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Published byCameron Horton Modified over 7 years ago
STAAR Assessment Management System Preparing for the
December 2017 STAAR Administration TSNAP New Coordinator Academy September 8, 2017
Keys to Your Success Calendar of Events (COE)
communications from STAAR Don’t forget to check & SPAM filters! Texas Assessment Support Center STAAR Assessment Management System & Resources
Accessing the STAAR Assessment Management System
Accessing the STAAR Assessment Management System
Follow the Calendar of Events
Row 1 – Districts receive precode/registration file layout (online only)
Row 1 – Districts receive precode/registration file layout (online only)
For the December 2017 administration, use 2016–2017 registration layout Registration layout for administrations, coming soon Two documents Student Data File Format for Student Registration and Precoding – available in the Help section of the Assessment Management System Upload template (CSV file) Blank Prepopulated (when available)
Row 1 – Districts receive precode/registration file layout (online only)
Specifications document (under Help section)
Row 1 – Districts receive precode/registration file layout (online only)
Blank template (Students > Upload)
Row 1 – Districts receive precode/registration file layout (online only)
Preloaded template populated by retesters (Reports > Students) More on this when we get to Rows 4 & 5 of the COE
Things to Consider How is my data managed?
For grades 3–8, will I prefer to use PEIMS or do my own upload of registrations? Why can’t I use PEIMS for EOC?
Follow the Calendar of Events
Row 2 – District coordinators submit participation counts (paper and online testing)
Row 2: District coordinators submit participation counts (paper and online testing)
December 2017 deadline was initially 9/1 but has been extended to 9/21 2 ways to update your participation counts: By campus in the Assessment Management System By district or campus via upload (new and effective December 2017)
Orders: Participation Counts
Participation counts are used to indicate the number of students expected to test by test mode and subject/grade by campus. In order to ensure an appropriate amount of materials are received, district users should review and update counts for each campus during the window specified in the Calendar of Events. Counts may either be updated individually by campus via the system user interface (UI) or one or more (all campuses) via upload file.
Orders: Participation Counts
Downloadable Reports A listing of all district campuses will display under Results. Best Practice: to ensure campuses that are not testing do not receive materials (by default), click the DOWNLOAD CSV ALL CAMPUSES button or download individual campus counts and review for accuracy. Prior to any updates, values indicated in CSV file reflect default counts. NOTE: User may click the Edit Counts icon to review default counts and submit updates, or click the Download CSV icon to download a report for the campus selected. All downloadable participation counts reports are formatted properly for re-upload into the system.
Orders: Participation Counts
Updating Participation Counts Default counts are listed in parentheses. Update counts based on your best estimate of actual counts for STAAR Paper and STAAR Online tests expected, to ensure minimal waste. NOTE: Oral administration offered when appropriate
Orders: Participation Counts
Default Counts Default counts are provided as a reference to estimate participation for upcoming administrations. Default counts will be used to calculate initial materials orders for administration materials for any campuses that are not updated by end of window. December administration default counts are determined by prior spring and summer non- master tester counts. April and May grades 3–8 and EOC default counts are determined by the number of prior- year spring tester counts. May and June grades 5&8 and June EOC default counts are determined by previous administration non-master tester counts. Default count quantities will be used to determine initial order materials if not updated prior to the close of the participation counts window indicated in the Calendar of Events. NOTE: Updated counts should reflect the TOTAL amount needed, not the additional above the default count displayed.
Orders: Participation Counts
Updating Participation Counts Counts status and downloadable files are updated immediately. Example: Downloaded File
Orders: Participation Counts
Updating Participation Counts (Upload) Counts status and downloadable files are updated immediately after update. BEST PRACTICE: Download existing participation counts from View & Edit tab, make updates, and upload file back into the system.
Things to Consider New campuses Changes to grade levels at campuses
Other changes to campuses Plans for changes to testing mode
Follow the Calendar of Events
Row 4 – Availability of retester file
Row 4 – Availability of retester file
Reports > Students
Things to Consider Are all my retesters registered?
