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Kenneth Anthony Bolin, DDS, MPH

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1 Kenneth Anthony Bolin, DDS, MPH
NNOHA Nationwide Community Health Center Dental Provider and Executive Director Survey November 2009 Kenneth Anthony Bolin, DDS, MPH

2 Origins of Study NNOHA obtained funds for survey from HRSA grant
Author a Dental Public Health residency director and published previous survey Prior instrument needed additional questions regarding demographics

3 Survey Design Dental Director and Executive Director listing obtained by NNOHA from HRSA Survey questions derived from survey designed by former CHC Dental Director Input from NNOHA committee Survey approved by Texas A & M Baylor College of Dentistry IRB

4 Survey Methods Surveys mailed to all CHC Dental Directors and Executive Directors 4-5 weeks later a second mailing First and second mailings included self-addressed stamped envelopes 4 weeks later a reminder postcard

5 Response 701 Dentists/Dental Hygienists 338 Executive Directors
Unduplicated 406/790 (51.4%) 338 Executive Directors 338/784 (43.1%)

6 Data Entry and Analysis
Data analyzed using SPSS 15.0 Frequency Analysis performed for each variable Association tests performed on key variables Chi-square crosstabulation T-test for independent samples Logistic Regression to obtain Odds Ratios

7 Demographics Year of graduation All 10 HRSA Regions represented
Range Mean = 17.2 years All 10 HRSA Regions represented Majority from metropolitan areas DDS=63.2% RDH=55.6% Majority practicing for >10 years DDS=59.8% RDH=52.5%

8 Demographics Dental Director 317/701 45.5% Staff Dentist 259/701 37.2%
Dental Hygienist 120/ % Gender DDS 53.3% Male/46.7% Female RDH % Male/95.8% Female

9 Activity Prior to CHC Employment
Dentist Number Percent Dental Student 134 23.9 Graduate dental program/specialty program 46 8.2 Private practice owner/partner/associate 179 31.9 Private practice employed dentist 104 18.5 Commissioned Officer PHS/Military 36 6.4 Local, state, public health agency/other community dental center 57 10.2 Retired 5 0.9 Total 561 100 Dental Hygienist Dental Hygiene Student 29 24.6 Private practice associate or employee 83 70.4 6 5.0 118

10 Scholarships and Loans
Received NHSC Scholarship DDS 10.3% RDH % NHSC Loan Repayment DDS 19.5% RDH % State Loan Repayment DDS 14.3% RDH %

11 Reasons for choosing CHC
Felt a mission to the dentally underserved population Wished to offer oral health care within an interdisciplinary environment Wished to practice dentistry in a community based setting Did not want to invest capital in a private practice

12 Reasons for choosing CHC
Attracted by work schedule/leave policies of Community Health Center Loan repayment was offered or promised to you in Community Health Care dentistry Sold private practice, or retired from government service Dissatisfied with associate/employee dentist arrangements currently available

13 Highest Response Rate Responses from dentists
Felt a mission to the underserved % Loan repayment available in CHC % Attracted by work schedule/leave % Responses from dental hygienists Felt a mission to the underserved % Attracted by work schedules/leave % Wished to practice in a CHC setting %

14 Perception of Autonomy
Dentist Number Percent Full Autonomy 245 42.7 Limited Autonomy 329 57.3 Total 574 100.0 Dental Hygienist 56 47.1 63 52.9 119

15 Perception of Autonomy
Top three reasons reported for both dentists and dental hygienists Degree of patient compliance with treatment recommendations or attendance Limited access to specialists Restrictive Medicaid policies/requirements

16 Perception of Admin Time
Enough/More than enough 29.0% Not enough time % No time allowed %

17 Are Benefits Adequate? % Answering Yes DDS RDH
Vacation/Sick Days 84.6% 82.4% Medical Insurance 79.6% 77.1% Retirement Plan 89.7% 87.0% Employer match 66.7% 64.8% Production Incentive 34.8% 24.6%

