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Setting the Stage for Revolution: Absolute Monarchies

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1 Setting the Stage for Revolution: Absolute Monarchies

2 Definitions 1. Divine Right:
Belief that a ruler’s authority comes directly from God. 2. Absolute Monarch: Ruler with complete authority over the government and lives of the people he or she governs.

3 Absolute Monarchies in Europe 1550-1800
Spain France Austria Prussia Russia

4 Absolute Monarchies in Europe 1550-1800
From World History: Connections to Today Prentice Hall, 2003

5 Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648 (page 427)
Alliances continually changed. Led to starvation, famine and disease. German area severely depopulated. 1648: Peace of Westphalia signed EFFECTS France was clear winner (gained land) Prussia remained fragmented and Hapsburgs lose much power.

6 From World History: Connections to Today Prentice Hall, 2003

7 England - Pathway to Revolution 1603-1689
Elizabeth I (1558 – 1603) – Absolute ruler of England. Kept Parliament on her side. Stabilized the nation and expanded British territory. Died without an heir. Country had to decide who would replace her.

8 England – James I (1603 – 1625) Became James I of England when Elizabeth I died. Believed in Divine Right of Kings. Ran up a huge debt in England. Had Bible translated from Latin into English

9 England – Charles I Put his enemies in prison without trial Ran up a huge debt Dissolved Parliament in 1629 Started English Civil War between supporters of Charles and supporters of Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell. Charles I beheaded in 1649.

10 England – Oliver Cromwell 1649 - 1658
“Lord Protector” Ruled through the army Exiled Catholics to Ireland Strict Puritan laws passed Religious freedom for everyone else When Cromwell died, Restoration began.

11 England – Charles II The Restoration 1660 - 1685
Popular ruler Monarchy restored – Hence: Restoration Bowed to the wishes of Parliament Restored the Church of England Stabilized government

12 England – James II 1685 - 1688 Absolute Ruler Antagonized Parliament
Ran up a huge debt Openly Catholic Forced from throne in what came to be called the Glorious Revolution.

13 England – William and Mary English Bill of Rights 1689
Given the throne after the English Bill of Rights was passed. Guaranteed supremacy of Parliament over the monarchy. Affirmed “writ of habeas corpus” – no person can be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime. Laid groundwork for American system of laws.

14 France – Louis XIV Ruled 1643 - 1715
Called himself the Sun King Believed in divine right. “L’etat, c’est moi.” I am the state. Made French army the strongest in Europe France was the wealthiest country in Europe under him Louis XIV spent huge amounts of money Built Versailles Palace

15 France – Louis XIV Versailles
Became the symbol to European monarchs of the wealth and power of the king of France. Seat of French government for nearly over 100 years.

16 France – Louis XIV Versailles
Hall of Mirrors

17 Henry IV Late 1500’s religious battles CATHOLICS vs. HUGUENOTS.
1589 Henry IV Huguenot takes throne. Converts to Catholic to end wars. 1598 Edict of Nantes - protects religious freedom of Huguenots. “Chicken in every pot”

18 Louis XII 9 Year old takes over 1610.
Cardinal Richelieu his chief minister. Reduces power of nobles and Huguenots. 1643 Louis XIV takes over at age 5. Cardinal Mazarin chief minister.

19 Spain – Philip II Ruled 1556-1598
Sought to expand Spanish influence Tried to strengthen Catholic church Centralized royal power Married Mary I of England Invaded England with Spanish Armada against Elizabeth I – He lost most of the Armada.

20 Russia – Peter the Great Ruled 1682-1725
Goal was westernization of Russia. Controls the BOYARS(nobles)but allows serfdom to continue. Tours and studied Western technology & customs. 1700: Fought Sweden for control of Baltic. WANTS WARM WATER PORT! Built modern Western city of St. Petersburg as new capital.

21 Russia – Peter the Great
From World History: Connections to Today Prentice Hall, 2003

22 CATHERINE THE GREAT German marries Tsar Peter III –murdered by his guards and she takes over. Enlightened Ruler Code of laws, educates boys and girls. Sides with boyars and very harsh to peasants. Partition of Poland with Prussia & Austria in 1772.

23 Austria – Maria Theresa ruled 1740 - 1780
Fought Frederick II of Prussia Reorganized the government Eased tax burden on her people Gave more rights to her subjects Gave birth to 16 children while in power

24 Hapsburg Austria – Charles VI
1700’s no male heir. Daughter Maria Theresa, capable but no woman had ruled Austria by herself. Persuades European monarchs to recognize her right to rule. Prussia attacks Silesia sparks War of Austrian Succession.

25 Prussia – Frederick II Ruled 1740-1786
Attacked Austria, sparking the War of Austrian Succession Unified Prussia, part of the Holy Roman Empire, into one nation through war = Frederick the Great

26 Hohenzollern Prussia Scattered lands in Germany united create PRUSSIA.
Frederick William I Gain loyalty of Junkers(nobles) give them jobs in govt. Creates the strongest army in Europe

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