Will testing modes be the same? Do any of my students need new or different PNP accommodation codes (online testers only)? Do I have any new registrations (block schedule, students new to Texas public schools, etc.)? Do I have any student transfers? This retester file is an essential planning tool to help you get ready for upcoming tasks! Is there a retester file for all admins? Braille!
Follow the Calendar of Events
Row 5 – District coordinators upload precode files/send student data Why are precodes important?
Students: Upload STAAR 3–8
PEIMS vs. District Supplied Data File Upload selection must be made for each STAAR grades 3–8 primary administration. April grade 4 & 7 writing April grades 5 & 8 math and reading May grades 3–8 STAAR EOC Students who have not met standard for one or more STAAR EOC assessments during the previous administration will automatically be registered for the April and May EOC administrations. Districts must upload a student data file for first-time testers prior to each administration.
Students: Upload PEIMS vs. District Supplied Data File Upload – Rules
If a district uploads a district supplied data file containing a student previously registered in another district via PEIMS upload, the student registration will be transferred to the district uploading a local data file (local data file must contain an “M” in the ACTION-INDICATOR column). If a district selects a PEIMS source file data upload containing a student who was previously registered elsewhere via district supplied data file, the student registration will NOT be transferred to the district that selected the PEIMS upload option. For grades 3–8 administrations only, if no selection is made 3 days prior to the precode deadline, the PEIMS source file will be automatically loaded. Districts that select to upload a district supplied data file and fail to do so by the end of the paper registration (precode) window will NOT receive precoded materials. Highlight
Students: Upload Student Data File Upload (December 2017)
Use the 2016–2017 Student Data File Format for Student Registration and Precoding for upload file specifications and requirements for the December 2017 STAAR EOC administration. All Student Information, Demographic, and Test Registration fields available when manually registering a student or editing a student’s registration profile in the UI are included in the upload file layout. Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) accommodation codes can be uploaded via Test Version fields. Separate online testing groups by subject may be established for grades 3–8 via subject-specific ONLINE TEST GROUP NAME fields. If no group name is provided, “NO GROUP NAME GIVEN” will be used. Student test registration may be deleted by including a “D” in the Action-Indicator field. Student may be transferred in by placing an “M” in the Action-Indicator field. Column B (CDC of Enrollment) = testing campus, Column BH (Home CDC) = home campus. The home campus will default the testing campus if left blank in file. The Groups column (for paper test mode) establishes the precode sort order (paper testers at the time the precode window closes). BEST PRACTICE: When updating existing student registration or registering new students, include only students whose records are being updated. If uploading all students’ records, download the District Students Home Campus Report (Reports > Students) and make edits to the registration records as needed directly in the file, leaving all other records untouched, and upload back into the system. Highlight – file layout used for December 2017 administration Highlight – if attempting to register a student via upload file that is currently registered in a different district, then must include M code in Action-Indicator Column Highlight – Mass delete functionality – useful for removing retester (rolled) over students no longer in the district Highlight - Column B (CDC of Enrollment) = testing campus, Column BH (Home CDC) = home campus. The home campus will default the testing campus if left blank in file Highlight – best practice
Students: Upload Supplied Data File Upload – Reminders
The last uploaded student data file will override any existing registration information where differences exist. Demographic fields left blank for a student not currently registered for an administration (first time student registration) will populate missing data with data from the Student Directory (PEIMS data) if available. Demographic fields left blank for a student already registered for an administration will override any corresponding registration data with a null value. All records in the file that do not contain any errors or conflicts will upload successfully – any records containing errors or conflicts MUST be corrected via the UI and successfully re-uploaded into the system to update a student registration. BEST PRACTICE: Upload local data file far enough in advance of the precode deadline to provide adequate time for investigation and correction of upload errors and warnings. Highlight Best practice and note purpose of test registrations - establish precodes and online tests. The more accurate information is upfront less need to make corrections on answer documents or
Registering/Uploading Students Across Multiple (Split) Administrations (grades 3–8)
Student/Test Registration Student information for the April and May administrations will remain synced in the Assessment Management System – changes/updates applied to student information for one administration will automatically be applied to the other when applicable – Districts DO NOT NEED TO UPDATE each administration separately! Updates made to student demographic information for May test registrations after the April precode window has closed will NOT impact precodes received. Districts that make changes to a student’s First Name, Last Name, or Date of Birth after the precode window has closed MUST void the incorrect precoded answer document and hand grid a blank answer document with the corrected student information in order to avoid a held record requiring resolution. Highlight purpose of test registrations: establish precodes and online tests. The more accurate information is upfront less need to make corrections on answer documents or hand grid blank answer document. Highlight all bullet points
2017–2018 Administrations Highlight – retest vs primary administrations, why this is important regarding activities to be completed FIND AGL example for here!
