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2 Let’s enjoy a performance of two students with a ball.

3 Unit 13: HOBBIES


5 Vocabulary guitarist (n) /gɪ ‘ta:rɪst/ accompany[ə'kʌmpəni]
người chơi đàn ghi ta accompany[ə'kʌmpəni] đệm đàn, nhạc accomplished [ə'kɔmpli∫t](adj): lành nghề, tài ba

6 fish tank (n) /fiʃ tæŋk/
bể cá a container for holding water to keep fish

7 Modest (a) ['mɔdist](adj):
not too big. nhỏ,khiêm tốn Modest house Big house

8 She is occupied = She is busy
Occupied ['ɒkjʊpaied] bận rộn

9 He’s an avid reader. Avid ['ævid] (adj): say mê, khao khát

10 Discarded (adj) /dɪs’kaːdɪd/
vứt bỏ Get rid of st that you no longer want or need

11 VOCABULARY -Guitarist (n) /gɪ ‘ta:rɪst/ : người chơi đàn ghi ta
I. BEFORE YOU READ VOCABULARY -Guitarist (n) /gɪ ‘ta:rɪst/ : người chơi đàn ghi ta -Discarded (adj) /dɪs’kaːdɪd/: vứt bỏ -Fish tank (n) /fiʃ tæŋk/ :bể cá -Avid ['ævid] (adj):say mê, khao khát

12 -Accomplished (adj) [ə'kɔmpli∫t] (adj): lành nghề, tài ba
- Accompany (v) [ə'kʌmpəni] = đệm đàn, nhạc - Modest (adj) : ['mɔdist] nhỏ,khiêm tốn - (to) indulge in [in'dʌldʒ] say sưa ,đam mê - Occupied ['ɒkjʊpaid] (adj) làm cho bận rộn

13 Checking Vocabulary

14 a container for holding water to keep fish

15 Big house




19 While you read

20 T F     1. The writer’s first hobby is playing basket ball.
TASK 1 Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True or false . Correct the false ones. T F 1. The writer’s first hobby is playing basket ball. Playing his guitar (line 3) 2. The writer is an accomplished guitarist. The writer’s uncle (line 3) 3. The writer gets more local stamps than foreign ones. (line 17) 4.The writer collected fish only from the rice field near his house. From both the rice field near his house and the shop. (line 11,12,13)

21 Task 2 Answer the questions

22 Answer the questions 1. Why does the writer admire his uncle?
2. What is the writer’s second hobby? 3. What kind of stamp collector is the writer? 4. Where does he collect the stamps? 5.What does the writer do with the less common stamps and with the common ones?

23 1.Why does the writer admire his uncle?
=>Because he’s an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing by his guitar. ( line 3,4,8,9)

24 2. What is the writer’s second hobby?
=>His second hobby is keeping fish. (line 10)

25 3.What kind of stamp collector is the writer?
2. What is the writer’s second hobby? 3.What kind of stamp collector is the writer? =>He is an avid stamp collector.(line 15,16)

26 4. Where does he collect the stamps?
=>He collects from discarded envelops that his friends and his relatives give him. (lines 16,17)

27 5. What does the writer do with the common stamps and the less common ones?
=>He keeps the less common ones inside a small album. The common ones he usually gives away to others or if no one wants them he simply throws them away.(line 19,20,21)

28 After you read

29 Talk about your hobby.

30 Homework Learn by heart the new words Prepare for the next part - Speaking


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