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Reformers and Art Gilded Age.

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1 Reformers and Art Gilded Age

2 Gilded Age As the rich made millions
Small class of people (upper class) made fortunes and created a new lavish/rich lifestyle Mark Twain referred to the era of national expansion as The Gilded Age which meant the glittering surface of the wealthy lifestyle concealed corruption and greed!

3 Joseph Pulitzer Hungarian-born journalist/publisher New York World
Democrat Fought for Statue of Liberty Congressman NY He crusaded against big business and corruption NYW fought NY Journal for competition and both fired away using Yellow Journalism

4 1880s Yellow Journalism Eye-catching headlines, exaggerate news, events, scandals or sensationalizing stories. Created a mass-circulation; it appealed to all classes

5 Horatio Alger American author
Wrote novels about juveniles; poor kids rising up from the crowded and dangerous streets to become successful Hard work, determination and courage Rags to riches ideas Alger Tales Ragged Dick series

6 Jacob Riis Muckraker Social Reformer Photographer
“How the Other Half Lives” Wrote book to advocate tenement housing reform While living in New York, Riis experienced poverty and became a police reporter writing about the quality of life in the slums. He attempted to alleviate the bad living conditions of poor people by exposing their living conditions to the middle and upper classes.

7 James Williams American Philosopher
First educator to offer psychology course in the U.S. His work will influence social groups who have been oppressed

8 Jack London Famous nature writer, journalist Call of the Wild 1903
Story: Klondike Gold Rush and sled dogs Politically, an advocate for rights of workers First American fiction writer to obtain world-wide celebrity status and fortune

9 Painting: Post Impressionism 1880s
Emphasize geometric forms, expressive and use unnatural and arbitrary colors Europe: Paul Gauguin, Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne America: James Whistler, Thomas Eakins

10 James McNeil Whistler Artist
Army West Point drop out and moved to England Brought more attention to art Oils on canvas Art was a symphony

11 Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1, Whistler's Mother 1871

12 Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 2: Portrait of Thomas Carlyle 1872

13 Stephen Crane Red Badge of Courage 1895
Novel about the Civil War, cowardice and finding courage Novel known for realism

14 Victoria Woodhull Women’s Rights/suffrage
1872 First female candidate for President of the U.S.; no electoral votes Advocate for free love: free to marry, divorce, bear children without government regulation

15 Temperance Movement Ideals started in 1850s
Alcohol is killing the family and safety of the society Higher crimes, accidents, divorce, violence and death. Women and religious leaders would push for reform

16 Susan B. Anthony Quaker Women’s Rights Equality & marriage Abolition
Labor Activist Educational reform Temperance Against Prostitution

17 Jane Addams Hull House Chicago and now suffrage!
Addams was one of the most prominent reformers of the Progressive Era. She helped turn America to issues of concern to mothers, such as the needs of children, local public health, and world peace. She said that if women were to be responsible for cleaning up their communities and making them better places to live, they needed to be able to vote to do so effectively. Women’s Suffrage Movement

18 Hull House Ideas for Women
Jane Addams Most settlement house workers were: middle class, educated women, religious Opened doors for women to lead and organize Social Gospels: religious faith should be expressed with hard work; churches help solve societies issues Social Gospels went against the Social Darwin “only strongest survived”

19 Women’s Christian Temperance Movement
Women banded together to fight alcohol and bad family situations Used white ribbon as its symbol of purity against alcohol Prohibition ideas Francis Willard was the leader of the movement


21 Carrie Nation Serious woman who wanted to end alcohol and saloons
Mentally deranged, she smashed saloon bottles and bars with a hatchet

22 Anti-Saloon League 1895 The leading organization lobbying for prohibition in the United States in the early 20th century. More power than Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and Prohibition Party

23 Compulsory Education 1880s mandatory state laws coming into place
Must attend year to year education Currently we have Kindergarten-12th grade

24 Education and German Model
Kindergarten (German idea) prep students for public school 1880s

25 Normal Schools Teacher training schools
Build teachers to teach curriculum Methods: Teach reading writing and arithmetic


27 Salvation Army 1865 England
William Booth (minister to general) and wife Catherine Mission to take care of the poor, homeless, hungry and destitute Through violence and protest, his message about Christianity and helping the poor spread Women and men helped 1880s reached America Anti-alcohol/saloons

28 Josiah Strong Clergyman, Protestant, organizer and leader of the Social Gospel Called for ending social injustice Supported all races Women’s rights Christianity could help stop the evils brought on by industrialization, urbanization and immigration Our Country: It’s Possible Future and Its Present Crisis American progress has problems

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