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A Cable Modem is a digital modem that uses a coaxial cable connection for the data transmission. This data connection is received by a cable modem that decodes the signal into your PC. Cable TV (CATV) Network serves as the Internet Service Provider (ISP) Cable Modem modulates/transmits and demodulates/receives to/from a CATV channel. Downstream: data received at the modem is communicated to one or more PCs on a LAN via Ethernet, USB, PCI Bus, etc. Upstream: data requests from the PC are transmitted through the modem to the CATV network via coaxial cable, phone line or wireless. CATV data service interfaces to the Internet via Cable Modem Transmission System (CMTS )
5.1 CABLE MODEM SYSTEM Coaxial cable bands
Downstream data are modulated using the 64-QAM modulation technique. The theoretical downstream data rate is 30 Mbps. Upstream data are modulated using the QPSK modulation technique. The theoretical upstream data rate is 12 Mbps.
5.1 CABLE MODEM SYSTEM Cable Modem Network Overview:
Headend: DOCSIS-certified CMTS (Cable Modem Transmission System) One Headend 2000 Cable Modem Users on a single TV Channel CMTS interfaces the CATV network to the Internet CMTS output channel combined with TV video signals CATV Network to Subscriber via coaxial cable One-to-Two splitter: One signal to Set Top Box (STB), other to Cable Modem Cable Modem One Modem can support up to 16 users in a local-area network PC/Ethernet Card Cable Modem connected to PC via Ethernet, USB, PCI Bus, etc
DOCSIS – Data over Cable Service Interface Specifications
Defined by the Multimedia Cable Network System Partners (MCNS) This defines all the protocols necessary to transport data from a CMTS to CM.
Cable Modem Architecture
Transmit/Upstream QPSK/QAM Modulator performs: QPSK/QAM-16 modulation Reed-Solomon Encoding D/A Conversion Up-conversion to the selected frequency/channel Receive/Downstream RF Tuner Converts TV Channel to a fixed lower frequency (6-40MHz) QAM Demodulator performs: A/D conversion QAM-64/256 demodulation MPEG frame synchronization Error Correction (Reed-Solomon) MAC - Media Access Control Implemented partially in hardware and software Data and Control Logic MAC layer provides general requirements for many cable modems subscribers to share a single upstream data channel for transmission. Defines collision detection and retransmission. Communication layer between Cable Modem and CMTS.
5.1 CABLE MODEM SYSTEM It Modulates and Demodulates signals.
Cable Modem Technology It Modulates and Demodulates signals. Cable modems can be part modem, part tuner, part encryption/decryption device, part bridge, part router, part network interface card, part SNMP agent, and part Ethernet hub. Typically, a cable modem sends and receives data in two slightly different fashions. In the downstream direction The digital data is modulated and then placed on a typical 6 MHz television channel, somewhere between 50 MHz and 750 MHz. 64 QAM is the preferred downstream modulation technique, offering up to 27 Mbps per 6 MHz channel. This signal can be placed in a 6 MHz channel adjacent to TV signals on either side without disturbing the cable television video signals.
Cable Modem Service Providers
In the upstream direction the upstream (also known as the reverse path) is transmitted between 5 and 42 MHz. This tends to be a noisy environment, with RF interference and impulse noise. Additionally, interference is easily introduced in the home, due to loose connectors or poor cabling. Since cable networks are tree and branch networks, all this noise gets added together as the signals travel upstream, combining and increasing. Due to this problem, most manufacturers use QPSK or a similar modulation scheme in the upstream direction, because QPSK is more robust scheme than higher order modulation techniques in a noisy environment The drawback is that QPSK is "slower" than QAM. Cable Modem Service Providers Cisco Systems, Com21, General Instrument, Motorola, Nortel Networks, Phasecom, Samsung, Terayon, Toshiba, Zenith, Bay Networks, RCA, 3Com.
5.1 CABLE MODEM SYSTEM Cable Modems vs. ADSL
How fast is a Cable Modem Cable modems are up to 10-20Mbps downloads. Typical downloads are over 300Kbps, or close to 600Kbps, but the speed of the cable modem depends on a few things. First it depends on how many users are on the system since the cable technology is a "shared" bandwidth. Too many users using too much throughput can drain this “shared” technology. The second factor to cable modem speed is a limit on the cable modem itself. Some cable providers will limit the upload or download speed on the cable modem, and this could affect your connection speed. Cable Modems vs. ADSL There is one major advantage that ADSL has over cable modems. Cable modems use a shared networking technology where all the cable modems share a single pipe to the Internet. This pipe speed will fluctuate depending on the number of subscribers on the network. When ADSL is used, the pipe to the Internet is solely "yours", and is not shared along the way to a central office. This allows for a more consistent speed, and this speed does not typically fluctuate like cable modem networks.
