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LEED Low energy electron diffraction Based on electron diffraction from Ni in the early experiments of Davisson and Germer (1925)
LEED Low energy electron beam (~ eV) impinges at near normal incidence From Ohring, Fig. 7-25, p. 343
LEED Low energy electrons are diffracted from near surface region
LEED pattern consists of spots where Ewald sphere intersects lattice rods From Ohring, Fig. 7-27, p. 346
LEED e.g., Si surface From Ohring, Fig. 7-26(a), p. 345
Eliminate electron scattering by gas molecules
LEED UHV required Eliminate electron scattering by gas molecules Eliminate sensitivity of diffraction to adsorbed impurities Cannot be used during film growth due to obstruction of fluorescent screen From Ohring, Fig. 7-27, p. 346
Reflection high energy electron diffraction
RHEED Reflection high energy electron diffraction High energy electron beam (~5-100 keV) at grazing angle of incidence (~ few degrees) Can be used during film growth From Ohring, Fig. 7-25, p. 343
Glancing incidence electrons interact with near surface region
RHEED Glancing incidence electrons interact with near surface region High energy electrons → large diameter Ewald sphere RHEED patterns consist of streaks for smooth surfaces From Ohring, Fig. 7-27, p. 346
RHEED Streak pattern indicates surface periodicity
RHEED Surface reconstruction phase diagram
from Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 123 (1994)
RHEED from Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 123 (1994)
RHEED RHEED patterns consist of spots for rough surfaces or streaks for smooth surfaces From Herman et al, Fig. 10.4, p. 229
RHEED From Ohring, Fig. 7-28, p. 347
RHEED RHEED oscillations From Ohring, Fig. 7-22, p. 340
RHEED Vicinal surfaces From Tsao, Fig. 6.5, p. 208
RHEED Step-flow growth Layer-by-layer growth
From Herman et al, Fig. 1.7, p. 10
RHEED References : D.K. Biegelson, R.D. Bringans, J.E. Northrup, and L.-E. Swartz, “Surface Reconstruction of GaAs(100) Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”, Phys. Rev. B 41, 5701 (1990). H.H. Farrell and C.J. Palmstrom, “Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction Characteristic Absences in GaAs (100) (2x4)-As : A Tool for Determining the Surface Stoichiometry”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 8, 903 (1990). S. Clarke and D. D. Vvedensky, “Growth Kinetics and Step Density in Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction During Molecular-Beam Epitaxy”, J. Appl. Phys. 63, 2272 (1988). M. D. Pashley, “The Application of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy to the Study of Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, J. Cryst. Growth 99, 473 (1990).
RHEED References : 5. B. A. Joyce, “The Evaluation of Growth Dynamics in MBE Using Electron Diffraction”, J. Cryst. Growth 99, 9 (1990). 6. J. H. Neave, B.A. Joyce, P.J. Dobson and N. Norton, “Dynamics of Film Growth of GaAs by MBE from RHEED Observations”, Appl. Phys. A 31, 1 (1983). 7. L. Daweritz and K. Ploog, “Contribution of Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction to Nanometre Tailoring of Surfaces and Interfaces by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 123 (1994). 8. J. H. Neave, P. J. Dobson, B. A. Joyce, and J. Zhang, “Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Oscillations from Vicinal Surfaces – a New Approach to Surface Diffusion Measurements”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 100 (1985).
X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
Structural characterization technique: Composition Lattice constant Film thickness Strain and relaxation Crystalline perfection Interface quality Non-destructive Best strain sensitivity, 10-7
XRD Collimated (parallel beam), monoenergetic beam of x-rays diffract from sample From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.1(a), p. 174
XRD ahkl … Atoms scatter incident x-rays
Constructive interference occurs in specific directions lateral resolution ~ mm to mm ahkl Penetration depth ~ 10 mm …
XRD Large penetration depth compared to electrons
narrower diffraction peaks better strain sensitivity less surface sensitivity Use glancing incidence x-ray scattering (GIXS) for surface sensitivity (similar to RHEED) Difficult to focus x-rays electrons are better for imaging electrons have higher resolution (nm’s) compared to x-rays (mm’s to mm’s)
XRD Crystal planes act as diffraction grating Constructive interference occurs when 2ahkl sinqb = ml (Bragg’s law) qb = Bragg angle m = diffraction order = 1, 2, 3, … Caution: q defined relative to surface plane not the surface normal (as in optics) qb ahkl
XRD 2ahkl sinqb = ml sinqb ≤ 1 l < 2ahkl (first order, m = 1) Need l ~ Å
XRD X-ray source Electrons are produced by thermionic emission from a filament Electrons are accelerated by a potential ~ 30 kV towards a solid target (usually Cu) Electrons produce core shell ionization, resulting in characteristic x-ray emission From Dunlap, Fig. 13.5, p. 328
XRD X-ray detectors Proportional counters
x-ray ionizes gas in a tube; ion current is measured by negative electrode Scintillation counters scintillator converts x-rays to optical photons; PMT detects optical photons Solid-state detectors electron-hole pairs created in reverse-biased p-n junction
XRD X-ray nomenclature: Ka : L → K Kb : M → K La : M →L
Energy transition Terminating energy level Ka Kb La Letters denote principal quantum numbers (K: n = 1, L: n=2, etc.) adapted from Loretto, Fig. 2.3, p. 30
XRD From Dunlap, Fig. 13.2, p. 325 From Dunlap, Table 13.1, p. 326
XRD X-ray detector Scintillator-PMT
Solid-state detector (Si p-n junction diode) From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.1(a), p. 174
