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Emelda Nicholroy Head of Pensions Policy

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1 Emelda Nicholroy Head of Pensions Policy
Pensions Update Emelda Nicholroy Head of Pensions Policy

2 Common queries to UCEA What options do HEIs have in relation to pensions? What risks are HEIs running by participating in DB pension schemes? What is the sector doing about staff affected by pensions tax? What else is coming up that we should be aware of?

3 Dealing with a pensions legacy
Pre-92s USS set up to mirror Teachers’ Pension Scheme Most run their own local scheme for professional services staff Post-92s LA background means public sector schemes TPS for academics LGPS for professional services staff University hospitals offer NHSPS Auto enrolment schemes for casual staff

4 Example Pre-92 University
FS From 0% to 9% 18% USS Hybrid – CARE plus DC over 55.5K From 5% to 25% SAT 8% + 1% CARE DC 16.48% TPS CARE FS From 7.4% to 11.7% Example initially shows a HEI with: Main academic scheme is USS but employees now split between FS and CARE Small number in TPS, FS for the moment but all moving to CARE in 2015 Support staff in DB SAT, was final salary but this closed and now all have CARE – may or may not have kept the FS link for past service Casual staff are auto enrolled into NEST for the minimum contribution Then overlays the different employer contribution rates (which we expect to all go up!) Plus employee contribution rates which also vary widely ALSO note they decided to use USS for re-employed pensioners with a significantly higher contribution rate than anyone else Minimum 1% increasing to 3% by 2019 Minimum 1% increasing to 5% by 2019 NEST

5 HEI participation (1) USS
Under terms of Trust Deed participating employers required to enrol any eligible employees in USS (academic or academic related posts) Auto enrolment removes ability to have non-pensionable posts Cannot enrol USS eligible employees in an alternative scheme or pay into an alternative scheme for them (exception for clinical academics in NHSPS) Pensionable pay definition set by USS Trustee Unable to “retire and return” unless into a different role

6 HEI participation (2) TPS LGPS NHSPS Participate due to being a HEC
HEIs differ on definition of “teacher” Pensionable pay defined by scheme LGPS Scheduled body due to being HEC Any employee not eligible for another public sector scheme joins LGPS Admitted body by application to fund Redundancy entitlement to enhanced pension NHSPS Only “medical school” teaching medical/dental students

7 Governance Governance structure varies by scheme TPS/NHSPS LGPS USS
Scheme advisory board – HE rep Pensions board – HE rep LGPS Scheme advisory board – HE rep as part of Education employers Local pensions boards – some HEI have reps Local committees – few HEI reps or observers USS Trustee board – 3 UUK nominees Joint Negotiating Committee – 5 UUK nominees Funding and benefits sub-committee – UUK and UCEA reps

8 HEI control Increasingly strong HE employer voice BUT little direct control of cost or benefits USS Assumptions and employer contributions set by Trustee after consultation with employers Benefits and employee contributions negotiated through JNC with chair having casting vote Changes to JNC need to be agreed by JNC Usually offer separate scheme or support staff that HEI manages Public sector Mainly government department view and TUs Valuation assumptions set by GAD and HMT Cost management process only caps certain elements of future service cost NOT the deficit LGPS admitted bodies have more control

9 Accounting – FRS102 USS accounted for as DC BUT now need to disclose cost of deficit recovery payments on balance sheet Could impact on level of surplus shown in Statement of Comprehensive Income and reduce I&E reserves or net assets TPS unfunded so deficit notional therefore treat as if DC No change, still off balance sheet LGPS/local SAT accounted for as a DB scheme already as share of assets/liabilities can be identified No impact on balance sheet BUT no longer account for return on pension assets instead use net interest leading to increased finance charge May cause reduction in income (depending on assets held)

10 Options USS Close scheme and pay s75 debt (share of deficit on a prudent “buy out” basis) TPS/LGPS Scheduled employers cannot chose to close LGPS/TPS Can offer an alternative scheme if members opt out Can open a subsidiary and use that to employer new staff (and possibly transfer existing staff) LGPS admitted bodies can decide to close to new entrants/future accrual, but there may be an impact on cost

11 Risks HEIs are open to a wide range of risks in relation to their pension provision including: Cost of future service Cost and duration of deficit funding Appropriateness of benefits for staff Affordability of employee contributions Comparability of benefits and contributions in different schemes Possibility of industrial action Reputational risks Disclosures in accounts Limitations on business restructuring Implications for mergers Possibility of triggering section 75 debt Legislative change

12 Senior staff and pensions tax
Increasing numbers of staff affected – not just senior team Especially due to Tapered Annual Allowance taking into account income from all sources Scheme options differ: USS – Enhanced Opt Out, Voluntary Salary Cap and DC AVC options TPS/NHSPS – full opt out only LGPS – 50/50 (but few members affected)

13 Reaction to pensions tax issues
Institution response in one of three camps: No policy in place – few staff affected (may review on case by case basis) Pay a cash supplement if the member opts out – aim is to consider total reward but supplement calculated in various ways Treat it as a personal tax issue and decide not to offer a cash supplement – often due to equality concerns

14 Workforce issues Once member has opted out of the pension scheme their benefit options may be limited USS does not allow flexible retirement post EOO election DIS and ill health cover rely on member election (USS only) Enhanced/early pension on redundancy – policy changes needed? What about differences between the schemes? NHS/LGPS/TPS members cannot opt for DIS or ill health cover How to apply consistency in assessing the value of the reward package? How to calculate, document and manage any cash supplement? Equity – opt-out for costs vs. opt-out for tax Interface with auto-enrolment duties A case for policy transparency? Need to check a couple of these with USS…

15 Further information

16 Current issues Scheme valuations ongoing
LGPS review of third tier bodies TPS review of subsidiaries General election has stopped a number of other consultations SPA increases S75 debts Green paper on DB affordability

17 Questions? © UCEA 2017

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