Precode Verification Report
Download CSV Available prior to the close of the precode window Lists all paper test registrations and corresponding precode data Can be used to verify precodes, allowing districts to make corrections prior to the close of precode window Updated nightly (changes reflected in report following morning) Download PDF Available after the close of the precode window Official list of all precodes district is scheduled to receive (including OOD/OOS) Highlight purpose of test registrations: establish precodes and online tests. The more accurate information is upfront less need to make corrections on answer documents or hand grid blank answer document. Highlight: where to access report
Precode Verification Report (Cont.)
Lists all paper-based test registrations at the close of the precode window One record for each precoded answer document that the district is scheduled to receive (serves as official record) Available at the campus level Organized by campus, subject, student (alpha order) NOTE: The CSV version of the Precode Verification Report is not available for download after the precode window closes. Districts that prefer a CSV version of their precode report must save a copy over the weekend or first thing Monday following the close of the window. Highlight note
Students: Upload Upload page - Overview
Download Spreadsheet Template – blank CSV file that can be used to enter student records for upload Filename – click on file name to download/retrieve file that was uploaded Status: Uploads – indicates the fraction of records that successfully uploaded All records successfully uploaded Some but not all records successfully uploaded No records successfully uploaded
Students: Upload Upload page - Overview
Errors – indicates the number of errors in the file upload Conflicts – indicates the number of conflicts in the file upload Actions: Download Errors – downloads an error report detailing the row number(s) in the upload file containing errors and the cell that contained the error Delete File – deletes upload file record from list – this action will not affect any records that were successfully uploaded. Not recommended – removal of the upload file entry may prohibit investigation of errors and warnings.
Students: Upload Identifying Errors
Errors occur when data entered does not conform to data file specifications Uploaded File: Errors Indicates the column(s) containing errors Indicates the error type Indicates the number of rows (records) containing an error Further drilldown reveals: Row # with error Associated PEIMS ID Invalid data entry Highlight identification of errors through both the UI and Error report – differences in information provided between the two – (global applies to participation counts and SIRS)
Students: Upload Identifying Conflicts
Conflicts occur when there is a mismatch between the student data uploaded and Student Directory information. Uploaded File: Conflicts Indicates the column(s) containing a conflict Indicates the conflict type Indicates the number of rows (records) containing a conflict Further drilldown reveals: Row # with conflict Associated PEIMS ID Invalid data entry Explain – what is student directory – how and when updated. Highlight: error messages as they apply to specific issue in the data triggering a warning
Things to Consider How do I register students for braille?
How useful are group names? What if things change after this window closes?
