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Matthew Dig Site 17 Blue Level Questions.

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1 Matthew Dig Site 17 Blue Level Questions

2 What did Peter do when Jesus was arrested and taken to Caiaphas
Peter ran away and hid in the Temple. Peter followed Jesus to the courtyard of the high priest. Peter turned himself in and was arrested with Jesus. All of the above

3 What did Peter do when Jesus was arrested and taken to Caiaphas
Peter ran away and hid in the Temple. Peter followed Jesus to the courtyard of the high priest. Peter turned himself in and was arrested with Jesus. All of the above

4 What were the chief priests and Sanhedrin looking for during Jesus’ trial? (26:59)
The truth about Jesus Proof that Jesus was the true Messiah False evidence so they could put Jesus to death All of the above

5 What were the chief priests and Sanhedrin looking for during Jesus’ trial? (26:59)
The truth about Jesus Proof that Jesus was the true Messiah False evidence so they could put Jesus to death All of the above

6 After the false testimony during Jesus’ trial, how did Jesus react
He defended himself. He looked confused. He remained silent. He tried to escape.

7 After the false testimony during Jesus’ trial, how did Jesus react
He defended himself. He looked confused. He remained silent. He tried to escape.

8 What did Jesus say when Caiaphas asked if He was the Messiah, the Son of God? (26:63-64)
“You have said so.” “I’m not.” “Ask the people.” All of the above

9 What did Jesus say when Caiaphas asked if He was the Messiah, the Son of God? (26:63-64)
“You have said so.” “I’m not.” “Ask the people.” All of the above

10 What did Jesus say the Sanhedrin would see in the future? (26:64)
“The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” “The glory of God” “The Messiah coming forth from the grave” “A new heaven and a new earth”

11 What did Jesus say the Sanhedrin would see in the future? (26:64)
“The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” “The glory of God” “The Messiah coming forth from the grave” “A new heaven and a new earth”

12 What did the high priest do when he said Jesus had spoken blasphemy
He fell to his knees and prayed that God would forgive Jesus. He hit Jesus. He tore his clothes. He ran from the room.

13 What did the high priest do when he said Jesus had spoken blasphemy
He fell to his knees and prayed that God would forgive Jesus. He hit Jesus. He tore his clothes. He ran from the room.

14 What did the people say when the high priest told them Jesus had blasphemed? (26:65-66)
“Let Him go free!” “Put Him in prison!” “He is worthy of death.” All of the above

15 What did the people say when the high priest told them Jesus had blasphemed? (26:65-66)
“Let Him go free!” “Put Him in prison!” “He is worthy of death.” All of the above

16 What did the people do after the high priest said Jesus had blasphemed
“They spit in his face and struck him with their fists.” “Others slapped him.” They “said, ‘Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?’” All of the above

17 What did the people do after the high priest said Jesus had blasphemed
“They spit in his face and struck him with their fists.” “Others slapped him.” They “said, ‘Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?’” All of the above

18 What did the servant girl tell Peter when he was sitting in the courtyard? (26:69)
That he had been with Jesus of Galilee That he was the man who betrayed Jesus That he was supposed to be arrested with Jesus All of the above

19 What did the servant girl tell Peter when he was sitting in the courtyard? (26:69)
That he had been with Jesus of Galilee That he was the man who betrayed Jesus That he was supposed to be arrested with Jesus All of the above

20 What was said the second time Peter denied Jesus? (26:71)
“Where is your friend, Jesus?” “Do you know who Jesus is?” “This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth.” “You were a student of Jesus.”

21 What was said the second time Peter denied Jesus? (26:71)
“Where is your friend, Jesus?” “Do you know who Jesus is?” “This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth.” “You were a student of Jesus.”

22 How did Peter respond to the second person who accused him of being with Jesus? (26:71-72)
“I don’t know the man!” “I used to be friends with Him, but not anymore.” “I’m proud to admit that Jesus is my friend.” All of the above

23 How did Peter respond to the second person who accused him of being with Jesus? (26:71-72)
“I don’t know the man!” “I used to be friends with Him, but not anymore.” “I’m proud to admit that Jesus is my friend.” All of the above

24 How many times did Peter disown Jesus? (26:75)
Two times Three times Four times Seven times

25 How many times did Peter disown Jesus? (26:75)
Two times Three times Four times Seven times

26 What did Peter do when he remembered that Jesus said Peter would disown Him three times? (26:75)
“He went outside and wept bitterly.” “He ran and asked Jesus to forgive him.” “He ran away and hid in the Temple.” All of the above

27 What did Peter do when he remembered that Jesus said Peter would disown Him three times? (26:75)
“He went outside and wept bitterly.” “He ran and asked Jesus to forgive him.” “He ran away and hid in the Temple.” All of the above

28 What did the chief priests and elders do early in the morning after Jesus’ trial? (27:1-2)
They made plans on how to have Jesus killed. They bound Jesus and led Him away. They took Jesus to Pilate, the governor. All of the above

29 What did the chief priests and elders do early in the morning after Jesus’ trial? (27:1-2)
They made plans on how to have Jesus killed. They bound Jesus and led Him away. They took Jesus to Pilate, the governor. All of the above

30 What did Judas do with the 30 pieces of silver after he saw Jesus was condemned? (27:3)
He bought a field. He gave the money to the poor. He returned it to the chief priests and elders. He bought a tomb to bury Jesus.

31 What did Judas do with the 30 pieces of silver after he saw Jesus was condemned? (27:3)
He bought a field. He gave the money to the poor. He returned it to the chief priests and elders. He bought a tomb to bury Jesus.

32 What did Judas say when he realized Jesus was condemned? (27:4)
“I have sinned, … for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “I should mourn, … for I have hurt my friend.” I have sinned, … for this man was innocent when I claimed He was guilty.” “I have sinned, … for I should have given this money to the poor.”

33 What did Judas say when he realized Jesus was condemned? (27:4)
“I have sinned, … for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “I should mourn, … for I have hurt my friend.” I have sinned, … for this man was innocent when I claimed He was guilty.” “I have sinned, … for I should have given this money to the poor.”

34 What did Judas do when the chief priests and elders would not take back the money? (27:5)
He hanged himself. He tried to help Jesus escape. He ran away and hid in Nazareth. He asked Jesus for forgiveness.

35 What did Judas do when the chief priests and elders would not take back the money? (27:5)
He hanged himself. He tried to help Jesus escape. He ran away and hid in Nazareth. He asked Jesus for forgiveness.

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