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Bacterial & Viral Infections

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1 Bacterial & Viral Infections
Acute Viral Nasopharyngitis (The Common Cold)

2 Bacteria & Bacterial Infections
Bacteria are living organisms and are 100 times larger than viruses. Bacteria do not need a host to live, it is self sufficient. Bacteria will reproduce and reproduce until it is killed off by some sort of chemical agent. Therefore, bacteria are self contained and do not need help from other living body or material. Killed off by chlorine bleach or an antibiotic.

3 The good, the bad, and the bacteria
Some bacteria are beneficial to the human body! Good and Bad

4 Viruses & Viral infections
Viruses are protein packages. Viruses are “Hitchhikers or Invaders” The virus will then use the genetic tools from the cell to reproduce and make more copies of itself. The virus will continue to make copies of itself until the cell gets full and bursts. Viruses will never die. There is a lot of speculation among researchers whether or not viruses can be classified as living organisms. 2. Viruses must have assistance from another living organism to reproduce. It cannot do this on its own. 4. Now, many copies of that virus will now invade new cells. And the process repeats itself. 5. They can only be controlled however. A virus may live in your system, however, once antibodies are produced you can no longer be infected by that strain of the virus.

5 VIRUSES How a Virus Works!!!

6 Antibodies and the immune system
When the body is exposed to a pathogen, like a virus, the immune system creates antibodies against the pathogen. T-Cells will diagnose….. It is very important to note that the t-cells make the diagnosis. They check the “poker” or mode of transmission. The t-cells will then call the antibiodies or tell the immune system to make the antibodies to cover the mode of transmission.

7 Antibodies and the immune system
Those antibodies stay in the blood and the next time the body is exposed to that pathogen, the antibodies attack it before it can make us sick. All Points Bulletin

8 Antibodies and the Immune Response

9 In review Bacterial and Viral Infections

10 Common Cold Acute Nasopharyngitis Causes? Why all the mucus?
Viruses that replicate on your throat cells. Why all the mucus? Your body produces it to get rid of the viral particles. Remember the replication that we talked about earlier with regards to viruses.

11 Acute Nasopharyngitis
What causes congestion? Swelling of the veins in your nose. Is there only 1 virus that causes the common cold? There are over 200 known viruses that cause the common cold. That is why a doctor will always suggests Tylenol or medication with acetaminophen in it. This is to reduce the swelling of the veins in your nose. Doctors may also suggest and NSAID.

12 Medications Treat only the symptoms!
There is no cure for the common cold! Find a medication combination that works best for you! Always ask a doctor or pharmacist about taking medication you’ve never taken before. You’re taking the meds to feel better while your immune system makes the antibodies to fight the infection.

13 Taking medication isn’t the only thing you can do…
Get plenty of rest. Take vitamin C Getting proper rest and relaxation and consuming vitamin C are essential for keeping your resistance up and allowing your immune system to optimally fight the infection. Doing this will ensure a faster recovery.


15 Questions?

16 Thank You!!!

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