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Deborah Connor President Diabetes New Zealand 26 November 2016

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1 Deborah Connor President Diabetes New Zealand 26 November 2016

2 Observations/Trends The world we work in is changing - FAST!
Technology is changing the way people engage - donors and people with diabetes Finance sources are changing The capability expectations at governance & management level are rising The transparency & accountability expectations are higher than ever How we work is constantly changing Partnering with others is expected New business models are becoming the norm

3 Observations/Trends Clarity on organisational purpose and strategy is more important than ever CE, the board & our staff need to be appropriately skilled to work in a disruptive environment Fundraising Collaboration and consolidation will be increasingly likely for sustainability Managing stakeholder perception is vital – we must be seen to be having the impact we said we would Poor operators will struggle but… Good operators will wield a lot of influence

4 Our current Mission (as stated on our website)
Diabetes New Zealand’s mission is to provide support for all New Zealanders with diabetes, or at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, to live full and active lives. What do we do? Support We offer support and information to help people take charge of their health and live well with diabetes. We do not provide medical information or advice – we complement the services of other healthcare providers. Education We have lots of information about diabetes, nutrition and healthy living. It’s available as pamphlets and on our website. Advocacy We represent people with diabetes and advocate for greater awareness and better services. Awareness We raise awareness about the challenges faced by people with diabetes and the action people need to take to avoid diabetes complications or to avoid developing type 2 diabetes. Research We support research into diabetes.

5 In strategic speak Diabetes: Contained, Controlled, Cured
Increase public knowledge of us and diabetes: All New Zealanders know who we are, what we do and why Promote self-care: We support people to manage their own health and live healthy and active lives Educate for health: Our resources are world class and complement treatment and self-care Focus on prevention: Where possible we prevent Type 2 diabetes and diabetes complications Advocate for better services: Our voice is heard and respected - we use it to ensure New Zealand has first-rate services for people with diabetes Encourage research: We support research that has both the short-term and the long-term prospect of improving lives

6 Diabetes NZ 2020 Update of our strategy
We have commenced the process of looking at our organisation and where we need to be in the coming years Phase 1 was the initial Constitution review that has resulted in a number of amendments to be approved at the AGM Phase 2 was for the Board to review our strategy and mission statements to ensure we are clear in our direction and our on-going role in the wider health sector. This is ‘Diabetes NZ 2020’ Phase 3 Is the pending organisational review to commence in 2017 that you will all be invited to participate in

7 Diabetes NZ 2020 The process so far
The Board has spent some time discussing our vision for Diabetes NZ in 2020. Key strategic areas were identified and what each means for Diabetes NZ was discussed and agreed We then developed aspirational statements for each strategic area. A new vision statement was drafted that better encapsulates what Diabetes NZ is and does. These are what I am presenting to you today as the strategy to take us through the next 5 years - Diabetes NZ 2020

8 Our new Vision Diabetes: Understood and Managed.
Understood can stand for many things: Awareness Knowing your risk Understanding what is needed to prevent or delay type 2 Knowing the difference between the types Understanding the impact/consequences/challenges of diabetes. Managed captures Day to day self - management Having the tools to do this Knowing what to do when things are not as planned Having the right clinical support at the right time where ever in NZ you live. (The reference to cured has been removed as we believe this is not our core business. Although we support every endeavour to find a cure our niche role is about support an awareness.)

9 Diabetes New Zealand 2020 Key Strategic Goals
Information & Support: ”We listen to, and work with, people living with diabetes to provide appropriate resources, increase understanding, and enable effective peer support programs to be available through a variety of media”.

10 Diabetes New Zealand 2020 Key Strategic Goals
Leadership & Advocacy: "We are accepted as leaders in the diabetes sector and effectively represent and advocate for people with diabetes and their families and whanau”.

11 Diabetes New Zealand 2020 Key Strategic Goals
Partnership: “We work in partnership to effect positive change for people living with diabetes and their families and whanau”.

12 Diabetes New Zealand 2020 Key Strategic Goals
Expand Reach & Engagement: “We are accessible to all. We have a strong consumer network, a wide reach and an engaged membership. Our numerous Branches support and represent the needs of our local people, and are supplemented through our community outreach programmes”.

13 Diabetes New Zealand 2020 Key Strategic Goals
Financial sustainability: We will drive financial sustainability through growth in the amount and diversity of funding. We will maintain ongoing investment into brand and will deliver on our mission.

14 Diabetes New Zealand 2020 What happens next?
Please think about the vision, goals and strategic aims presented. We are happy to receive any feedback on these over the next two weeks. Please feedback to me via Steve. The intention is to finalise the strategy at the Board meeting on the 10th of December. In the meantime we will commence developing short and longer term actions and success measures for each of these areas. This will be the organisation’s strategic plan Once complete the 2020 Strategic Plan will be distributed to Branches to inform and guide their planning. Questions? Thank you to the Board and Advisory Council members for their input into this process.

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