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2 First… Part 3 Take the Test Part 1 Part 2
Choose the word that best applies to you from the farthest back in your life you can remember yourself, age 2, 5 Etc. Part 2 Pick only one that you feel applies to you in each situation. Part 3 Fill out the required fields and submit to get your color reading. Read the analysis.

3 Our Motives Red=Power Blue=Intimacy White=Peace Yellow=Fun


5 To Look good (technically)
To be right Respected Approval from a select few To look good (socially) To be noticed To be adored Approval from the masses To feel good (inside) To be allowed their own space To be respected kindness To be good (morally) To be understood To be appreciated Acceptance


7 To hide insecurities (tightly)
Productivity Leadership Challenging adventure To hide insecurities (loosely) Happiness Freedom Playful adventure To withhold insecurities Tolerance Independence Contentment To reveal insecurities Quality Autonomy Security

8 Attractive Careers

9 Administrator School Superintendent Military Officer Politician Entrepreneur Lawyer Medical Doctor Tax Accountant Realtor Professional Critic Building Contractor Sales Marketing Clergy (Minister) Police Officer

10 Teacher Homemaker Psychotherapist Computer Programmer Musician Banker Clergy/Minister Accountant Politician Architect Nurse Engineer Editor Journalist Carpenter

11 Forest Ranger Dentist Bureaucrat Computer Programmer Military Service Recreation leader Researcher Homemaker Police Office Preschool Teacher Veterinarian Lawyer Engineer FBI Agent Truck Driver

12 Firefighter International consultant Travel agent Recreation leader Lifeguards Beautician Entertainer Tour guide Circus performer Insurance agent Secretary Receptionist Sales Retail Clergy/Minister

13 Top 5 Attraction Factors

14 Confidence: help others believe in their possibilities and win
Vision: show others where they can be in the future Sense of Urgency: love of action, movement, and results Resourceful: provide options and ideas for success Convincing: highly articulate and persuasive; create a strong presence Enthusiasm: it’s contagious and energizing Fun: You make people feel alive and engaged in the moment Trusting: people appreciate your inclusion of others and new ideas Positive: very upbeat and optimistic Charisma: people like themselves more when they are with you. Listening: egoless ability to hear others Acceptance: value diversity and promote creativity Kindness: respectful and considerate of others and life Patience: steady internal compass Perspective: amazing clarity amidst complexity Quality: legitimacy of both the product and the relationship Caring: life is all about relationships Sincerity: heart and truth tell the story Nurturing: empowering and supporting others’ success Consistency: dependability creates trust

15 Top 3 Unattraction Factors

16 Selfish: scarcity versus abundance
Arrogant: insecure; always need to be right Intimidating: condescending and demanding; dismissive of others Uncommitted: people want to know you are in for the long haul Poor follow-through: people want you to keep your promises Afraid to face facts: people lose respect for you when you refuse to see the truth about yourself and your surroundings. Indecisive: people respect others who act, resolve issues, and risk Conflict avoidance: people expect you to address conflict honestly Inexpressive: people need to feel that you care and want to hear your opinions Controlling: others don’t feel free to express themselves Perfectionism: destructive need to compensate for insecurities Need to be understood: creates whining, rambling, and/or moody behavior

17 5 Things to Do Before Age 30

18 Teach their mother how to be a better parent
Win every argument Break a Blue’s heart Run in a marathon or “run” the entire event Run a country Take a long road trip with friends Travel extensively and enjoy other cultures Break a Blue’s Heart Celebrate every holiday on the calendar as only Yellows can Play charades long and often with many diverse groups of people Initiate and carry on a legitimate conversation with a stranger React from an emotional perspective. Risk with your heart. Break a Blue’s Heart Spontaneously do something--anything--at least three times Keep your subtle witty comments flowing at all times and with everyone. Create something uniquely personal Become competent at a skill you value Experience something new Tell yourself you’re amazing Forgive someone who didn’t measure up!

19 2 Things To Do Before You Die

20 Become vulnerable and share their heart
Leave their cell phone and computer at home and take a real vacation Finish something they are passionate about and commit to it Marry Well Connect verbally on a deep, intimate level with another adult Passionately stand up for something you believe in or right some wrong in the world Set emotional boundaries for others and free yourself to zoom past your own! Forgive yourself just because you can!

21 Develop a Positive Connection
What to do and not to do when working with one another to make a successful partnership or group.

22 DO

23 Your homework and present issues logically
Demand their attention and respect Be direct, brief, and specific Be productive and efficient Offer them leadership opportunities Verbalize your feelings Support their decisive nature Promote their intelligence where appropriate Be prepared with facts and figures Respect their needs to make their own decisions their way. Be positive and proactive with them in your life Adore and praise them legitimately Touch them physically Accept their playful teasing Remember that they are more sensitive than they appear Value their social interaction skills Remember they hold feelings deeply Promote creative and fun activities Enjoy their charismatic innocence Allow them verbal expression Emphasize their security in the relationship Be sensitive and soft-spoken Be sincere and genuine Behave appropriately and well-mannered Limit their risk level Promote their creativity Appreciate them Allow time to gather thoughts before expressing themselves Be Loyal Do thorough analysis before making presentations Be Kind Be logical, clear and firm about the content you present Provide a structure for them to operate in Be patient and gentle Introduce options and ideas for their involvement Be simple and open Acknowledge and accept their individuality Be casual, informal, and relaxed Look for nonverbal clues to their feelings Listen quietly

24 DON’T

25 Embarrass them in front of others
Argue from an emotional perspective Always use an authoritarian approach Use physcal punishment Be slow and indecisive Expect a personal and intimate relationship Attack them personally Take their arguments personally Wait for them to solicit your opinion Demand constant social interaction (allow for alone time) Be too serious in criticisms Push them too intensely Ignore them Forget they have “down” times too Demand perfection Expect them to dwell on problems Give them too much rope, or they’ll hang themselves Classify them as just social butterflies Forget a Yellow’s creative genius Totally control their schedules Make them feel guilty Be rude or abrupt Promote too much change Expect spontaneity Abandon them Expect them to bounce back easily or quickly from depression Demand perfection Push them too quickly to make decisions Expect them to forgive quickly Demand immediate action or verbal banter Be cruel or insensitive Expect them to need much social interaction Force immediate verbal expression, accept written communication Be too domineering or too intense Demand conformity Overwhelm them with too much at once Force confrontation Speak too fast Take away all their daydreams Demand leadership

26 Celebrities That Appear Red
Angelina Jolie Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Russell Crowe Katie Couric Larry King Jack Nicholson Madonna Al Pacino Barbara Walters Nicholas Cage Martha Stewart David Letterman

27 Celebrities That Appear Blue
Oprah Winfrey Steven Spielberg Walt Disney Diane Sawyer Harrison Ford Faith Hill Brad Pitt Kate Winslet Elton John Renee Zellweger Prince William Beyonce Knowles Matt Damon

28 Celebrities That Appear White
Albert Einstein Yoda Diane Keaton Johnny Depp Gwyneth Paltrow Michael Jackson Queen Elizabeth Nicole Kidman President Jimmy Carter Britney Spears President George Bush Sr. Gwen Stefani Lance Armstrong

29 Celebrities That Appear Yellow
Bill Clinton Ronald Regan Elvis Presley Julia Roberts Will Farrell Jessica Simpson Goldie Hawn Will Smith Mel Gibson Cameron Diaz Ellen DeGeneres Matthew McConaughey George Clooney

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