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Creating Sustainable Funding

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Sustainable Funding"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Sustainable Funding
Creating Programs that Keep on Giving

2 Your Group Needs Money to Operate



5 Where do We Start? Showcase what the Master Gardeners do for the community

6 What does your County need that your Group can Provide?

7 There are Variety of Programs
Educational Programs Plant Sales Cookbooks & Publications Plant Shows or Events Equipment or Tool sales

8 Every County needs some type of Gardening Classes
Consider what you would like to teach Consider the experts in your group How big of a class can your group handle? What would you charge? Does your county need a series of Classes? Set the time to be held same time each year. Pick-up donations, refreshments, sign-in, etc.


10 TYPES OF CLASSES Series of Vegetable Classes Series of Flower Classes
Class on Flower Arrangement Class on Beginning Landscape Design Hands-On Fruit Tree Pruning Seminar Turfgrass Management Class(es) Building Raised Beds Seminar Herbs & Their Use The types of classes are endless

11 Plant Sales

12 Cookbooks & Publications
Master Gardener Cookbooks sell very well It takes a group effort It does take work and coordination Small How-To Publications Think outside the box

13 Plant Events and Shows Host a yearly event County Fair plant judging
Spring of Summer Flower Show Herb & Vegetable Luncheon / Dinners Do your members have a Specialty


15 Host Seminars Your group can host a variety of Seminars
Construct Rain Barrels Build Raised Bed Kits Make Garden Labels Host a Garden Preparation Class Sponsor a Garden Tool Event What does your county need / want?


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