18 Vacation/PTO Dentist Dental Hygienist Mean and median days ≈ 26
Mean days --23 Median

19 CE Allowance Days Amount Mean DDS 5.3 $1,828 Median DDS 5.0 $2,000
Mean RDH $893 Median RDH $800





24 Years of Total Experience
5.0% 6.8% 22.5% 18.4% 52.5% 59.8% 15.0% 20.0%

25 Current Employment Status
DDS RDH First and only position % % At least one prior % % Two or more prior % %

26 Perception of On-Call Duties
304 417 147 97 151 151 18 101 101 18 18

27 Perception of Facility
%DDS %RDH Very Good Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor

28 Perception of Equipment & Supplies
%DDS %RDH Very Good Good Adequate Needs improvement Poor <1.0

29 Perceptions of Support
Answering “Adequate” %DDS %RDH Number of DAs Quality of DAs Clerical support Admin support Number of DDSs Number of RDHs

30 26.7% 26.7 24.6% 24.6% 19.0% 19.0% 15.5% 15.5% 14.3% 14.3%

31 35.5% 35.5% 25.2% 25.2% 15.0% 14.0% 14.0% 15.0% 10.3% 10.3%

32 Non-Salaried Personnel
Dentists Mean hourly fee $63.17 Median hourly fee $60.00 Mode $50.00 Dental Hygienists Mean hourly fee $29.64 Median hourly fee $30.00 Mode $30.00

33 Memberships Dentists #1 ADA 69.1% #2 AGD 22.4% #3 None 20.0%
#4 AAPHD 6.9% #5 NDA % #6 HDA % #7 APHA 2.4% Employer reimbursement YES=60%

34 Memberships Dental Hygienists #1 ADHA 53.3% #2 None 43.3% #3 HDA 1.7%
#4 AAPHD 0.8% Employer reimbursement YES=36.8%

35 Intend to Remain in CHC Dentists 80.2% 449/560
Dental Hygienists 93.3% 111/119 Of those intending to leave CHC Leaving in 2-5 yrs 61.% 75.0% Within one year 29.2% N/A ASAP % 25.0%

36 Executive Director Survey
FTEs Unfilled positions Salary information Benefits information Recruitment methods

37 Vacancies

38 Recruitment Methods For Dentists Working with NHSC 28.1% 95/338
Networking PCAs 24.9% 84/338 Postings at schools 22.8% 77/338 Newspapers % 69/338

39 Salary DDS Mean $124,765 Median $122,209 75th percentile $135,699
Fringe benefits = 24% additional Med/dental insurance % Yes Disability/life insurance 90.2% Yes No. paid holidays 10 (med & mode) No.PTO days (med & mode) Retirement plan offered 92.6% Yes Dental license reimbursement 78.3% Yes Drug license fee reimbursement 9.9% Yes Continuing Education allowance $2000 (median)

40 Hygiene Vacancies

41 Recruitment Methods Newspaper 10.1% 34/338 Work with NHSC 7.1% 24/338
Network PCAs % 36/338 CHC web postings 5.9% 20/338

42 RDH Salary Mean $57533 Median $58120 75th Percentile $66657
Fringe benefits= 22% Medical/dental insurance 97.1% Other insurance/disability 91.8% No. paid holidays 10 (median) No. PTO days (median) Retirement plan offered 93.3% License fee reimbursed 74.0% Continuing Ed allowance $1000 (med)


44 Statistical Analysis of Associations

45 Intent to leave and … Salary HRSA region Population NHSC scholarship
Federal loan repayment On-call duty perception Number of dental assistants Experience/Quality of dental assistants Number of dentists employed Number of dental hygienists employed

46 Significant Associations
Gender Years of CHC practice Years of total experience Adequacy of administrative time Level of autonomy in practice Pre-existing altruistic motivation Pre-existing value of loan repayment Receiving state loan repayment Administrative support Clerical support Quality of facility Condition of dental equipment and supplies

47 Significant Associations
Experience Overall 10 or more Reference group >5 but <10 OR= p<.0001 >1 but <5 OR= p<.0001 <1 year OR= p<.0001 Using logistic regression model

48 Associations Years of CHC Experience Intend to Remain 8.12 yrs
Intend to Leave yrs t-test p<.001

49 Associations with Intent to Leave CHC Practice
Autonomy OR 2.6 p<.0001 Altruistic motive OR 2.6 p<.001 Pre-existing Loan repayment OR 3.6 p<.001 Pre-existing value State Loans OR 1.9 p=.008 Actual receipt of loan Gender OR 1.6 p=.02

50 Associations with Intent to Leave CHC Practice
Admin support OR 2.3 p<.0001 Clerical support OR 1.9 p=.001 Rating of facility OR 2.2 p<.0001 Rating of equip OR 2.9 p<.0001 and supplies

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