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NSBE Space SIG General Body Meeting

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1 NSBE Space SIG General Body Meeting
February 2017 Dial in number: Code: # URL for Screen Sharing:

2 STS-2017 Outcomes and You

3 STS-2017 Discuss what happened in Denver at the 4th STS
Implications for the Space SIG Overview of the Space SIG’s functional areas Discuss where do you fit in and why

4 STS-2017 Project Teams Arusha Cabin Structures Arusha Cockpit
Arusha Crew Exercise Arusha Waste & Hygiene JEDI Council East Africa Spaceport Feasibility Study Macho Mengi NSBE Tricorder Visions for Human Space Flight Nine project teams is a new record for STS Only possible due to travel stipends funded by ASC profits Progress would not have been made without these funds

5 Arusha Cabin Structures
Began docking system preliminary development Need to pass water, power, data, waste, gases, etc. between rover and vehicle or outpost docked to Created notional utilities ducting scheme Began initial concept for mating interface between cabin and overhead logistics module Challenge: former team lead just had a baby; new lead needed

6 Arusha Cockpit New project team, based at NASA JSC
Sized six cockpit workstations, dining, trash, and stowage Rover too small – needs 50-inch extension Developed basic workstation configurations: Pilot (2), Teleoperations, RMS Ops, EVA monitoring, inventory management/meal prep Made component selections for functional mockup Challenge: team lead needed (members but no lead) Challenge: organize JEDI Enclave at ERAU

7 Arusha Crew Exercise Committed treadmill placement in cabin
Identified candidate treadmills Developed initial concept for resistive device – Subject Load Device Challenge: team needs 2 more engineers (Pennsylvania area preferred) Challenge: SLD design, fabrication, and test Challenge: facilitate JEDI Initiates outreach in Philadelphia

8 Arusha Waste and Hygiene
New Project Created concept for collapsible sink with splash mitigation Traded toilet system options and selected NASA UWMS Completed preliminary design for WCS and BHS Confirmed adequate volume in rover for both Challenge: Need team lead & 3 team engineers

9 East Africa Spaceport Feasibility Study
Studied 8 spaceports around the world Identified Cape Canaveral and Wallops Spaceport Facility for benchmarking Proposed two phases of development for spaceport: Suborbital and LEO trajectories with small to medium launch pads GEO orbits with heavy launch pads Identified nearest manufacturers of rocket boosters Challenge: team needs more engineers with spaceport expertise

10 Macho Mengi Began learning how to use Matlab and Simulink
Studied existing telescope control algorithm Began developing algorithm to model twin observatories at Texas A&M Brainstormed commercial applications and derivative technologies Challenge: Complete algorithm Challenge: Begin using A&M telescopes Challenge: Increase rate of progress

11 NSBE Tricorder Developed innovative belt and holster concept
Batteries integrated into belt – charges tricorder when in holster 3D printed material for belt and holster Brainstormed changes needed for tricorder to serve engineering and space flight crew functions Challenge: turn Gwinett collaboration (belt/holster assembly) into a JEDI Enclave Challenge: further refine engineering tricorder study Challenge: complete science tricorder assembly

12 Visions for Human Space Flight
Created Labor Assignment Matrix Derived from RACI Will help to validate labor budgets and schedule Analyzed space program budget recommended in Unlimited Horizons and made preliminary suggestions Reviewed Unlimited Horizons for consistency and grammatical errors Challenge: Complete modifications to Unlimited Horizons in time for Space Legislative Blitz (Feb 26-28, Washington DC) Create one-pager to insert in Blitz packets Make Unlimited Horizons available on Amazon

13 JEDI Council Identified middle/high school age youth-serving organizations in Connecticut, New York, Boston, Dallas, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Cleveland, Daytona Beach, and Denver Identified general STEM themes or preliminary ideas for outreach based on each technical project present at STS Selected Arusha Cockpit and Arusha Crew Exercise for initial pilot to develop high school outreach at West Philadelphia High School with Drexel University NSBE as Enclave

14 Implications for the Space SIG
Arusha projects moving towards physical mockups Engagement opportunities at all academic levels Industry credibility when go beyond just paper East Africa Spaceport Study Gaining data suggesting the answer will be yes – is feasible Macho Mengi Flight opportunities exist now, but need to increase pace to be ready

15 Implications for the Space SIG
NSBE Tricorder On the verge of transformative capabilities Massive media potential to show NSBE members walking around with tricorders doing REAL science and engineering Visions for Human Space Flight Need to consider book marketing campaign post Space Blitz Need to identify Congressional offices for ASC engagement

16 Implications for the Space SIG
All of these projects should also be producing 1-2 technical papers for the 2018 ASC Wave of Space SIG outreach should begin to emerge across the country, using our projects as the means to teach children about STEM, from elementary through graduate school

17 Space SIG Functional Areas
Technical Project Teams Outreach Project Teams JEDI Council Space Camp Scholarship Conference Planning Teams SPMM – July 2017, Dallas ASC – August 2018, Washington DC STS – January 2019, Denver Administrative Support Board of Directors Support Committees

18 Discussion – Where Do You Fit in and Why?
Who is a team leader? Who has subject matter expertise? Who will help us reach our youth? Who will help organize conferences and meetings? Who will keep us afloat administratively?

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