Follow the Calendar of Events
Row 6 – Materials List posted online
Row 6 – Materials List Posted Online
Where and how to access: Download and save a copy of the Initial Order Quantity Report (Reports > Orders tab). Contains the quantities of all initial materials a district is scheduled to receive, separated out by campus and district overage. Alternately, users may view and download initial material order quantities via the Orders < View & Track tab. Downloadable CSV file contains order details for individual campuses or district overage (10% of all campus-level materials combined). Contains the same material quantities listed in the Initial Order Quantities Report along with additional order information (e.g., Order Number, Order Status, etc.) in a more readable format. Use of the orders tab begins with the posting of your initial materials orders – initial materials orders are based off of participation counts entered for the corresponding administration. NOTE: Initial materials orders for primary administrations are based off of participation counts. Districts should compare the quantity of initial materials they are to receive with current enrollments and test registrations (Test Registration Report) to determine the quantity of any additional materials needed.
Things to Consider I forgot an entire subject area or campus. What do I do? Wait, those don’t look like the numbers I gave ETS. What do I do next? I think I ordered Too many Too few
Follow the Calendar of Events
This is a continuation of the row 5 upload window, using the same template. New students can be added, PNP and mode changes can be made. This window remains open through the last day of testing so that online testers can be registered and PNP settings can be changed through the last minute. Row 7 – Online Test Registration Submission (online testing only)
Upload: Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP)
Upload File Requirements: Highlight codes for – TLC Note: codes will be changing for the spring administration – merging of C and L into C, adding spelling assistance). Be on lookout for pending publication of the data file format available in the help section in the Assessment Management System or on Texas technology page
Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP)
Options to indicate embedded supports Edit an existing student registration Register a new student Submit a student data file upload NOTE: Student test registrations with PNP accommodation codes will default to an online test mode. PNP embedded supports may be updated in existing registrations any time prior to the test being submitted. PNP (Embedded Support) Codes Content support = C Language and vocabulary supports = L Text-to-speech (TTS) = T C L T Highlight codes will be changing for spring administration
Things to Consider Focus on paper testers during the initial window; you can focus on online testers during the extended window. Do my testers needing accommodations all have PNP settings? I forgot a braille student. What can I do? I have a student that needs to test on paper, but does he or she need accommodations?
Follow the Calendar of Events
This is a continuation of the row 5 upload window, using the same template. New students can be added, PNP and mode changes can be made. This window remains open through the last day of testing so that online testers can be registered and PNP settings can be changed through the last minute. Row 8 – Registration for out-of-school/district examinees (online only)
OOD/OOS Test Site Registration
Districts may elect to register campuses as OOD/OOS test sites for the December EOC, April and May EOC, June EOC, and the June 5&8 mathematics and reading administrations. A separate form must be submitted for each test site. Registered test sites do not carry over from one administration to another. NOTE: Test site registration dates are not published in the COE. Districts are notified via when the submissions window opens (5–6 weeks prior to the student registration period). Campus address auto-populates with mailing address on file in AskTED. Districts must ensure address provided is the correct physical address of the test site. If incorrect, address fields may be typed over to make corrections. Start time entered for each subject/day the test site will be offering OOD/OOS testing DTCs receive a confirmation identifying the campus, subject(s), and start time(s) submitted. Corrections or updates may be made by submitting another form or contacting the Texas Assessment Support Center.
OOD/OOS Examinee Registration
Test Site Directory Registered test sites appear in the OOD/OOS Test Site Directory available at st-administration/. Registered tests sites will appear in the Testing Campus dropdown menu if a student’s test registration type is set to OOD or OOS (Grade=OOS). Highlight all OOD/OOS resources available at – including FAQs
OOD/OOS Examinee Registration
Registration Form OOD/OOS registration period for each administration is indicated in the COE. OOD/OOS registration form available at NOTE: OOD/OOS registration defaults to paper. District must edit corresponding registration to online (Student > View & Edit > Tests tab) for students testing online. * Precoded test materials are shipped to the testing district (inside associated campus box) with regular precode shipment. Highlight shipping of OOD/OOS precodes and test materials – precodes shipped to testing district - with specific OOD/OOS labeling – boxed with testing campus they are associated with
OOD/OOS Examinee Registration
Registration After Deadline OOD/OOS examinees may be registered directly in the Assessment Management System after the OOD/OOS registration period has closed via: New Student Registration (Students > Registration) Editing the Test Information (Test Registration Type indicator) of an existing registered student (Students > View & Edit > Tests tab) NOTE: Testing campuses will not receive precodes for students registered after the OOD/OOS student registration window has closed.