ADSL(Asymmetric DSL) ADSL is an asymmetric communication technology designed for residential users; it is not suitable for businesses. It is like a 56k modem, provides higher speed(bit rate) in the downstream direction(from the internet to resident) than in the upstream direction(from resident to internet).this is the reason it is called asymmetric. It divides the available bandwidth of the local loop unevenly for the residential customer. This service is not suitable for business customers who need a large BW in both direction. The existing local loops can handle bandwidths up to 1.1 MHz. Twisted pair local loop is capable of handling BW up to 1.1 MHz, but filters at end of telephone company has local loop terminates limits BW of 4KHz.If filter removed entire 1.1MHz is available for data and voice communication.
LOCAL LOOP In telephony, the local loop (also referred to as a subscriber line) is the physical link or circuit that connects from the customer premises to the edge of the carrier or telecommunications service provider's network. Traditionally, the local loop was wireline in nature from customer to central office, specifically in the form of an electrical circuit (i.e. loop) provisioned as a single twisted pair in support of voice communications. A local loop may be provisioned to support data communications applications, or combined voice and data.
ADSL is an adaptive technology
ADSL is an adaptive technology. The system uses a data rate based on the condition of the local loop line. Theoretical BW of local loop is fixed. factors such as the distance between residence and switching office, the size of the cable, the signaling used, and so on affect the BW. The designers must aware of this problem and used an adaptive technology that tests condition and BW availability of the line before settling on data rate. DMT(discrete multitone technique) Modulation technique used for ADSL is DMT.and it combines QAM and FDM. Each system can decide on its BW division. Typically an available BW of 1.1MHz is divided into 256 channels. Each channel uses a BW of 4.312kHz,as shown in figure.
DMT voice: channel 0 is reserved for voice communication.
idle: channel 1 to 5 are not used and provide a gap between voice and data communication. upstream data and control: channel 6 to 30(25 channels) are used. One channel is for control and 24 are for data transfer. If there are 24 channels, each using 4 kHz with QAM modulation, we have 24*4000*15,or 1.44 Mbps BW,in upstream direction.datarates normally below 550 kbps because some of the carriers deleted at frequencies where the noise level is large. So some channels may be unused. downstream data and control: channel 31 to 255(225 channels).1 for control and 224 are for data. If there are 224 channels, we can achieve up to 224*4000*15,or13.4Mbps.but data rate normally below 8 Mbps because some of the carriers deleted at frequencies where the noise level is large. So some channels may be unused.
ADSL modem
HDSL HDSL (High-speed Digital Subscriber Line) is a relatively early XDSL family development. a broader application: the use of echo suppression, adaptive filtering and high-speed digital processing technology, using 2B1Q coding, using two pairs of twisted-pair data two-way symmetrical transmission, transmission rate 2048Kbps/1544Kbps (E1/T1), each of the telephone line transmission rate 1168Kbit / s, use 24AWG (American Wire Gauge American cable regulations) twisted pair (equivalent to 0.51mm) when the transmission distance up to 3.4KM, can provide E1/T1 interface and V.35 standard interface.
ETHERNET The original Ethernet was created in 1976 at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). Since then, it has gone through four generations.
Topics discussed in this section:
5.3 FAST ETHERNET Fast Ethernet was designed to compete with LAN protocols such as FDDI or Fiber Channel. IEEE created Fast Ethernet under the name 802.3u. Fast Ethernet is backward-compatible with Standard Ethernet, but it can transmit data 10 times faster at a rate of 100 Mbps. GOALS OF FAST ETHERNET: Upgrade the data rate to 100 Mbps Make it compatible with standard Ethernet Keep the same 48-bit address Keep the same frame format Topics discussed in this section: MAC Sublayer Physical Layer
MAC SUBLAYER A main consideration in the evolution of Ethernet from 10 to 100 Mbps was to keep the MAC sub layer untouched. It is done to drop the bus topology and keep only star topology. for the star topology ,there are two choices, as we saw before: half duplex and full duplex. In half duplex approach, the stations are connected via hub: while in full duplex approach, the connection is made via a switch with buffers at each port. Auto negotiation(negotiation-give and take, discussion) A new feature of fast Ethernet. It allows a station or a hub a range of capabilities. It allows incomplete devices to connect to one another. For e.g. a device with maximum capacity of 10 mbps can communicate with a device with 100 Mbps capacity. To allow one device to have multiple capabilities. Allow station to check a hub’s capabilities.
ENCODING Manchester encoding needs a 200 Mbaud BW for a data rate of 100 Mbps,which makes it unsuitable for a medium such as twisted pair cable. So fast Ethernet designers make alternative encoding/decoding scheme. So there are 3 different encoding schemes.
5.3GIGABIT ETHERNET The need for an even higher data rate resulted in the design of the Gigabit Ethernet protocol (1000 Mbps). The IEEE committee calls the standard 802.3z. GOALS: Upgrade the data rate to 1Gbps. Make it compatible with standard or fast ethernet. Use the same 48-bit address. Use same frame format. To support auto negotiation as defined In fast ethernet. TOPIC DISCUSSED: MAC Sublayer Physical Layer
MAC SUBLAYER To achieve 1Gbps data rate, was no longer possible. so it has two distinctive approaches for medium access: half duplex and full duplex. Almost all implementations of gigabit Ethernet follow full-duplex approach. FULL DUPLEX MODE: There is a central switch connected to all computers or other switches. Here each switch has buffers for each input port in which data are stored until they are no collisions CSMA/CD is not used. HALF DUPLEX MODE: It can also use this mode. But it is rarely used. Here switch can be replaced by hub, which acts as common cable in which collision might this approach use CSMA/CD.
