensure correct contact details are given to the office - Mobile number and address

Subject: First Year Contact Details Students Name Parent/Guardian Name 1 Name 2 Address Mobile

17 Chairperson – Mrs. Rosemary Fennell
PARENTS’ Association Chairperson – Mrs. Rosemary Fennell

18 PARENTS’ Association Support Policy Development Fundraising AGM

19 Friary Fun Camp for Incoming First Year Students
Monday 14th to Friday 18th August 2017 Cost €60 per students Advance booking essential Variety of Activities: Includes educational & sporting activities

20 Dates Starting School Friday 25th August 2017
Track Suit: Personalised sizing will be available in the school on: Thursday 11th May 2017 2pm – 5pm Starting School Friday 25th August 2017

21 Don’t Forget / Handouts
Booklist Contact Details Form Booking form for Friary Fun Camp Please ensure you have registered Next Meeting – Beginning of September

22 Twitter @FriaryCollege @FriarySports
FOLLOW the School Twitter @FriaryCollege @FriarySports Buíochas Mór

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