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7th Grade Orientation Welcome to Middle School

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1 7th Grade Orientation Welcome to Middle School
Ms. Ambrose, K-7 School Counselor

2 Congratulations!

3 Welcome It is perfectly normal to be anxious about a coming to middle school. These are major transition years for your child and they are going to go through many changes. Our goal is to transition them from elementary learners to secondary learners in the middle school years.

4 Administration/Faculty
Superintendent-Mr. Thomas Piatti Principal-Mr. Joe D’Apice Dean of Students-Mr. Sean Carone Committee Special Education Chair-Ms. Linda Trimble School Counselor-Ms. Amy Ambrose Guidance Secretary-Mrs. Lynda Oakes

5 What’s different about 7th grade?
Changing classes: Though you may have several classes with your friends, you will have an INDIVIDUAL SCHEDULE Language: You start taking a foreign language (which you will eventually need to graduate from High School) -Foreign Languages- French or Spanish Lockers: You have your own locker to keep your “stuff” organized and ready for learning! Backpacks will not be allowed in classrooms. Laptops: Use your laptop to keep yourself organized! Make use of the calendar and keep track of your assignments and grades!

6 Middle School: The Academic Picture
Core Subjects: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies 7th Grade: Health, Technology, Gym and Careers Language: 7th grade – opportunities to try both languages offered at RSCS

7 Schedule Change Form Can be done within the first two weeks of each marking period only. The teacher and parent/guardian needs to sign the form. Once signed, return it to me so I can make the necessary changes on your schedule.

8 Responsibilities With more freedom comes more responsibility
Getting to class on time: Prepare what you will need for the morning before your first class. DO NOT plan on going to your locker between each class – you will not have enough time. It is possible to get from PE to Science in the time allowed if you are organized.

9 Responsibilities Teachers are the leaders of the classroom
Each teacher has different expectations. It is your responsibility to work towards those expectations. If you don’t know, or don’t understand something in class, what should you do?

10 Homework, Tests, Projects
Use your laptop to organize your assignment due dates Clarify assignments with teachers (not friends) If you are absent, you are responsible for all missed work: Teachers are not responsible for telling you what work you have missed. It is your responsibility to ask for missed work.

11 Attendance: Regular attendance and punctuality are key elements for academic success. You may clear absences with a phone call or written note from a parent. I will be meeting with each of you individually to expose you to a college and career readiness plan, see how your scheduling is working, and address any concerns or questions. I will set you up on the program called Naviance. This program allows you to enter information regarding self-discovery, career exploration, college preparation, and academic planning. You can enter information at anytime as you progress throughout your educational career.

12 School Counseling Services
Academic planning/support interventions Organizational, study and test-taking skills Coping strategies Peer relationships and effective social skills Problem-solving, decision-making and conflict resolution Career Exploration  Individual and small-group counseling  Individual crisis intervention  Referrals within community as necessary Consultation, collaboration and teaming with students, teachers, parents and administrator Crisis Management Academic and career portfolio development 

13 School Based Health Clinic
Health services offered: Preventive Dental Services Comprehensive Health Care/Physical Exam Mental Health/Counseling Medical Team: Nurse Practitioner-Cynthia Campbell Collaborating Physician-Dr. Chris Kjolhede Dental Hygienist-Dawn Helstrom Mental Health Counselor-Kathy De Jong Ambulatory Office Assistant-P Patty McCord LPN-Tanya Lighthall

14 Athletics Boys Modified-Soccer, Basketball, and Baseball
Girls Modified-Soccer, Basketball, and Softball Modified Coaches: Boys: Mr. Stevens, Girls: Mr. Lehmann Athletic forms for all players in grades 7-12 are available in Mrs. Spytko's office


16 Good Luck!!!

17 Questions &/or Comments?

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