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Salesian Family Animation in the Eastern US and Canada

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1 Salesian Family Animation in the Eastern US and Canada

2 I. Report on study and implementation of the Rector Major’s Strenna 2017
We Are Family: Every Home a School of Life and Love based on Amoris Laetitia

3 WATERSHED MOMENT turning point in the life of the Church and the Salesians of Don Bosco (and the Salesian Family) Similar to the turning-point-effect that General Chapter 23 had in 1990 Crucial for our times This is in our Salesian DNA!

3 Councils Jan. 7 Leadership Meeting March 24 Provincial Councils meeting (SDB, FMA, SSCC) on January 7, 2017 Salesian Family Spirituality Days (SFSD) in Rome (Jan , 2017) Sharing insights gained from the SFSD in E-Service (ongoing) Salesian Leadership Meeting on March 24, 2017 Time frame for implementation: July 1, June 30, 2018

5 II. “They have no wine.” “What is this to you and to Me?”
Strenna 2017 calls us to engage in Family Ministry with Don Bosco’s and Mary’s spirit.

Don Viganò 1994 Don Chavez 2006 Benedict XVI – GC 26 Francis 2016 Don Angel & Sr. Yvonne 2017 CALL TO FAMILY MINISTRY

7 Family Ministry in the Magisterium of the Church and the Salesian Family

not according to the prevailing model lay groups in the Salesian Family collaboration

the leadership role of lay members in the Salesian Family animation, formation, and accompaniment by the consecrated Religious

10 Academic Background… Scripture: “Jesus of Nazareth’s Family Experience” by Don Bartolomé, SDB Salesian Magisterium: “The Family and the Salesian Youth Pastoral: Heritage and Future” by Don Attard, SDB The Strenna itself: “We Are Family” by Don Angel, SDB “Salesian Reading of Amoris Laetitia” by Don Andrea Bozzolo, SDB “Accompanying Families: Keys to Listening and Discernment” by Sra. Cagigal Ministerial Experiences in act… “Cerchi d'Onda” (Ripples) by Don Mario O. Llanos and Lay Team “Family Homes: MetaCometa Association” by Salvo and Linda of Catania “ADMA Families” by Tullio Lucca and Team "Don Bosco Homes" – by the Cooperators of Spain “Family Accompaniment: Kremienok and Family Garden Counseling Center” by Kamil and Katarina Bagin

11 III. What Strenna 2017 Offers
A Clear Path…

12 TO ITS IMPLEMENTATION understanding of and methodology for implementing the call to family ministry systematic and organic way in the spirit of Amoris Laetitia

13 IV. The Heart of the Matter
Implementing the Rector Major’s Strenna 2017

14 IN 3 PHASES Local Level: Sessions on Amoris Laetitia
Area/Regional Salesian Family Spirituality Days Planning & Coordinating Group to create a Family Pastoral (network)

15 OF VITAL IMPORTANCE identify people who want to be involved & who want to work form a core local/area planning team of Salesian Family Members network with other agencies, professionals, parents, friends of Don Bosco and ecclesial groups

16 V. Necessary Prerequisites to Live Our Mission as Family
Our Mission with the Laity is not optional but is in our charism make and implement bold, concrete decisions take greater care of the Salesian Family develop the Salesian Family Groups, especially the Salesian Cooperators, ADMA, our Past Pupils, and the DBV


18 A FINAL THOUGHT… The development of the Salesian Family in our Provinces through the implementation of Strenna 2017 will be a most effective way to prepare for the Rector Major’s visit in September 2018

19 Thank you! Fr. Tom and Sr. Denise are available as human resources for Formation both for the Lay Members and for their Delegates/Assistants

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