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Custer Baker Intermediate School

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Presentation on theme: "Custer Baker Intermediate School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Custer Baker Intermediate School

2 Welcome to Custer Baker Intermediate School

3 Intermediate Characteristics
Ages range from years A time of CHANGE Emotional Social Intellectual Personal Values Physical

4 What’s Different About the Intermediate School ?
Schedule School Hours Transportation Lockers Lunch Extra Curricular Activities Exploratory Classes Chromebooks

5 Schedule School hours: 7:55 AM to 2:55 PM Reading/Language Arts Math
Science Social Studies Exploratories Working to see if some activity time can be included with the lunch break. Key to this is supervision and scheduling of PE classes.

6 Schedule The doors open to CBIS at 7:30 a.m. Important Change…
Please do not drop off students before that time. Students will not be able to enter the building and there is no supervision until 7:30 a.m. Working to see if some activity time can be included with the lunch break. Key to this is supervision and scheduling of PE classes.

7 Exploratory Classes 7 Week Rotation 45 minute periods
Physical Education Choir Health World Cultures IMC Studies

8 Counselor’s Office Individual Counseling Group Counseling
Classroom Guidance (Bullying, character skills, hygiene, etc.) Career Guidance Parent Resource (Adult & Child, Tutoring, Parenting Skills)

9 Student Dining Area Food Court daily options:
A variety of hot sandwiches Choice of several hot meals, fruits and vegetables Salad Bar The daily menu is on our website. Notice Student Dining versus Student Cafeteria. Idea is to set the tone for behavior in the dining area.

10 Lockers Students will be assigned their own locker.
Students may not share lockers. Combinations are confidential. Combination locks – start practicing !

11 Transportation Students ride the bus with elementary students in the morning. After school, students ride a transfer bus to the middle school. If the transfer bus is not their home bus, they will switch at the middle school. Franklin Community School Corporation Transportation Office:

12 Student Activities Student Council Daily Grizz Aquarium Club
Drama Club Robotics Club FCA See the website for a full listing of clubs and activities

13 Elementary Visitations
Each elementary school visited CBIS in April. They took a tour of the building, learned what life is like at CBIS, and had the opportunity to ask questions.

14 Health Services Nurse Megan Morrison

15 Communication Daily Grizz Show every morning
Many teachers have weekly newsletters CBIS Weekly Newsletter via every Friday Facebook and Twitter Website / Calendar Automated phone and messages

16 Web Site Information Custer Baker Intermediate School updates our web site on a regular basis. Please make sure to visit for information regarding tips for starting the new school year. You may also follow us on Facebook and Twitter!


18 Open House Thursday, August 3 8:00 - 11:00 AM and 12:30 - 6:00 PM
Pick up schedules Pay book rental Have school pictures taken Receive locker assignments

19 Franklin Schools Online Student Registration
Students are not officially enrolled in FCSC schools until this process is completed. All students in a family can be enrolled in the process.

20 Custer Baker Intermediate School
See you next year!

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