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Notes # 9 Monarchy.

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1 Notes # 9 Monarchy

2 ???What is a Monarchy???

3 Monarchy A form of government in which a family (called a dynasty) rules over a country. The person in the family that is in charge is called the Monarch. In any Monarchy, the people do not vote for a Monarch, but the Monarch is chosen because of their place in the family. (i.e., the Kings son will become King.)

4 !!!Absolute Monarchy!!!

5 !!!Constitutional Monarchy!!!

6 !!!Absolute Monarchy!!! This is when the Monarch has ABSOLUTE control over everything. They control; Nobles, which are part of the Royal family and help the Monarch control the country. Religion, to make sure that the religious leaders do what they want. Military, to control the people and protect the Royal family. Wealthy, because to gain wealth in a Monarchy, you must befriend the Monarch. The People, for they have NO rights under an absolute monarchy, they cannot vote, or speak out against the Monarch.


8 !!!Constitutional Monarchy!!!
A country still has a Monarch, but there are other parts of the government that the Monarch does not control, and a Constitution to protect peoples rights. In this government the Monarch may run the country like a President, or may only be a figure head and have no control (i.e. the Queen of England.) The nobles, religious leaders, military, wealthy and poor alike have the same protected rights. Though you do not vote for a Monarch, you do vote for the main government that runs the country.

9 !!!Absolute Monarchy!!! Tsar Nicholas II

10 !!!Constitutional Monarchy!!! Queen Elizabeth II

11 https://www. bing. com/videos/search
ou+montey+python&&view=detail&mid= EFC8CFA127A5B EFC8CFA127A5B&FORM=VRDGAR

12 !!!Absolute Monarchy!!! Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

13 !!!Absolute Monarchy!!! Kim Jong Un

14 Create the following with a group up to three, not by yourself.
Build a 3D pyramid that represents the different classes of a Monarchy. On each class, list what it is like under both an Absolute Monarchy and a Constitutional Monarchy. i.e., Absolute = people do not get to vote. Constitutional = people do get to vote for their government. Be ready to present your creative designs!!!

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