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Absolutism in France By: Mr. Moore using contributions by Susan Pojer

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1 Absolutism in France By: Mr. Moore using contributions by Susan Pojer
High School of Economics & Finance NYC, NY

2 How Well Did Absolutism Allow France’s Monarchs to Reach Their Goals in the Seventeenth Century?
Goals of the French monarchy The reign of Henry IV Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu create the framework of the absolute monarchy Cardinal Mazarin reaps the rewards of Richelieu’s policies and perpetuates absolute rule Louis XIV as the epitome of the absolute monarch Limits of absolute power

3 Goals of the French Absolute Monarchs and Their Advisors
Centralize political control in the monarchy, taking power away from the high nobility Reduce the national debt Expand and secure France’s borders

4 Henry IV: Bringing France Out of Religious Conflict into National Unification
Possessed a chameleon-like personality: soldier, courtier, administrator, learned leader, and a man of the people Had the Estates General meet infrequently – four times Surrounded himself with capable advisors – especially the duke of Sully Assassinated before he could squander the gains

5 Richelieu Builds the Foundation of the Absolute Monarchy
Ended political and military power of Huguenots Created intendants to oversee tax collection Created a powerful royal navy Followed a foreign policy in the Thirty Years’ War that saw Spain lose its influence, and France increase its power Louis XIII Cardinal Richelieu

6 Mazarin: Reaps the Rewards of Richelieu’s Efforts – Continuing to Build an Absolute Monarchy
Secured favorable terms with the Treaty of Westphalia – 1648 and the Peace of the Pyreness Able to end the Fronde – Kept the monarchy together until Louis XIV was old enough to assume direct control Cardinal Mazarin

7 The Reign of Louis XVI: Solidifying Absolute Rule
Young Louis XIV

8 Versailles: Central Element and Image of the Monarchy
Hall of Mirrors

9 King by Divine Right Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet

10 Louis Centralizes His Power Over Religion
“One king, one law, one faith” Francoise d’Aubigne, Madame de Maintenon

11 Limits of Louis’s Absolute Rule
Dependant on many advisors & bureaucrats Compromised with vested interests Many old privileges & customs continued to exist

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