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Welcome to Floral Design!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Floral Design!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Floral Design!
Ms. Thissen

2 What will we learn about?
Safe use of tools & equipment How to care for cut flowers and plants Art Concepts: Principles & Elements of Design Historical Time Periods in Art & Floral Design Design Styles & Shapes About careers in the floral industry & how to get a job About the FFA How to grow flowers and plants Weddings & other special event work (even Sympathy aka Funerals) How to appreciate flowers & arrangements About Bouquets & Flowers that we wear How to evaluate your own work & write about it! And So Much More!

3 What are some things we will make?
Lots of flower arrangements!!! Monthly designs for the teachers (paying customers!) Monthly designs that you will take home Examples: fall wreath, Halloween pumpkins, spring baskets, potted gardens, Valentine’s day bouquets, Thanksgiving centerpieces Wedding Project Art Time Period project Professional Portfolio Corsages and Ribbon Bows So much more!!!!

4 What will I need to bring to class?
Yourself and an attitude for learning and working Your creativity! Something to write with (pen, pencil, markers) Your notebook

5 How will I be graded? Classwork & Homework – 30%
After making an arrangement you will evaluate it Daily assignments and activities In-class book assignments Reading articles & answering questions Video questions Other activities as well! VERY RARELY will you have homework that you don’t have class time to complete…

6 How will I be graded? Tests & Quizzes – 30%
At the end of each unit we will have a review quiz or test, this might be open note or closed note. The units might last a day, a week, or even longer. You will ALWAYS be warned and have time to prepare Quizzes can be given at any time, with or without notice

7 How will I be graded? Project & Reports – 25%
An Art History report on a time period Making a Professional Portfolio Planning the flowers for a wedding Learning the names of flowers, foliage, and tools Other exciting activities!

8 How will I be graded? Class Notebook– 5%
Keep your notes organized and up to date You will often need these for your quizzes/tests

9 How will I be graded? FFA Participation – 10% Record Book & SAE – 5 %
You get to be an FFA member! You need to participate in 3 activities this semester. You will hear LOTS more about this soon! Record Book & SAE – 5 % We will keep track of your FFA activities and find an SAE that fits you perfectly! It might even be this class and our projects…

10 What if I’m absent or need to make-up work?
Whenever you’re absent be sure to get your work the next day in class! Ask me! You will have a day or 2 to make it up. If you turn work in late it receives 1/2 credit for the score you earn. Get it turned in before the unit ends! If it’s a lab, sorry, flowers don’t usually last…

11 Let’s get to know each other!
Any other questions?? Let’s get to know each other!

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