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Mrs. Tedischi’s Literacy Class

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1 2016-2017 Mrs. Tedischi’s Literacy Class
Lindi My E-portfolio Mrs. Tedischi’s Literacy Class

2 Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Table Of Contents 3. All about me
4. Journal entries 5. Space Camp 6. Personal Narrative 7. Cameras In Class 8. Why I included these journal entries 9. Fall is 10. Stock project 11. Stock Project 12. Balancing a Budget PowerPoint 13. Balancing a Budget 14. Balancing a Budget 15. Balancing a Budget 16.Balancing a Budget 17. Balancing a Budget 18. Balancing a Budget 19. List of All Books Read 20. Look at me as a Reader 21. Look at me as a Writer 22. Literature Circle Book Entries 23. Teacher Read Aloud 24.The Cay 25. Island of the Blue Dolphins 26. On My Honor 27. Tuck Everlasting 28. The Year In Review

3 All about me Hi, my name is Lindi and I am in 6th grade, and I am 12 years old. I play basketball, it is just a fun thing that I enjoy doing. I also have dairy cattle, and I work on the farm with them. I show my dairy cattle, and a Dairy Beef Feeder at the Colombia County Fair. My inside pets are my guinea pig, Doritos, a hedgehog, Willow, and a bird, Bosco. On my free time I like to go outside and play basketball with some friends, I also really enjoy singing. I spend a lot of time with my best friend’s Grace, Gracie, Mickey, Maddy and Kaylee!

4 Fall is Space camp Personal narrative Cameras in Classrooms
Journal entries Fall is Space camp Personal narrative Cameras in Classrooms

5 Space Camp

6 Personal Narrative

7 Cameras in Class

8 Why I included these journal entries
I included these 3 journal entries because I thought that they were some of the best writings that I have done this school year. I really liked the Cameras in Class writing because it’s a persuasive writing and I really liked telling my points that I have against that topic. I think I'm really strong when writing persuasive papers but its still not my favorite type of writing. That was my favorite piece of writing that I have done this school year and why I included these pieces.

9 Fantastic Awesome Leaves Lazy Inspiration Surroundings
Fall is Fantastic Awesome Leaves Lazy Inspiration Surroundings

10 Stock Project H:\Book1.xlsx <<<Excel stock project<<<

11 Stock project On my stock market project four out of five of my stocks earned me money. But for one of them I lost money. I ended up making about $825 on my stock project. I think this is pretty good but I also think I should have picked my stocks more carefully.

12 Balancing a budget PowerPoint( click pineapple to see)

13 Budget project

14 Budget project

15 Budget project

16 Budget project

17 Budget project

18 Budget project

19 list of all books read 1.Skylark~ Petrica McLaughlin
2.Cinderella~ Marcia Brown 3.Trolls on Vacation~ Allan MacDonald 4. The Giving Tree~ Shel Silverstein 5. The Cay~ Theodore Taylor 6. Tales of Dexperau~ Kate Dicamillo 7. Divergent~ Veronica Roth 8.White Fang~ Jack London 9. Connect The Stars~ Marissa De Los Santos 10. The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs~ Betty G Birney 11. Counting On Grace~ Elizabeth Winthrop 12. Tracker ~Gary Paulsen

20 A look at me as a reader My favorite genre in a book is Realistic fiction. This is my favorite genre because its crazy enough that it only has a small chance of happening, but it could happen. I like being able to read a book and then connect it to the real world, and with Realistic Fiction this is something you can do. These are some of my reading habits, my favorite place to read is somewhere quiet. Sometimes a little bit of noise is ok like a fan running but other than that, I would not be able to read if there was more noise.

21 A look at me as a writer My favorite type of writing is fantasy, I like this because you can make up anything from your imagination that you want. Anything that you believe can come true in fantasy writing. Some of my writing habits are hearing a fan blowing or wind blowing while I'm writing, this helps calm me so I can focus more on what I'm writing other than things around me. I also like writing outside on summer days, I like hearing the wind and the birds and it helps me imagine what I'm writing right in front of me.

22 Literature circle book entries
White Fang~ Jack London~ Thoughts- I think this is a good book, but I wouldn’t recommend it to others. This is because I felt like it was really good at the beginning and it got worse toward the end almost like they ran out of ideas to write about. Connect the stars Marissa De los Santos and David Teauge~ Thoughts-This is really good book I liked being able to look at Audrey and watch her internally grow because towards the end of the book she started getting more friends, and she trusted people again cause they never lied to her. Prisoner B-3087~ By: Alan Gratz~ Thoughts- This book was my favorite book out of these four. It was really good, and what I liked about it is that its not like other books. Most of all other books are really good at the beginning and then aren’t at the end of them. But this book was good because it was good the whole time. My favorite part in the book was when Yanek carried that guy in the death march just so that he wouldn’t get killed. I thought that was really generous of him because he was risking his own health for this stranger he doesn’t even know. Tracker~ By: Gary Paulsen~ Thoughts- I really like this book, one of the reasons I like it so much is because this reminds me of something that happened in my friends life. I like this because it reminds me that this is something that could be true and that cancer can effect anyone and it can really take a toll on people. My favorite part in the book is when the boy tracked the deer for a really long time because the doe reminded him of his dying grandpa. Then finally he got close enough to touch the deer and he made his grandpa proud Lawn Boy~ By: Gary Paulsen~ I haven't finished this book yet, but so far I wouldn’t really recommend it, it is really slow in the beginning. But who knows, it could get really good towards the end. I really like the part when they drank hippie tea because I thought it was amusing that they called it hippie tea.

