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GST Goods and Services Tax
An overview
What is GST? GST stands for “Goods and Services Tax”, and is a comprehensive indirect tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods as well as services at the national level. The main benefit of the GST is to facilitate a uniform tax levied on goods and services across the country. Seamless Input Tax Credit is the defining feature of GST Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Current scenario – Indirect Taxes
Coverage Current Tax Structure Taxes Point of Levy Authorities Returns Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Coverage Trader Manufacturer Service Provider Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Taxes Direct Tax Indirect Tax Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Taxes - Indirect Tax Central Taxes State Taxes
Central Excise Duty - On Manufactured Goods Value Added tax or VAT - on sale of goods within the state Duties of Excise - Medicinal and Toilet Preparations Central Sales Tax or CST - on sale of goods in interstate Additional Excise Duty - Goods of Special Importance Luxury Tax Additional Duties of Excise - Textile and Textile Products Entry Tax Additional Duties of Customs - CVD on Imports Entertainment Tax Special Additional Duty of Customs - SAD Taxes on lottery, betting and gambling Service Tax Purchase Tax All Cess - Swach Bharath, Krishi Kalyan etc Taxes on advertisements Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Point of Levy For Goods Manufacturers at the time of removal of goods
For Importers at the time of importation of goods For Traders at the time of sale of goods For Service Providers at the time of provision of service Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Authorities CBEC - Central Board of Excise and Customs
Commercial Taxes Department Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Returns Central Excise Returns Service Tax Returns VAT Returns
Relyon Softech Ltd.,
GST Again GST stands for “Goods and Services Tax”, and is a comprehensive indirect tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods as well as services at the national level. Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Structure of GST CGST Central GST SGST State GST IGST Integrated GST
A dual GST is proposed where both Central and State Government will administer GST CGST Central GST Will be levied by the Centre on Intra State Supply of Goods/Service (Revenue from CGST will go to Centre) SGST State GST Will be levied by the State on Intra State Supply of Goods/Service (Revenue from SGST will go the State ) IGST Integrated GST Will be levied by the Centre on inter State Supply of Goods/Service (Revenue from ISGST will go to the State where the goods are consumed) Relyon Softech Ltd.,
CGST Central Taxes Additional Duties of Customs Additional Excise Duty
Additional Duties of Excise CGST Special Additional Duty of Customs Central Excise Duty Duties of Excise Service Tax All Cess Relyon Softech Ltd.,
SGST State Taxes Value Added tax or VAT Purchase Tax
Taxes on lottery, betting and gambling SGST Taxes on advertisements Entry Tax Luxury Tax Entertainment Tax Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Central Sales Tax or CST - on sale of goods in interstate
IGST Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Paradigm change in point of levy
Point of Levy/Taxable Event Supply of goods and/or Services will the taxable event Implications Stock Transfer from one branch to another of same entity was tax free under VAT. Now, taxable Consignment Transfer attracts GST Barter, lease, rental or disposal Exchange of goods Certain supplies without consideration Imports Paradigm change in point of levy Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Who is liable for GST? Exempt Person
A person who supplies goods and/or services with a turnover in excess of Rs. 20 Lakhs For North-eastern and other smaller States - A person who supplies goods and/or services with a turnover in excess of Rs. 10 Lakhs Persons having upto Rs.50 lakhs turnover, can opt for Composition levy Registered Dealer above Threshold limit Branches Within same state Multi state Registration Composition Exempt Person Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Commodities not covered by GST
Alcohol for human consumption Petroleum Products Electricity Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Probalbe Rates Structure under GST
Exempt Standard Rate De-merit Rate Special Rate for Precious Goods Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Valuation The value of taxable goods/supply will normally be the ‘transaction value’ which is the actual price paid or payable It is the same value for both CGST, SGST and IGST Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Tax Calculation VAT vs GST
Under Central Excise and VAT Under GST Sale bill of a Refrigerator Manufacturer (Within the State) Sale bill of a Refrigerator Manufacturer (Sale Within the State) Item Qty Rate Value Refrigerator 10 5500 Cenvat 15% Cess 1% 82.50 VAT Total Item Qty Rate Value Refrigerator 10 5500 CGST 10% SGST Total Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Tax Calculation VAT vs GST
Under Central Excise and CST Under GST Sale bill of a Refrigerator Manufacturer (sale outside the State) Sale bill of a Refrigerator Manufacturer (sale outside the State) Item Qty Rate Value Refrigerator 10 5500 Cenvat 15% Cess 1% 82.50 CST 2% Total Item Qty Rate Value Refrigerator 10 5500 IGST 20% Total Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Tax Calculation VAT vs GST
Under Service Tax Under GST Sale bill of a Service Provider Sale bill of a Service Provider (within the State) Item Value Consultancy Cenvat 15% Cess 1% 150.00 Total Item Value Consultancy 10 CGST 10% SGST Total Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Sale bill of a Service Provider (outside the State)
Tax Calculation VAT vs GST Under GST Sale bill of a Service Provider (outside the State) Item Value Consultancy IGST 20% Total Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Tax Calculation VAT vs GST
Under Central Excise and VAT Under GST Sale bill of a Trader (Within the State) Sale bill of a Trader (Within the State) Item Qty Rate Value Refrigerator 10 7500 VAT 15% Total Item Qty Rate Value Refrigerator 10 6500 CGST 10% SGST Total Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Sale bill of a Trader (Within the State)
Tax Calculation VAT vs GST Under GST Sale bill of a Trader (Within the State) Item Qty Rate Value Refrigerator 10 6500 IGST 20% Total Relyon Softech Ltd.,
ITC or Input Tax Credit What is ITC?
