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Hyperion Refresher Course Position Budgeting
Revenue and Expense Budgeting February 2017
AGENDA Hyperion - Public Sector Planning and Budgeting
Overview Course Sessions Objectives Key Dates What is Hyperion PSPB? General Information Naming Conventions Part I: Position Budgeting Position Budget Preparation Maintain Position Data Maintain Position and Employee Data Review Entity Compensation Budgets Review and Approve Positions
AGENDA Hyperion - Public Sector Planning and Budgeting
Part II: Revenue and Expense Budgeting Revenue and Expense Budgeting by Fund Education and General Funds Designated Tuition Other Designated IDC Cost Centers Service Centers Auxiliary Funds Budget Transfers Budget Reports Contacts and Resources
Hyperion Refresher Course
Course Sessions Budget Office will provide training in two different sessions for new users, and a one session refresher course for returning users. Today’s class is the Refresher Course. We will cover both Part I and Part II of Hyperion training, without hands on exercises. Part I - Hyperion Position Budgeting Part II - Hyperion Revenue and Expense Budgeting
Class Objectives In today’s class we will review the following:
Understanding Position Budget Preparation Maintain/update position and employee information Calculate and allocate compensation Review and approve Position Budgets Utilize web forms to capture Revenue and Expense budget data Analyze and compare operating current and prior year budgets Track and reconcile your operating budget
Key Dates - 2018 Budget Planning Calendar
January 31 Finalize Hyperion Access for Users (Returning and New) February 6-10 Hyperion Budget Training - Refresher Course For Returning and Full Two Part Course for New Users Hyperion Loaded with Adj FY 2017 Budget and Position Compensation Rates as of January 31 February 13 Phase 1: Hyperion OPENS to "Area Budget Coordinators" - For the FY 2018 Budget Development Central Budget Office will provide Budgeted Position Listing from FY 2017 Central Budget Office will provide Non E&G Longevity Reports based on current Longevity as of Jan 31 Central Budget Office will provide Benefits Updates for FY 2018 (if any) Central Budget Office will provide Draft FY 2018 projections for revenue generating areas Central Budget Office will provide Draft Debt Service Budgets Provided to Financial Area Reps March TBD Internal Department Deadlines coordinated by VP Areas for Hyperion Data Review March 10 Phase 1: Hyperion CLOSES to "Area Budget Coordinators" March 13-17 Hyperion Reconciliation by Financial Area Representatives in each VP Area Hyperion Reconciliation by Central Budget Office (Concurrent with Financial Area Reps) April TBD CMO meeting to review FY 2018 Revenue projections; Resources & Requirements Preparation of UT System Budget Goals & Priorities Hearing UT System/UTSA Budget Goals & Priorities Hearing Phase 2: Hyperion Updates "if needed" by either Area Budget Coordinators or VP Financial Area Reps May TBD Draft FY 2018 Operating Budget due to UT System June TBD Final FY 2018 Operating Budget due to UT System August TBD FY 2018 Operating Budgets approved by Board of Regents
Hyperion Refresher Course
What is Hyperion?
General Information Hyperion PSPB, short for
Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgeting Hyperion PSPB is a web-based integrated budgeting and planning solution, designed for public sector, healthcare or higher education This application simplifies budget preparation, review, approval and reconciliation PSPB supports position budgeting, allocation of salary, benefits and other expenses (M&O) into the appropriate GL accounts PSPB supports revenue allocation models, helping with reconciliation of the overall operating budgets
Hyperion Naming Conventions
Hyperion GL Accounts A51101: A&P Salary A50101: Faculty Salary A50205: Non Tenure Track Salary A51201: Classified Salary All position numbers include a “P” prior to the number P An entity in Hyperion refers to the Department. All Departments include a “D” prior to the value DBFA003 Employee ID’s are all proceeded with an “E” value prior to the number E Cost Centers include a “C” prior to the value CEGX010
PS 302.01 Budget Planning (Hyperion) Part 1 Position Budgeting
February 2017
Position Budget Preparation
Hyperion Refresher Course Position Budget Preparation
Position Budget Preparation What to Expect
Only budgeted positions from FY17 budget were loaded – with compensation as of 1/31/17 Newly added permanent budgeted positions created in PeopleSoft during the fiscal year are not included and will need to be added into Hyperion. The budget office will be providing the following reports to assist with Position Budgeting: Longevity Report New positions from close of FY17 Budget cycle to assist with identifying missing permanent budgeted positions in Hyperion.
Position Budget Preparation Navigation
Five tasks need to be completed in order to prepare for your position budgeting. Maintain Position Data Maintain Employees by Position HCP Reconciliation Review Entity Compensation Budgets Review and Approve positions Updated to add HCP Recon.
