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Reproductive Systems How you came to be!

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive Systems How you came to be!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive Systems How you came to be!
Genes- set of instructions found in every cell of a person’s body that describe how a person will look, grow and function. Heredity- passing of traits from parents to child. Reproduction- the process by which living organisms produce new individuals of their kind.

2 Male Reproductive System
Penis- male sex organ used for sexual pleasure, reproduction and urination. Sperm- the male sex cell. Testes (testicles)- produce sperm and testosterone. Scrotum- holds the testes in place and regulates the temperature of the testes. Testosterone- Male sex hormone.

3 Other parts of the Male Reproduction System
Epididymis- comma shaped structure where immature sperm will mature and grow tails allowing them to swim. Vas Deferens- tubes that are attached to the epididymis and allow sperm to move into when fully grown. Cowpers Gland- pea-sized glands located at each side of the urethra which secrete a lubrication fluid called semen (fluid that sperm swim in).

4 Continued Male Repro. System
Prostate Gland- produces fluid that aids in sperm longevity. Urethra- tube that runs through the penis and releases sperm and urine from the penis. Seminal Vesicles- small glands at the end of the vas deferens which secrete a fluid that is a source of energy for sperm.

5 Some Problems in the Male Reproductive system
STD’s (sexually transmitted disease)- Urinary Tract Infections- Testicular Cancer- Prostate Cancer- Physical Injury/Trauma- Jock Itch- Sterility-

6 How to stay healthy Good Hygiene
Wear protective equipment in athletics Regular testicular exams. Self/Doctor Abstinence!!! In order to prevent STD’s. Urologist- specializes in male reproductive system.

7 Male Reproductive System

8 Female Reproductive System
Vagina- female sex organ. It’s a muscular passageway that serves (functions as) as the organ used for sexual intercourse, birth canal and passageway for the menstrual flow and arriving sperm. Uterus- organ used to hold the fetus during pregnancy. Ovaries- almond shaped sex glands that produce the ova (female egg) and secrete hormones.

9 Female Reproductive System
Ovum (ova/egg)- female sex cells that are produced in the ovaries. Cervix- the lowest part of the uterus. Fallopian Tube (oviduct)- tube that extends from near the ovaries to the uterus. Fimbria- the ends of the oviduct. Endometrium (uterine lining)- the inner lining of the uterus. Thickens to prepare for pregnancy. Estrogen- female sex hormone produced in ovaries.

10 Menstrual Cycle Menstruation (menstrual period)- the monthly breakdown and shedding of the endometrium. This cycle lasts about 28 days. Ovulation- when the ovaries release a mature egg/ova from the ovaries. Fertilization- the joining of the male sperm and the female egg. This takes place in the fallopian tube/oviduct.

11 Problems of the Female Reproductive System
Urinary Tract Infections STD’s Cervical, Uterine, Ovarian Cancer Vaginitis (yeast infection) Toxic Shock Syndrome Infertility

12 Staying Healthy Good Hygiene
Visit Gynecologist annually- dr. who specializes in female reproductive system. Practice Abstinence in order to protect yourself from STD’s

13 Female Reproductive System

14 The Endocrine System Endocrine System- A group of glands that release special chemicals that control much of how your body functions. Gland- A group of cells that make these chemicals for your body. Hormones- Chemicals produced by the endocrine glands that travel through the bloodstream and cause changes in different parts of the body.

15 Glands of the Endocrine System
Pituitary gland- Stimulates body growth Thyroid gland- Regulates how the body stores and uses energy Adrenal glands- Helps the body respond to stress and danger Pancreas- Regulates blood-sugar levels Ovaries- Causes physical changes during puberty; essential for menstruation. Prepares the lining of the uterus for pregnancy. Testes- Causes physical changes during puberty; essential for sperm production

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