Provision to take credit of taxes paid on inputs (on purchase/receipt of goods/services) and utilising the same for payment of output tax (on sale/supply of goods/service) Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Pre-requisite for taking credit
Registered under GST Possession of Invoice Receipt of Goods / Services Tax charged on the supply should have been paid to the Government Return should be furnished Time limit for taking ITC – ITC Cannot be taken beyond September of the following FY Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Negative List Motor Vehicles (except in certain cases)
Goods and services such as insurance, outdoor catering, etc. primarily used for personal consumption of employees Goods and services in relation to the execution of works contract when such contract results in creation of immovable property Goods and services on which Composition Levy is charged Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Reverse Charge Mechanism
ITC Matching concept Matching of details of Inward supply with the corresponding outward supply (of the taxpayer’s supplier) is ITC Matching concept. This is done based on the GST returns filed. Reverse Charge Mechanism Provision where the recipient of the goods/service has to pay the GST is called Reverse Charge Mechanism. List of Goods/Services will be notified. Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Tax payable to the government
Set-off of ITC Tax payable to the government CGST SGST IGST Credit permitted (in the following order) Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Invoice under GST Tax Invoice Bill of Supply
To be issued by a regular GST Dealer Bill of Supply To be issued by a Composition Dealer Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Types of Tax Invoice: Regular Revised
Supplementary/Debit Note/Credit Note Tax Invoice Special Cases - ISD Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Contents of a Tax Invoice
Name, Address and GSTIN of the supplier A consecutive serial number containing only alphabets and/or numerals, unique for a financial year Date of its issue Name, Address and GSTIN/ Unique ID Number, if registered, of the recipient Name and address of the recipient and the address of delivery, along with the name of State and its code, if such recipient is unregistered and where the taxable value of supply is fifty thousand rupees or more HSN code of goods or Accounting Code of services Description of goods or services Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Contents of a Tax Invoice
Quantity in case of goods and unit or Unique Quantity Code thereof Total value of goods or services Taxable value of goods or services taking into account discount or abatement, if any Rate of tax (CGST, SGST or IGST) Amount of tax charged in respect of taxable goods or services (CGST, SGST or IGST); Place of supply along with the name of State, in case of a supply in the course of inter-State trade or commerce Place of delivery where the same is different from the place of supply Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Contents of a Tax Invoice
Whether the tax is payable on reverse charge The word “Revised Invoice” or “Supplementary Invoice”, as the case may be, indicated prominently, where applicable along with the date and invoice number of the original invoice Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorized representative Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Distribution/Manner of issuing
Tax Invoices for Supply of Goods to be prepared in 3 Sets with Captions ORIGINAL FOR RECEPIENT DUPLICATE FOR TRANSPORTER TRIPLICATE FOR SUPPLIER Tax Invoices for Supply of Service to be prepared in 2 Sets with Captions ORIGINAL FOR RECEPIENT TRIPLICATE FOR SUPPLIER Tax Invoice for Exports Endorsement and additional details Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Electronic Ref No Requirement to obtain Electronic Reference No for an Invoice – similar to e-Sugam Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Supplementary tax invoice & Credit or debit notes
A supplementary tax invoice under section 23 and a credit or debit note under section 24 shall contain the following details Name, address and GSTIN of the supplier Nature of the document A consecutive serial number containing only alphabets and/or numerals, unique for a financial year Date of issue of the document Name, address and GSTIN/ Unique ID Number, if registered, of the recipient Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Supplementary tax invoice & Credit or debit notes
Cont.. Supplementary tax invoice & Credit or debit notes Name and address of the recipient and the address of delivery, along with the name of State and its code, if such recipient is unregistered Serial number and date of the corresponding tax invoice or, as the case may be, bill of supply Taxable value of goods or services, rate of tax and the amount of the tax credited or, as the case may be, debited to the recipient Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorized representative Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Bill of Supply To be issued by a Composition Dealer Contents
Name, address and GSTIN of the supplier A consecutive serial number containing only alphabets and/or numerals, unique for a financial year Date of its issue Name, address and GSTIN/ Unique ID Number, if registered, of the recipient HSN Code of goods or Accounting Code for services Description of goods or services Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Cont.. Bill of Supply Value of goods or services taking into account discount or abatement, if any Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorized representative Need not issue a bill of supply if the value of the goods or services supplied is less than one hundred rupees except where the recipient of the goods or services does not require such bill. Consolidated bill of supply shall be prepared by the registered taxable person at the close of each day in respect of all such supplies where the bill of supply has not been Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Payment of Tax Payment of Tax is after set off ITC