Task 1: Maintain Position Data
Hyperion Refresher Course Task 1: Maintain Position Data
Maintain Position Data
This form allows users to reviews/update all positions under a department and provides the following information: Position Name and Number Position Start and End Date Occupancy Status
Maintain Position Data
The following actions can be processed on this form with the right-click option on a mouse: Exclude Position from Budget – Best to zero out all values for Revenue and Expense calculations Edit Position Details Copy Position Data Add Position Terminate Position – DO NOT USE Single – Step Position Transfer – If user has access to both Departments Transfer Out – If user does not have access to both Departments Delete Position – DO NOT USE
Task 2: Maintain Employees by Position
Hyperion Refresher Course Task 2: Maintain Employees by Position
Maintain Employees by Position (Edit Employee Details)
Maintain Employees by Position (Edit Employee Details)
This form gives you information on the position and the employee associated with that position. Users will see an incumbent and a vacancy line associated with each filled position. For vacant positions the user will only see one vacancy line.
Maintain Employees by Position (Edit Employee Details)
On this form users will see two different sets of options when you right click on an employee name or a position number. Position options are view only To make position updates go back to Maintain Position Data Employee options allow for edits to employee data
Maintain Employees by Position (Edit Employee Details)
Example of right click options available when clicking on position number.
Maintain Employees by Position (Edit Employee Details)
Example of right click options available when clicking on employee name.
Maintain Employees by Position (Edit Employee Details)
The following actions can be processed through this form: Assign an employee Edit employee details FTE Employee Status – Information Only Salary Grades Additional Earnings – Permanent Supplements Only – Seldom used Calculate Compensation Expense Allocations to the GL Accounts Transfer Employee
Maintain Employees by Position (Edit Employee Details)
When updating the FTE, the order of the FTE update is critical. Budget users should change the Employee FTE first then run the two calculations; Calculate Compensation Expense Allocate Compensation Expense to GL Accounts Budget users should then update the Position FTE and run the following calculations; Next, the Employee FTE needs to be approved Finally, the Position FTE should be approved
Maintain Employees by Position (Edit Employee Details)
As one makes changes for positions and employees always click SAVE – floppy disk icon located in the toolbar. Also after each update ensure to right click on the content area and select both Calculate Compensation Expense and Allocate Compensation Budgets to GL. The recalculation that occurs will update the allocations based upon the changes made and pushes the data to the Revenue and Expense calculations.
Maintain Employees by Position (Transfer Employee)
Users can move employees between departments and into new or existing positions. A Single Step Transfer can be processed if a user has access to both the source and target position and departments. When the source and target departments have different managers, a Transfer out and a Transfer in transaction will need to occur. If this action needs to occur, please contact the budget office in order to process.
Task 3: hcp reconciliation
Hyperion Refresher Course Task 3: hcp reconciliation
HCP Reconciliation The HCP Reconciliation folder serves as a tool to review position and employee data for an entire department. For each position on the HCP Reconciliation there must be 3 lines of information: Allocation – Funding Data and % of Allocation Assignment – FTE Element of Change – Comp Rate/Salary Content can be exported to Excel to review
Task 4: review entity compensation budgets
Hyperion Refresher Course Task 4: review entity compensation budgets
Review Entity Compensation Budgets
After compensation budgets are entered and expenses calculated, users should review the following: Position Budgets Employee Budgets Compensation element expenses (shown by year/quarter/and month) FTE Assignments – sample next slide
Review Entity Compensation Budgets
Total FTE – Provides total FTE’s in Department Assigned – Filled FTE’s in Department Available – Unfilled/Vacant FTE’s in Department Headcount – Total number of employees
Task 5: review and approve positions
Hyperion Refresher Course Task 5: review and approve positions
Review and Approve Positions
Approvals are required for FTE updates on employee and position as well as the addition of new positions to the budget. Once the update to the FTE or addition of a position has been processed, the same user can approve this transaction under this task. Be careful to see the difference between the Approvals menu (approves Positions) and the Employee Approvals menu (approves Employee related changes).
Revenue and Expense Budgeting
PS Budget Planning (Hyperion) Part 2 Revenue and Expense Budgeting February 2017
AGENDA Hyperion - Public Sector Planning and Budgeting (PSPB) Part 2
Revenue and Expense Budgeting What to Expect? Revenue Allocations Education and General Designated Tuition Other Designated and IDC, Service Centers and Auxiliary Funds Budget Transfers – updates in Hyperion Hyperion Reports Who is doing What?