23 Teacher read- aloud 1. On my honor~ Marion Dane Bauer
2. The cay~ Theodore Taylor 3. Island Of The Blue Dolphins~ Scott Odell 4. Tuck Everlasting~ Natalie Babbit

24 The cay The Cay is about a little boy named Phillip, him and his mom wanted to go back to his home town in Virginia because there is a war going on in Willamstad the town they moved to. So they got a boat to go back to Virginia, but their boat got torpedoed. When they were evacuating Phillip got hit on the head and got knocked out. Him and his mom were separated and he woke up on a raft with a big black man named Timothy. On the raft Phillip went blind they thought it was because of the sunlight. Then they ended up drifting to an island called The Cay. They lived there until they got rescued, they stayed alive by catching fish and other sea animals. They also drank the milk out of coconuts. They had to live through a hurricane but Timothy lost too much blood from the storm and died shortly after. Then one day Phillip heard a plane. So he started a fire to signal the plane, then a little while after a boat sent to get him came and rescued him. He finally got back to Willamstad and got reunited with his parents. He had to have 3 procedures to fix his eyesight but he finally got it back.

25 Island of the Blue Dolphins
This book is by Scott Odell and it is about a girl named Karana and her tribe. The Aleuts witch is a different tribe had come to hunt sea otter and promised to share what they had caught in the end. They failed to do this, so the 2 tribes got in a fight the Aleuts lost and ended up losing most of their tribe in the battle. Eventually the Aleuts found a new place to live and the tribe was on a ship to go there but Karana noticed that her little brother wasn’t on the boat and that he was still on the island. Since it was an old boat they couldn’t go back to get him now, so Karana decided to jump overboard and go save him. Now it was just her and him on the island, but a couple days later the aggressive wild dogs killed Karana's brother. After this Karana promised that she would kill all the wild dogs, but she ended up keeping one as a pet and named him Rontu. At this point she had made a house and a fence made out of whale ribs this was where they stayed. Then one day another tribe came to the island and Karana got scared so here and Rontu hid in a cave but a girl from the other tribe had found her and they became friends. The other tribe had to leave eventually and her friend wanted her to come with them but Karana turned her down because she still believed that they were going to harm her. A little while after that Rontu died and she was left all alone. A while after this people came to rescue Karana after 18 years of living all alone on the island.

26 On my honor In class we read the book on my honor by Marion Dane Bauer the main characters in this book were two boys named tony and joel. tony was a daredevil, he always enjoyed doing risky things and he would never ever turn down a dare, this wasn’t always necessarily a good thing. tony was best friends with Joel, they did almost everything together. but they weren’t alike, Joel wasn’t risky like tony. tony wanted to ride their bikes to starved rock, this is a park about 12 miles away. joel didn’t want to climb the buffs because it was dangerous, but he didn’t want to say that because he didn’t want tony thinking he was a chicken. but Joel knew his dad would say no if he asked to go to starved rock with tony. but joel wouldn’t let tony say that they were going to climb the bluffs, so he just had to say it was for exercise. but it was ok because he still knew his dad would say no. but his dad ended up saying yes, he felt like they were mature enough now to go that far without an adult. so they went and on the way joel ended up talking tony out of climbing the bluffs. so they went to the river instead even though they weren't aloud to be there because it was trespassing. then tony jumped in and started swimming. then they got into a fight about him swimming because they weren't aloud and joel didn’t want anything bad to happen. so joel decided to give tony a taste of his own medicine and dared him to swim out to the sandbar. So they swam out to the sandbar and Joel beat tony, but when he got there he looked back and couldn’t see tony. He thought he was playing a joke on him, But he wasn’t. he ended up drowning and he tried to keep it a secret but it didn’t work eventually he cracked and told the police what actually happened.

27 Tuck Everlasting In class we are reading the book Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt, we have not finished it yet so I am just going to summarize what we have read so far. Winnie Foster witch is a girl that is in kind of a rich family was in “the wood” and that is the woods that they own and she saw a man drinking from a spring in the middle of her woods. She didn’t know what he was doing so she got closer, eventually he noticed that she was there so she came out, and since she saw him drinking from the spring she wanted to drink from the spring too but he insisted that she didn’t. So Winnie didn’t drink from the spring, but then a woman came out and was surprised to see Winnie with her son. She decided that they had to take Winnie away to tell her the truth so she didn’t tell the world about the spring. When they finally got far enough away they told Winnie that they would take her back home the next day, She was devastated to hear this but happy to know that they wouldn't harm her. Then they told her the truth, they had to explain that when you drink from the spring you stay exactly the same age as you were when you drank from it and you will live and look the same forever. Winnie didn’t believe it at first, she never really believed in fairy tales, but she would have to believe this one because little does she know that this event is connected to other events that will be happening in her life.

28 The year in review So far this year has been great. I loved the science experiments and learning about Egypt. I also thought it was cool when we got to pick our own country and research it. I do feel prepared for next year and I’m excited! I hope the rest of the year will be great too.

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