Three methods have been defined.
Traditional: Here minimum length of frame is used(512bits).because the length of bit is 1/100 shorter in gigabit Ethernet than in 10Mbps ethernet,so slot time for gigabit is 512bits*1/1000micro sec,0.512micro sec.Reduced slot time means collision is detected 100 times earlier. Carrier Extension: to allow for longer network, we increase minimum frame length. This approach defines the minimum length of a frame as 512 bytes(4096 bits). Minimum length is 8 times longer. This method forces a station to add extension bit(padding) to any frame that is less than 4096 bits. So max length can be increased 8 times to a length of 200m. Frame bursting: carrier extension is very inefficient if we have series of short frames to send; each frame carries redundant data. To improve efficiency, frame bursting was used. Here instead of adding a extension to each frame, multiple frames are sent.
PHYSICAL LAYER Physical layer in gigabit ethernet is more complicated than in standard or fast ethernet.
ENCODING 8B/10B=8 Binary,10 binary. Group of 8bit of data is substituted by 10-bit code. provide greater error detection capability than 4B/5B. 4D/PAM5=it is a multilevel scheme.(four dimensional five-level pulse amplitude modulation) 4D means data is sent over four wires at same uses five voltage levels,-2,-1,0,1 and 2.
5.5 FDDI(fiber distributed data interface)
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a set of ANSI protocols for sending digital data over fiber optic cable with transmission distances of up to 1.2 miles (2 kilometres). FDDI networks are token-passing (similar to IEEE Token Ring protocol) and dual-ring networks, and support data rates of up to 100 Mbps. FDDI networks are typically used as backbones technology because of its support for high bandwidth and great distance. FDDI uses dual-ring architecture with traffic on each ring flowing in opposite directions (called counter-rotating). The dual rings consist of a primary and a secondary ring. During normal operation, the primary ring is used for data transmission, and the secondary ring remains idle. The primary purpose of the dual rings is to provide superior reliability and robustness.
FDDI's four specifications are , (1)the Media Access Control (MAC)
FDDI specifies the physical and media-access portions of the OSI reference model. FDDI is not actually a single specification, but it is a collection of four separate specifications, each with a specific function. Combined, these specifications have the capability to provide high-speed connectivity between upper-layer protocols such as TCP/IP and media such as fiber-optic cabling. FDDI's four specifications are , (1)the Media Access Control (MAC) (2) Physical Layer Protocol (PHY) (3) Physical-Medium Dependent (PMD) (4) Station Management (SMT) The MAC specification defines how the medium is accessed, including frame format, token handling, addressing, algorithms for calculating cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value, and error-recovery mechanisms. The PHY specification defines data encoding/decoding procedures, clocking requirements, and framing, among other functions. The PMD specification defines the characteristics of the transmission medium, including fiber-optic links, power levels, bit-error rates, optical components, and connectors. The SMT specification defines FDDI station configuration, ring configuration, and ring control features, including station insertion and removal, initialization, fault isolation and recovery, scheduling, and statistics collection.
Preamble---A unique sequence that prepares each station for an upcoming frame.
Start Delimiter---Indicates the beginning of a frame by employing a signaling pattern that differentiates it from the rest of the frame. Frame Control---Indicates the size of the address fields and whether the frame contains asynchronous or synchronous data, among other control information. Destination Address---Contains a unicast (singular), multicast (group), or broadcast (every station) address. As with Ethernet and Token Ring addresses, FDDI destination addresses are 6 bytes long. Source Address---Identifies the single station that sent the frame. As with Ethernet and Token Ring addresses, FDDI source addresses are 6 bytes long. Data---Contains either information destined for an upper-layer protocol or control information. Frame Check Sequence (FCS)---Filed by the source station with a calculated cyclic redundancy check value dependent on frame contents (as with Token Ring and Ethernet). The destination address recalculates the value to determine whether the frame was damaged in transit. If so, the frame is discarded. End Delimiter---Contains unique symbols, which cannot be data symbols, that indicate the end of the frame. Frame Status---Allows the source station to determine whether an error occurred and whether the frame was recognized and copied by a receiving station.
5.5 CDDI(copper distributed data interface)
Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI), a version of FDDI using twisted pair cables, provides data rates of 100 Mbps. It uses dual-ring architecture to provide redundancy. CDDI supports distances of about(328 feet) 100 meters from desktop to concentrator. The CDDI standard is officially named as the Twisted-Pair Physical Medium-Dependent (TP-PMD) standard. It is also referred to as the Twisted-Pair Distributed Data Interface (TP-DDI).
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