Revenue and Expense Budgeting – What to Expect
Hyperion Refresher Course Revenue and Expense Budgeting – What to Expect
Revenue and Expense Budgeting What to Expect
Phase I Uses the same base budget as the final/submitted FY 2017 Budgets. The following revenue and expense budgets will be copied from the FY 17 into the FY 18 Baseline Budget: Revenue allocations for Education and General Funds Designated Funds, including Designated Tuition M&O Permanent Transfers entered in PeopleSoft on or before February 10th will be recorded in Hyperion Salaries reviewed and approved will be pushed over to the Revenue and Expense side. (salaries loaded as January 31st) Revenue and Expense budgets copied from FY 17 for all Revenue Generating cost centers (including NSS, Auxiliary Services, Service Centers) NEW!!! All salary reserves will need to be budgeted at the A9000 line. This is required to produce accurate salary reports. The budgets in the salary accounts need to match the total salaries of budgeted positions/employees.
Revenue and Expense Budgeting What to Expect
Phase I The Budget Office will be providing the following reports to assist with the Revenue and Expense Budgeting: Revenue Trend reports for Revenue Generating Cost Centers (no fees) to help department estimate future revenue amounts. Projected revenues for Mandatory and Incidental Fees Revenue Trend reports for Authorized Service Centers to help estimate future revenue amounts. Departments must submit an approved service level agreement through the Director of Accounting NOTE: Any changes to the Fee revenue will need to be reviewed and authorized by the Budget Office – documentation is required
Revenue and Expense Budgeting What to Expect
Phase II Any updates approved by the CMO (Campus Management and Operations) will be updated in Hyperion in Phase II Revenue Increase/Decreases will be entered by the Budget Office, and will coordinate with the respective areas/departments. Budget office or Financial Area Representatives will reconcile the cost centers affected by the Increase/Decrease.
Revenue and Expense Budgeting – Revenue allocation
Hyperion Refresher Course Revenue and Expense Budgeting – Revenue allocation
Revenue and Expense Budgeting Revenue Allocations
The Budget office will update the following Revenue Allocation Forms: Education and General appropriations Designated Tuition including Designated Tuition (M&O) Student Services Fees All other revenue allocations (including Fees) will be done by the departments on the reconciliation forms – revenue recorded will be reviewed and agreed upon by the budget office if applicable (i.e. Mandatory and Incidental Fees, Service Centers) NOTE: These are the forms that currently are available. In the future, we are going to design additional forms that would be beneficial for reporting and tracking purposes. Example: Mandatory Fees, Incidental Fees, etc.
Revenue and Expense budgeting Education and General Funds
Hyperion Refresher Course Revenue and Expense budgeting Education and General Funds
Revenue and Expense Budgeting Education and General
Budgeting for Education and General Funds consists of two steps: Revenue Allocation – Budget Office – Central Managed Revenue and Expense Budget Reconciliation – Departments Source of Revenue for Education and General Funds: State Appropriations: includes Formula Funding, Special Items, Benefits THECB Transfers: TX Grants, Work-study Tuition and Fees: Statutory Tuition and Other Fees (Lab and Supplemental Fees)
Revenue and Expense Budgeting Education and General
Education& General Revenue and Expense Reconciliation is done through the Education and General Forms. The following Revenues/Expenses are loaded on this form: Revenue from State appropriations (budget office)- loaded from from the Allocation Forms Includes Permanent Transfers processed through February 10th Budgeted Salary Expenses: Current salaries – loaded from HCP The following Expense Budgets need to be updated or entered on this form: Non-salary expenses All salary reserves need to be entered to Budgetary Account A9000 Cost centers must be balanced and reconciled. Departmental users will update the non-salary expense and the salary reserve budgets to balance and reconcile their cost centers. NEW !
Revenue and Expense Budgeting Education and General
Revenue and Expense Budget Reconciliation - (Department Managed) Manage Tasks List >> E&G Forms >> State Departmental Budget ZS (Zero Suppressed) – shows all GL accounts used prior years >> State Departmental Budget Non ZS – use this if new GL accounts need to be added – ex A9000 Based on the information updated in the HCP cube for Position Budgeting, the Salary lines are automatically filled for A&P, Classified and Faculty Salaries. NOTE: Salary changes must be made in the HCP cube. The cells are locked. Salary Reserve accounts can be used to reconcile cost center. These cells are available for updates, you can add a reconciling amount.
Revenue and Expense budgeting designated tuition
Hyperion Refresher Course Revenue and Expense budgeting designated tuition
Revenue and Expense Budgeting Designated Tuition
- Designated Tuition includes the Designated M&O Cost Centers Budgeting for DESIGNATED TUITION consists of two steps: Revenue Allocation–Budget Office – Central Managed Revenue and Expense Budget Reconciliation–Departments
Revenue and Expense Budgeting Designated Tuition
Designated Tuition Revenue and Expense Reconciliation is done through the Designated Tuition Form. - (Department Managed) Manage Tasks List >> Designated and Service Forms >> Designated Tuition >> Designated Tuition Budget >> Designated Tuition ZS or >> Designated Tuition Non ZS (Expense) >> Designated Tuition Non ZS (Revenue) NOTE: Because of the large number of Designated Cost Centers, the non ZS forms into two: Expenses and Revenues. If new expense category needs to be added, you can use the Designated Tuition Non ZS (Expense) form. If new revenue category needs to be added, you can use the Designated Tuition Non ZS (Revenue) form.
