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Planning For The Future…..

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Presentation on theme: "Planning For The Future….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning For The Future…..
10/25/2017 Planning For The Future….. Valley High School Class of 2017 Who, What, Where, When, Where, and Why? Start asking questions – Get Prepared! This session is about career exploration through hands-on application, or Career Technical Education.

2 Vision What do you want to do when graduate on June 21, 2018?
10/25/2017 Vision What do you want to do when graduate on June 21, 2018? The clock is ticking!

3 CTE: Career Technical Education
10/25/2017 CTE: Career Technical Education Where can you get information? California Colleges Guidance Initiative Your Counselor High School Inc Academies College Now CTE Office Career Center (bonus: where is this on our campus?) Recruiters: Military and

4 CTE: Career Technical Education
10/25/2017 CTE: Career Technical Education What’s in 2-6?: High School Inc. Ms. Shaylin Johnson, Program Director Mr. Carlos Mejia, Program Coordinator TBA, Career Technician Work Permits!!! Ms. Lidia Alvarez-Elizalde will facilitate until the VHS Career Technician position is settled.

5 10/25/2017

6 What is Articulation? Articulation Agreements Benefits of Articulation
10/25/2017 What is Articulation? Articulation Agreements Articulation is an agreement between partner community colleges which allow students to earn community college credit through successful completion of the high school / CTE course or program. Articulation is generally considered a systematic process that will permit students to move from one course, program, or educational level to the next without loss of time or resources. Courses are taught by teachers from SAUSD. Benefits of Articulation Reduces duplication of time, effort and costs for students Allows students to receive college credit and/or advanced placement through effort and achievement at the high school, CTE, or adult school level Encourages setting of educational goals and the development of plans to achieve these goals Eases transition from one educational level to another Provides an opportunity for students to acquire marketable skills in a more effective, efficient manner Offers students incentives to continue their education at a more advanced level

7 CTE: Career Technical Education SAUSD Articulation Letter example:

8 10/25/2017 Santa Ana College

9 10/25/2017 Orange Coast College

10 10/25/2017 Golden West College

11 10/25/2017 Fullerton College

12 College Now Take College Classes now, free!
10/25/2017 College Now Take College Classes now, free!

13 College Now Take College Classes now, free!

14 Career/College options in the Military
Welcome Recruiters!

15 Career/College options in the Military (in addition to the obvious)

16 Career/College options in the Military ROTC

17 Career/College options in the Military
The ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. VHS tent. May 23-26, 2017

18 California Career Zone!
California Colleges Guidance Initiative Career Briefs Student Success is Everyone’s Job!

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