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Ch 9, Sec 3-4: A Time of Conflict and the War of 1812

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1 Ch 9, Sec 3-4: A Time of Conflict and the War of 1812

2 Rise of Trade Ships were going to China, South America, Africa and new parts of Europe Trading for silks, spices, and manufactured goods American ships started moving supplies for countries at war American economy was boosted

3 War with Tripoli Barbary pirates attacked ships along N. Africa
Tripoli demanded tribute from the U.S. but Pres. Jefferson refused to pay Tripoli declared war U.S. blockaded their port Tripoli captured the Philadelphia and crew Stephen Decatur led a crew to burn the ship War ended with Tripoli promising not to charge tribute again and the U.S. had to pay $60,000 for their crew back

4 Problem at Sea 1803-Britain and France were at war
U.S. wanted to remain neutral so they could trade with both-known as neutral rights Both countries got mad and threatened to search U.S. ships destined for enemy ports

5 Impressment: England picks a fight with the U.S.
England needed sailors for the war Forced impressment-forcing people to serve in the military They went aboard U.S. ships and took “deserters” for their navy Attack on the Chesapeake-A U.S. ship attacked by the British but refused to allow them onboard The British killed 3 Americans and wounded 18 Americans wanted war but Pres. Jefferson did not

6 Embargo Act of 1807 Pres. Jefferson’s revenge for the Chesapeake incident Banned trading with other countries Made it possible for the U.S. to not be the middle man between countries at war U.S. way to prevent going into war Not effective

7 Madison Takes Office Pres. Madison made a deal with Britain/France
Whoever stopped attacking U.S. ships first would be allowed to trade with the U.S. France/Napoleon agreed first but cont. to attack U.S. ships Madison refused to go to war with France He saw Britain as a bigger threat

8 Frontier Conflicts Ohio became a state in 1803
Americans refused to stay out of native lands Native Americans outraged and rallied behind Chief Tecumseh of the Shawnee tribe Allied with British in Canada The Prophet (Tecumseh’s bro) also started a movement for natives to ignore the treaties and American customs Created a town in Indiana-Prophetstown

9 Battle of Tippecanoe Gen. Harrison vs. Tecumseh and the Prophet at the Tippecanoe River U.S. military won in 2 hrs for an American victory But Tecumseh joined the British troops in Canada to start a bigger conflict

10 Who were the War Hawks? Young Republicans in Washington D.C. in 1810
Led by Henry Clay and John Calhoun Southerners and Westerners Tried to push the President towards war Wanted to get revenge and show American power Renewed nationalism in U.S.-loyalty to our country Wanted to take land in Canada and Florida

11 Madison Declares War June 1, 1812 U.S. declares war against Britain
Britain decided to stop attacking U.S. ships before June 1 but the U.S. did not get the message in time U.S. still planned for war

12 Problems Going Into War
U.S. military only had 7,000 troops 50, ,000 militia troops Poorly trained Many states did not support the war Lack of leadership U.S. underestimated the strength of British troops and Native Americans

13 First Attack Gen. Hull led a group of U.S. troops into Canada
Tecumseh surrounded him and gave up Detroit to save the troops by Aug. 1812 Gen. Harrison also tried to attack in Canada but was stopped at Lake Erie

14 Battle of the Thames Commander Perry took control of Lake Erie and defeated the British navy there Gen. Harrison then surrounded Tecumseh’s troops Oct 5, Tecumseh was killed and York (Toronto, Canada) was attacked/burned down U.S. navy called upon privateers and frigates to join the cause-morale victories

15 Britain goes on the Offensive
Britain’s war with France was over by 1814 They could send more troops to the war with the U.S. They took Washington, D.C. quickly Aug 24, 1814-every gov’t building in D.C. was burned down

16 On to Baltimore Britain left Washington for Baltimore
There, 13,000 militia defended the city Sept 13-14, 1814-Battle over Baltimore Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner about the event

17 Defeat at Plattsburgh British under Gen. Prevost tried to attack in NY state at Plattsburgh American Navy stopped the British troops in Sept. 1814 British retreated to Canada British gave up on trying to retake the U.S. from the Americans

18 Treaty of Ghent War ended in Dec 1914 in Ghent Belgium
No borders changed Word of the treaty did not get back in time to prevent another battle-Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson killed 100s of British troops making him a hero/future president The War of 1812 gave the U.S. a new sense of pride and national identity

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