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Computer Programming Basics
All the Programs on the Computer
Software All the Programs on the Computer
Physical Parts of the Computer
Hardware Physical Parts of the Computer
Parts of the Computer Keyboard Mouse Printer Hard Drive
External Hard Drive Ram Rom CPU Monitor
Input Devices Keyboard Mouse Printer Hard Drive External Hard Drive
Ram Rom CPU Monitor
Output Devices Keyboard Mouse Printer Hard Drive External Hard Drive
Ram Rom CPU Monitor
RAM Random Access Memory Workspace of the computer
Allows the computer to open files to work Think of it as having a large table to work on rather than just a small table
ROM Read Only Memory Memory that is not lost when the computer turns off Don’t Confuse with Hard Drive Information etched into computer and never lost.
Hard Drive Internal Memory of the Computer
Programs and permanent storage are saved here
External Hard Drive Used to expand the memory of a computer
Memory Sizes Bit 8 Characters Byte 1 Bit Kilobyte (KB) 1024 Bytes
Megabyte (MB) KB Gigabyte (GB) MB Terabyte (TB) GB Petabyte (PB) TB Exabyte (EB) PB Zettabyte (ZB) EB
CPU The Central Processing Unit
Manages all the functions of the computer including processing data Usually measured in terms of processing speed such as gigahertz
Computer Languages 4th Dimension/4D C++ Eiffel JADE Monkey POV-Ray
SPARK ABAP C++/CLI Elixir Java Modula-2 PowerBasic SPSS ABC C-Omega Emacs Lisp Java FX Script Modula-3 PowerScript SQR ActionScript Caml Erlang JavaScript MOO PowerShell Squeak Ada Ceylon Etoys JScript Moto Processing Squirrel Agilent VEE CFML Euphoria JScript.NET MS-DOS Batch Prolog Standard ML Algol cg EXEC Julia MUMPS Puppet Suneido Alice Ch F# Korn Shell NATURAL Pure Data SuperCollider Angelscript CHILL Factor Kotlin Nemerle Python TACL Apex CIL Falcon LabVIEW Nimrod Q Tcl APL CL (OS/400) Fancy Ladder Logic NQC R Tex AppleScript Clarion Fantom Lasso NSIS Racket thinBasic Arc Clean Felix Limbo Nu REALBasic TOM Arduino Clipper Forth Lingo NXT-G REBOL Transact-SQL ASP Clojure Fortran Lisp Oberon Revolution Turing AspectJ CLU Fortress Logo Object Rexx REXX TypeScript Assembly COBOL (Visual) FoxPro Logtalk Objective-C RPG (OS/400) Vala/Genie ATLAS Cobra Gambas LotusScript Objective-J Ruby VBScript Augeas CoffeeScript GNU Octave LPC OCaml Rust Verilog AutoHotkey ColdFusion Go Lua Occam S VHDL AutoIt COMAL Google AppsScript Lustre ooc S-PLUS VimL AutoLISP Common Lisp Gosu M4 Opa SAS Visual Basic .NET Automator Coq Groovy MAD OpenCL Sather WebDNA Avenue cT Haskell Magic OpenEdge ABL Scala Whitespace Awk Curl haXe Magik OPL Scheme X10 Bash D Heron Malbolge Oz Scilab xBase (Visual) Basic Dart HPL MANTIS Paradox Scratch XBase++ bc DCL HyperTalk Maple Parrot sed Xen BCPL DCPU-16 ASM Icon Mathematica Pascal Seed7 XPL BETA Delphi/Object Pascal IDL MATLAB Perl Self XSLT BlitzMax DiBOL Inform Max/MSP PHP Shell XQuery Boo Dylan Informix-4GL MAXScript Pike SIGNAL yacc Bourne Shell E INTERCAL MEL PILOT Simula Yorick Bro eC Io Mercury PL/I Simulink Z shell C Ecl Ioke Mirah PL/SQL Slate C Shell ECMAScript J Miva Pliant Smalltalk C# EGL J# ML PostScript Smarty
Languages HTML Javascript
Languages Similar to spoken languages in that you must use them very precisely so that you are not misunderstood by the computer.
Languages Each language has it own grammar, or syntax, which must be followed for the computer to understand language
Languages Each language has it own grammar, or syntax, which must be followed for the computer to understand language
Languages Consider this English: Hello, how are you ?
French: Bonjour! Ca Va bien? German: Guten tag. Wie geht’s? Japanese: Konnichi wa. O genki desu ka?
Languages Consider this English: Hello, how are you ?
French: Bonjour! Ca Va bien? German: Guten tag. Wie geht’s? Japanese: Konnichi wa. O genki desu ka?
Languages Consider this BASIC if (x>5) print “greater”
Pascal if x > 5 writeln (greater.); C++ if (x > 5) cout << “greater.”; Java if (x >5) System.out.println (“greater.”);
Languages Machine Level (Binary)
High Level Low Level
High Level Languages Language that are “High” above the language of the computer
Low Level Languages Language that are just above the language of the computer
Translators Breakdown or convert High and Low level Languages into Machine level Languages
Translators Interpreters – convert code to machine language line by line Compilers- convert the entire code to machine language at once
Algorithm A set of steps for solving a problem Steps can repeat
May involve decision making
Algorithm 3 parts to a algorithm The steps are finite (go on forever)
Steps may be repeated (Loops) Steps may involve decision making (While, If, Then, Else)
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