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Liceo Classico Liceo Classico percorso Arte della Parola e Public Speaking Liceo Classico percorso Cambridge International e Public Speaking Liceo delle.

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Presentation on theme: "Liceo Classico Liceo Classico percorso Arte della Parola e Public Speaking Liceo Classico percorso Cambridge International e Public Speaking Liceo delle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liceo Classico Liceo Classico percorso Arte della Parola e Public Speaking Liceo Classico percorso Cambridge International e Public Speaking Liceo delle Scienze Umane Liceo Economico Sociale LES Liceo Linguistico Liceo Linguistico ESABAC Liceo Scientifico Liceo Scientifico con Potenziamento Sportivo Liceo Scientifico percorso Cambridge International Liceo Scientifico progetto Matematico Secondary School Students are aged years

2 LUG «Linux User Group» We are a group of people aimed at creating an open space for discussion and debate on the spread and use of free and open source software in the Italian school. The Good school to be good must be free. We start using Free Software: Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, WiildOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Xubuntu.

3 Educational use of LIM Digital whiteboard
The school is progress, for this we use the Manzoni Information Technology Equipment (LIM, Tablet, Computer) for daily teaching approach.

4 Piratebox It is a device capable of realizing a local wifi network radiating content organized on a pendrive. It is used by the teachers to transfer to the students of the class multimedia content.

5 CAD «Computer-Aided Drafting»
We use these computer design programs to introduce the students to the world of work that requires this type of skills.

6 I nostri ambienti per l’e-learning
Piattaforme di E-learning a disposizione di docenti ed alunni Open Class Moodle Oil Project WIKI What you want to study today?

7 DSA Accessibilità e FLOSS
Disability, Acessibility and FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) free software for social inclusion The project is related to accessibility, the ability of anyone, regardless of their condition, to access to web content. Accessibility, then, as a right of one and all. Through the "Contact Form", meetings / confrontations with teachers on the blog, you want to encourage the drawing up of operational models useful for the identification of the application to help resolve problems. Look for and find examples of best-pratics is one of the project goals. WIILDOS is an example of commitment to accessibility and inclusive education. SodiLinux work product in teams of specialist teachers in Open Source. LugManzoni Youtube channel, enhancing online Streaming and accessible multimedia archive.

8 Official school website
Our school gives us the opportunity to take advantage of a website on which to consult the daily communications and gives the possibility to the students to view their school register on-line also.

9 Our school on social networks
Why not create a Facebook group and a Twitter account. The teaching of these implicaziono ambiebti social well frequented by our students are innumerable.

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