OOS Examinee Registration
Day of Testing (Walk-ins) Unregistered OOS examinees showing up at a test site on the day of testing (“walk-ins”) must be registered in the Assessment Management System via the Students > Register tab. Student’s address and contact information is required to ensure results are returned to the student. Select Out of School for Test Registration Type to select a registered OOD/OOS Test Site (Testing Campus).
Things to Consider Will we allow walk-in testers?
Do we have any testers that will be displaced during the upcoming administration?
Follow the Calendar of Events
This is a continuation of the row 5 upload window, using the same template. New students can be added, PNP and mode changes can be made. This window remains open through the last day of testing so that online testers can be registered and PNP settings can be changed through the last minute. Rows 11–14
Test Materials Row 11: Districts receive combined shipment of test materials (aka Initial Orders) Row 12: District coordinators order additional materials Row: 13: Districts receive precoded materials STAAR STAAR with Embedded Supports (braille testers only for precodes) Row 14: Districts receive out-of-school/district materials
Row 11 – Districts Receive Combined Shipment of Test Materials
Shipment Details Initial order shipments are scheduled to arrive during the week indicated in the Calendar of Events. Orders arrive in one shipment to the district and are boxed and labeled separately by campus and district overage. NOTE: Districts should verify, at least one week prior to orders arriving, that their district shipping address is the correct physical address where shipments are to be received. Notify TEA immediately if your district shipping address needs updating. Contact the Texas Assessment Support Center to make arrangements to have your delivery shipped to a different address as needed. UPS tracking number links directly to shipper website for current shipping information, down to the box level. Immediately
Row 12 – District coordinators order additional materials
Additional Materials Orders Additional materials order window opens after initial materials lists are posted Additional orders are placed at the district level Orders must be placed during the window specified in the Calendar of Events to ensure delivery prior to the test administration NOTE: Additional orders for braille kits must be placed through the Texas Assessment Support Center
Orders: Additional Materials
Additional Materials Order Form Manuals and Brochures Identifications Sheets Packing and Shipping Materials Blank Answer Documents STAAR Large Print Kits STAAR Secure Test Booklets Secure Test Booklets Oral Admin NOTE: Each form submission triggers a new order. Additional orders may be viewed and tracked through the Orders > View & Track tab. Districts needing to order more than the max allotment indicated may place multiple orders 55
Orders: Additional Materials
Ordering Braille Materials Initial orders of braille materials are placed during the precode file submission window Districts MUST indicate braille test version (contracted or uncontracted) for all students requiring a braille test for each administration during the precode window in order to receive precoded documents and braille materials NOTE: Braille test versions are not rolled from one administration to the next for retesters Districts requiring additional braille materials (after the precode window closes) MUST contact the Texas Assessment Support Center
Row 13 – Districts Receive Precoded Materials
Specific to May STAAR Grades 3–8 and EOC Administrations Campus-level boxes (up to 5) consolidated into district box(es) – the district boxes are similar in size to the standard initial shipment boxes that districts regularly receive (target weight < 30lbs). District boxes are labeled on the outside and include a total district box count (X of Y). The Precode Monitor List and an OOD-OOS Report, listing all campuses and the total number of precoded answer documents per campus, are located in the last district box. Campus boxes are labeled on the outside and include a total campus box count (X of Y). Labels indicating the subject, grade, group, and quantity of answer documents are affixed to each shrink wrapped bundle. NOTE: A box contents list is not included in campus boxes. Specific to May STAAR Grades 5&8 and May STAAR Algebra II and English III Administrations Campus-level boxes are NOT consolidated into district boxes. Box content list included in campus level boxes includes detailed counts by subject/grade. Answer document packages are bundled and sorted by campus and subject/grade level – slip sheet inserted between groups.
