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The year is Edward the Confessor, King of England, is dead

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1 The year is 1066. Edward the Confessor, King of England, is dead
The year is Edward the Confessor, King of England, is dead. What can you remember about what happens next?

2 Who had the strongest claim to the throne in 1066?
Learning outcomes: Identify the different claimants to the throne in 1066. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each claim. Make a judgement about who had the strongest claim to the throne.

3 Who were the claimants? Edgar Aetheling – The nearest relative. Harald Hardrada – The Viking Warrior. William, Duke of Normandy – The powerful neighbour. Harold Godwinson – Son of Earl Godwin and powerful Englishman.

4 Important to note: There were no clear rules for succession in Today the crown would go to the eldest son or the nearest blood relative following this. In 1066 it was usually a combination of force, luck and powerful friends that secured the throne. English Customs – the dying words of the King were more important than any promises made before. Norman Customs – earlier promises to the throne were final and could not be changed on your deathbed.

5 Key words: Illegitimate– a child born to unmarried parents, this could affect a claim to the throne. Under oath – a promise using God as a witness. Witan – a group of powerful English nobles who acted as advisors to the King before 1066. Sub-regulus – literally ‘below the king’ meaning acting as the King’s deputy. Wessex – The richest part of England and an earldom controlled by the Godwin family before 1066. Your task … Using pages 10 – 11 in the red Norman textbook create a top trumps card for each claimant. You need to include; name, strengths of claim to the throne, weaknesses and rank each claimant based on how strong you think their claim is 1 – strongest claim, 4 – weakest claim. L/Os: Identify the different claimants to the throne in 1066. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each claim.

6 Who had the strongest claim to the throne and why
Who had the strongest claim to the throne and why? Why would the English and Normans view Edward’s dying words differently? L/O: Make a judgement about who had the strongest claim to the throne.

7 What is happening in this image?
On 6th January 1066 Harold Godwinson was crowned King of England in the presence of powerful English nobles and the Witan.

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