Payment to be made online Specific Formats Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Returns under GST Return Nature Periodicity Remarks 1 GSTR 1
Details of outward supplies Monthly by 10th Full Data from user 2 GSTR 2 Details of inward supplies Monthly by 15th Major Data will be auto-populated 3 GST 3 Monthly return Monthly by 20th 4 GSTR 4 Quarterly Return for compounding Taxable persons 18th of the month succeeding Quarter Many data will be auto-populated Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Returns under GST Return Nature Periodicity 5 GSTR 5
Cont.. Returns under GST Return Nature Periodicity 5 GSTR 5 Return for Non-Resident foreign taxable person 20th of the Month succeeding the tax period and 7 days from expiry of registration 6 GSTR 6 ISD return 13th of the Month succeeding the tax period 7 GSTR 9 Annual Return 8 GSTR 9A Simplified Annual Return for Compounding Persons 9 GSTR 11 Details of Inward supply be a person having UIN 28th of the month following the month for which statement is filed Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Other Returns for TRP etc
Cont.. Returns under GST Return Nature Periodicity 10 GSTR 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 6A, 7A, 9B etc, 11 Other Returns for TRP etc Relyon Softech Ltd.,
TDS under GST As per section 37, this provision is meant for Government and Government undertakings and other notified entities making contractual payments in excess of Rs.10 Lakhs to suppliers. While making such payment, the concerned Government/authority shall deduct 1% of the total payable amount and remit it into the appropriate GST account. Relyon Softech Ltd.,
TCS under GST This provision is applicable only for E-Commerce Operator under section 43C of MGL. Every E-Commerce Operator needs to withhold a percentage (to be notified later on the recommendation of the GST Council) of the amount which is due from him to the supplier at the time of making actual payment to the supplier. Such withheld amount is to be deposited by such E- Commerce Operator to the appropriate GST account by the 10th of the next month. The amount deposited as TCS will be reflected in the electronic cash ledger of the supplier. Relyon Softech Ltd.,
E Ledgers Once a taxpayer is registered on Common Portal (GSTN), 2 e-ledgers (Cash & Input Tax Credit) and an electronic tax liability register will be automatically opened and displayed on his dashboard at all times. Cash Ledger The cash ledger will reflect all deposits made in cash, and TDS/TCS made on account of the taxpayer. The information will be reflected on real time basis. This ledger can be used for making any payment on account of GST Relyon Softech Ltd.,
E Ledgers Liability Ledger
Cont.. E Ledgers Liability Ledger Tax Liability Register will reflect the total tax liability of a taxpayer (after netting) for the particular month. ITC Ledger Input Tax Credit as self-assessed in monthly returns will be reflected in the ITC Ledger. The credit in this ledger can be used to make payment of TAX ONLY and not other amounts such as interest, penalty, fees etc. Relyon Softech Ltd.,
GSTN - Goods and Service Tax Network
Non-Profit Company Central and State Government, Banks and Private Entities GSTN will render the following services through the Common GST Portal: Registration (including existing taxpayer master migration and issue of PAN based registration number) Payment management including payment gateways and integration with banking systems Return filing and processing Taxpayer management, including account management, notifications, information, and status tracking Relyon Softech Ltd.,
GSTN - Goods and Service Tax Network
Cont.. GSTN - Goods and Service Tax Network Tax authority account and ledger Management Computation of settlement (including IGST settlement) between the Centre and States; Clearing house for IGST Processing and reconciliation of GST on import and integration with EDI systems of Customs MIS including need based information and business intelligence Maintenance of interfaces between the Common GST Portal and tax administration systems Provide training to stakeholders Provide Analytics and Business Intelligence to tax authorities Carry out research, study best practices and provide training to the stakeholders. Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Basic features of GST common portal
The GST portal shall be accessible over Internet (by Taxpayers and their CAs/Tax Advocates etc.) and Intranet by Tax Officials etc. The portal shall be one single common portal for all GST related services e.g. Tax payer registration (New, surrender, cancellation, etc.) Invoices upload, auto-drafting of Purchase register of buyer Periodic GST Returns filing Tax payment including integration with agency banks ITC and Cash Ledger and Liability Register MIS reporting for tax payers, tax officials and other stakeholders BI/Analytics for Tax officials Relyon Softech Ltd.,
GSP - GST Suvidha Providers
Taxpayers will interface with GST System via GST system portal or via GSP ecosystem provided by way of applications for activities such as Registration, Tax payments, Returns filing and other information exchange with GST core system. GSTN Provides APIs and The GSPs will become the user agencies of the GST system APIs and build applications and web portals as alternate interface for the taxpayers The GSP developed Apps will connect with the GST system via secure GST system APIs. Some of the functions of GSP are: Development of various apps / interfaces for taxpayer, TRPs of GST system Providing other value added services to the taxpayers Relyon Softech Ltd.,
Thank you Relyon Softech Ltd.,
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