XRD a Usually use (hkl) = (400) for III-V epilayers
e.g., a (400) for InP = Å/4 = Å a From Sze, Fig. 3(a), p. 5
XRD 2ahkl sinqb = ml lCuKa1 = Å a(400) InP = Å qb = º qb varies with ahkl Can measure qb to determine ahkl
Sample and detector are rotated through the Bragg angle
XRD Sample and detector are rotated through the Bragg angle Maintain q – 2q geometry From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.1(a), p. 174
Measure x-ray intensity versus angle for a specific Bragg reflection
XRD Measure x-ray intensity versus angle for a specific Bragg reflection x-ray rocking curve From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.2, p. 176
XRD 2a┴ sinqb = ml qb is different for substrate and epilayers due to strain (remember the Posisson effect) qb,epilayer qb,substrate epilayer (compression) substrate
a┴ increases with compressive strain
XRD 2a┴ sinqb = ml a┴ increases with compressive strain → qb decreases (layer peak left of substrate peak) a┴ decreases with tensile strain → qb increases (layer peak right of substrate peak) From Ohring, Fig. 7-1, p. 308
XRD Measure diffraction angle of film relative to substrate, Dq Differentiate Bragg’s law to derive perpendicular mismatch from Dq : (Da/a)┴ = - Dq / tan q Can use Poisson’s ratio to determine natural (unstrained) lattice constant of film : (Da/a)┴ = [(1+n)/(1-n)] (Da /a)o
Diffraction peaks have finite width
XRD Strain sensitivity : Diffraction peaks have finite width From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.2, p. 176
XRD Strain sensitivity : Diffraction peaks have finite width Source is not perfectly monochromatic (Cu Ka dispersion ~ Å = difference between Ka1 and Ka2 lines) Source is not perfectly collimated (require angular divergence < few arcseconds) Layers have finite thickness Layers may be bent due to strain Layers may be partially relaxed
From MRS Short Course (1990)
DCXRD Double crystal XRD or High resolution XRD (HRXRD) Uses a reference crystal to filter and collimate the incident x-rays Only x-rays satisfying the Bragg condition are reflected to sample e.g., InP crystal aligned to 31.67º fixes l at Å From MRS Short Course (1990)
Double Crystal XRD or High Resolution XRD (HRXRD)
DCXRD Double Crystal XRD or High Resolution XRD (HRXRD) Acts as monochromator From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.1(b), p. 174
Linewidth of substrate peak ~ 12 arcsecs
DCXRD Linewidth of substrate peak ~ 12 arcsecs Strain sensitivity, Da/a ~ 10-4 From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.3, p. 176
DCXRD Pendellosung fringes From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.3, p. 176
DCXRD Pendellosung fringes : Diffraction corresponding to total film thickness 2t sinqb = ml lDm = 2tcosqb t = l / (2Dqcosqb) for Dm = 1 qb t
Can measure spacing of fringes to determine film thickness
DCXRD t = l / (2Dqcosqb) Can measure spacing of fringes to determine film thickness Dq From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.3, p. 176
HRXRD Can use more than one crystal to further improve resolution → multi-crystal diffractometers From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.8(b), p. 181
Superlattices From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.6, p. 179
Superlattices Satellite peaks are produced corresponding to the periodicity of the superlattice Experiment Model From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.10(b), p. 183
Monolayer resolution from HRXRD (> 2 crystals)
Superlattices Monolayer resolution from HRXRD (> 2 crystals) From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.10(b), p. 183
Interface roughness and grading
Superlattices Interface roughness and grading From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.17(a), p. 193
Superlattices From Panish & Temkin, Fig. 6.15, p. 191
Superlattices The intensities of the peaks contains information on the interface composition The satellite peaks correspond to the Fourier transform of the superlattice structure sinusoidal structure: only 1 pair of satellite peaks perfect square wave: infinite number of odd satellite peaks Higher order peaks (corresponding to higher order Fourier components) are sensitive to the interface composition Varying the compositions is like varying the structure factors in the unit cells
Other Effects Mismatch Misorientation Dislocation Content
from Bowen, Fig. 3.1, p. 51 Mismatch Misorientation Dislocation Content Mosaic Spread Curvature Relaxation Inhomogeneity
Other Effects Change beam position Rotate sample
from Bowen, Table 3.1, p. 52
Other Effects Use different reflections to probe broadening of reciprocal lattice points From Tom Ryan, MRS Short Course (1990)
Asymmetric Reflections
Can use assymetric reflections (e.g., 224 or 115) to measure in-plane lattice parameter
Asymmetric Reflections
Can separate broadening effects in k (e.g., due to superlattice effects) and k (e.g., due to dislocations) 2q-w ~ 90° sensitive to k 2q-w ~ 0° sensitive to k
Asymmetric Reflections
Can measure very thin layers (~ 10 nm with a conventional anode source) using glancing incidence or glancing exit
Advanced X-ray Techniques
X-ray diffraction can be made surface sensitive by using grazing angles of incidence GIXS, GIXD Reciprocal space mapping X-ray standing waves (XSW) Diffraction anomalous fine structure (DAFS) X-ray reflectivity
XRD References P. F. Fewster and C. J. Curling, “Composition and Lattice-Mismatch Measurement of Thin Semiconductor Layers by X-ray Diffraction”, J. Appl. Phys. 62, 4154 (1987). P. F. Fewster, “X-ray Diffraction from Low-Dimensional Structures”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 8, 1915 (1993).
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