Revenue and Expense Budgeting Designated Tuition
Designated Tuition Revenue and Expense Reconciliation is done through the Designated Tuition Form. - (Department Managed) **IMPORTANT** On any budget form, you must enter both a valid cost center and department combination to be able to enter/update information.
Revenue and Expense budgeting Other Designated and IDC Cost Centers
Hyperion Refresher Course Revenue and Expense budgeting Other Designated and IDC Cost Centers
Revenue and Expense Budgeting Other Designated IDC, Service Centers and Auxiliary Funds
Revenue and Expense Budget Reconciliation- (Department Managed) Expense budgeting for the Other Designated and IDC, Service Center and Auxiliary Cost Centers is done using the Other Designated and IDC, Service Center or Auxiliary forms respectively. The ZS forms shows all account lines that were used in last year’s expense budgets. If new expense category needs to be added, you can use the Other Designated and IDC Non ZS (Expense) form. If new revenue category needs to be added, you can use the Other Designated and IDC Non ZS (Revenue) form.
Hyperion Refresher Course
Budget Transfers
Budget Transfers Increase/Decrease from State Appropriations, Statutory and Designated Tuition, and other allocation forms The Budget Office will process the transfers on the E&G Allocation or Designated Tuition Allocation forms Permanent Transfers submitted on or before February 10th will be processed For any additional transfers please send a request to Edu, with Hyperion in the subject line The Budget Office will process the transfers on the Allocation Forms, keeping revenues in balance. This will make the cost center unbalanced, requiring departments/area leads to review and reconcile. All other transfers will be processed by the departments using the Transfer In and Transfer Out Accounts. Most transfer accounts (i.e. Mandatory, Incidental Fees) will have their own Transfer In/Out line. It is important to use the same transfer description for both the Transfer In or Transfer Out amounts. If there is a transfer that does not have an assigned description please call the budget office to request a Transfer In/Out line.
Hyperion Refresher Course
Hyperion Reports
Hyperion Reports The following reports are available for reviewing and reconciling budgets for your department: All Accounts by Cost Center Report Budget Statement Report Budget Statement Summary Report REMEMBER you can download any report to MS Excel by clicking “Tools” in the top blue ribbon menu bar and choose “Export as Spreadsheet”.
Reconciliation: Total Revenues (ALLRV) – Total Expenses (TOTEX) =0
Hyperion Reports All Accounts by Cost Center Report My Task Lists >> Reports Folder >> All Accounts by Cost Center This report lists all your department Cost Centers detailing the Total Revenues and the Expenses by category (i.e. Salaries, M&O Expenses, Transfers, etc.) Reconciliation: Total Revenues (ALLRV) – Total Expenses (TOTEX) =0
Hyperion Reports 2. Budget Statement Report
My Task Lists >> Reports Folder >> Budget Statement Reconciliation: Total Income and Expense = 0
Reconciliation: Total Income and Expense = 0
Hyperion Reports 3. Budget Statement Summary report My Task Lists >> Reports Folder >> Budget Statement Summary Reconciliation: Total Income and Expense = 0
Hyperion Refresher Course
Who’s Doing What?
Who’s Doing What? Recap of the Hyperion Budgeting process with assigned responsibilities: Title of Forms Assigned area Education and General Revenue Allocation Budget Office Education & General Revenue and Expense Reconciliation Departments Designated Tuition Revenue Allocation Designated Tuition Revenue and Expense Reconciliation Other Designated and IDC funds Revenue Allocation and Revenue and Expense Reconciliation (including Fees) Service Center Revenue Allocation and Revenue and Expense Reconciliation Departments (need service level agreement approved and signed by Director of Accounting, send to the Budget Office) Auxiliary Funds Revenue Allocation and Revenue and Expense Reconciliation Budget Office/Departments
Summary In today’s class we covered:
Overview of current training session What is Hyperion? Part I Position Budgeting Position Budget Preparation Maintain Position Data Maintain Position and Employee Data Review Entity Compensation Budgets Review and Approve Positions Part II Revenue and Expense Budgeting Revenue and Expense Budgeting by Fund Budget Transfers Hyperion Reports Who is Doing What?
Courses, Contacts, and Resources
Contact the Office of Budget Planning & Development Elizabeth Bay Ext (primary contact – HCP, Revenue/Expense) Tammy Anthony Ext (secondary contact – HCP, Revenue/Expense) Or (please use Hyperion in Subject line of )
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