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The Development of the Government of the United States

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1 The Development of the Government of the United States

2 Federalism and the Constitution
The power is divided between the state and national government. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The Constitution

3 Separation of Powers The power is divided between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch. One branch does not have more power than the other. Balance of Power

4 Checks and Balances The Powers of government are divided equally, but each branch of power is able to check on the other. The Government is not able to abuse its power.

5 The Constitution- a contract between the people and its government
The Preamble-lists six goals for the government Justice Defense Liberty Unity Peace Posterity

6 Amendment Process Proposing an amendment
Proposed by 2/3 vote from the Senate and House of Representatives. A national convention requested by 2/3 of state legislature.

7 Amendment Process Ratifying an amendment (changing the Constitution)
¾ of the state legislature needed to approve the amendment. Ratified by specially called convention in at least ¾ of the states.


9 Structure of Congress

10 The House of Representatives Requirements
A rep. must be 25 yrs and citizen for 7yrs. Each term is 2 years. It is determined by the population of the state. The census that takes place every ten years determines the population number. Apportionment is the distribution of the number of representatives

11 The Senate Requirements
Each State has two Senators. A Senator must be 30 years. A resident for 9 years. Term of Office is 6 years. CA. Sen. Dianne Feinstein CA. Sen. Barbara Boxer

12 Congressional Powers are delegated by the Constitution

13 Impeachment (Nonlegislative Powers)
Impeachment Powers are to remove someone from office. The Representatives need a majority to remove someone from power. The Senate needs 2/3 vote to convict and to remove someone from office.

14 The Party Leadership The head of the Senate is called President of the Senate. The position belongs to Vice-President. VP Joe Biden

15 Congressman John Boehner
The Party Leadership 2011 Speaker of the House The House of Representatives is led by the Speaker of the House. Whoever is in power chooses the Speaker. Congressman John Boehner

16 Executive Branch

17 Requirements for President
Natural born citizen Lived in US for 14 years Must be 35 years old President Barack Obama

18 Number Of Terms Term of Office is 4 years Maximum 2 terms Oval Office

19 Electoral College President is chosen by Electoral College.
Electors are chosen by each state which is the total number of Representatives and Senators.

20 The White House The president works from the Oval Office.
Chief of Staff directs the staff. Personal Secretary Chief Counsel advises on law. Press Secretary releases info. to the press. The White House

21 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
The Cabinet It is an advisory board that advises the president. Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Secretary of Defense Robert Gates


The courts receive their powers from the Constitution. Federal judges and Supreme Court Justices serve for life. Judges are appointed by the president and approved by The Senate.

24 Jurisdictions The right to interpret and apply the law.
Supreme Court Building The right to interpret and apply the law.

25 The Supreme Court 9 Justices and one is a Chief Justice
The Supreme Court is highest court of the land They rule if the law is constitutional. Supreme Court Justices

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