Row 13 – Districts Receive Precoded Materials
Shipment Details – Precodes Precode shipments are scheduled to arrive in districts by the date indicated on the Calendar of Events. Precoded materials are shipped separately by administration. Materials will arrive in one district shipment (not multiple campus shipments) for each administration and are boxed and labeled separately by campus. OOS/OOD precoded materials, including answer documents and headers, are included in the campus-level box for the testing campus where the student is registered to test. Campus boxes are labeled on the outside and identify the: Administration Campus name and CDC# Campus box count (X of Y) Extra blank answer documents provided in campus boxes contain precoded campus name and CDC#. Campuses should only use the precoded blank answer document if the student should be reported back to the corresponding CDC; otherwise, use the non-precoded blank answer documents (provided in district overage) for students that will be reported to a different CDC than where tested. Preprinted header sheets are included with each set of campus-level precodes. Answer documents are arranged by campus, subject/grade, group (when indicated), student alpha order (last name).
Orders: View & Track By Order Type By Material Type Initial Additional
Ancillary By Material Type Material Type dropdown menu appears when “Additional” is selected. All braille materials (both initial and additional) may be viewed and tracked as additional orders.
Orders: View & Track Order Tracking Shipping Details
Detailed tracking, down to the box level Print report functionality available Downloadable order details Near real time order status Shipping Details UPS tracking number links directly to shipper website for current shipping information
Orders: Braille Materials
Ordering Braille Materials Initial orders of braille materials are placed during the precode file submission window. Braille test registrations are not rolled over from one administration to the next. Districts MUST indicate braille test version (contracted or uncontracted) for all students requiring a braille test for each administration during the precode window in order to receive precoded answer documents and braille materials. Districts requiring additional braille materials (for student registered after the precode window closes) MUST contact the Texas Assessment Support Center to obtain the additional orders braille materials order form. NOTE: All braille materials are tied to a specific student.
Things to Consider What has changed since I updated my participation counts? What has changed since I verified my precoded answer document upload? Do I have testers that must test on paper but with accommodations? Oh no, what do I do the week before testing?
What about the April and May Administrations?
This is a continuation of the row 5 upload window, using the same template. New students can be added, PNP and mode changes can be made. This window remains open through the last day of testing so that online testers can be registered and PNP settings can be changed through the last minute.
Fall Activities to Prepare for Spring Primary Administrations
Participation counts – likely to occur from early October to early November Will need to be entered separately for each admin Don’t forget – for above grade level students, counts need to include them in both grade levels. Begin preparations for registrations – likely to occur beginning in January PEIMS vs. Upload (grades 3–8 administrations only) EOC Above grade level testers (including those taking EOC courses)
Fall Activities to prepare for Spring Primary Administrations
Plan for out-of-school/district participation What sites will participate? (Watch for site registration . This date will not be on the COE.) Communicate with any parents or students that need to register. TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING Remember, outstanding resolutions, missing scores, and other anomalies from past administrations may impact your ability to successfully register students in upcoming administrations. While these events are not “active” on the COE right now, any work you do now to resolve and clean up your students will help you later!
Customer Support Texas Assessment Support Center
Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (CT) Toll free: or Call or the Texas Assessment Support Center for assistance with: information about online testing or online testing procedures navigating the Assessment Management System managing examinee data setting up test sessions assigning usernames and passwords accessing resources questions about STAAR online testing communications ordering additional braille materials setting up a test run of the STAAR Online Testing Platform network problems Local Caching Software (LCS) issues evaluating infrastructure hardware and software requirements or problems wireless networking issues technical emergencies solving online testing set-up issues
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