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Financial Markets Financial Assets-claim on the property or income of the borrower Financial Intermediary-institution that helps channel funds from savers.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Markets Financial Assets-claim on the property or income of the borrower Financial Intermediary-institution that helps channel funds from savers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Markets Financial Assets-claim on the property or income of the borrower Financial Intermediary-institution that helps channel funds from savers to borrowers---banks, finance companies, life insurance, pension Mutual Fund-pools the savings of many and invests in a variety of stock/bonds, ect

2 More Terms Diversification-spreading your investments
Portfolio-a collection of financial assets Prospectus-an investment report to potential investors Return-$ an investor receives above and beyond the sum initially invested

3 Bonds Low Risk Investments
Gov’t or corps repay the investor a fixed amount of interest at regular intervals Coupon Rate-interest rate that the issuer will pay the holder Maturity-the time at which payment is due Par Value-face value or principal Yield-annual rate of return

4 Bond Ratings AAA-Highest grade AA-High Grade BBB-Upper Medium
BB-Lower Medium B-Speculative CCC-Vulnerable to Default CC-Debt rated C-In debt D-In default

5 Types of Bonds Savings Bonds-buy a bond get the return a the maturity date Treasury Bonds, Bills and Notes (T-Bills) Municipal Bonds-Finance internal improvements-roads, schools Corporate Bonds-Big Time $$-at least 10k Junk bonds-Cheap, high risk but can offer high returns

6 Other Types CD’s-certificates of deposit Money Market Funds

7 The Stock Market Benefits- Dividends Capital Gains

8 Types of Stock Income Stock-dividends at regular times during the year
Growth Stock-no dividends-reinvest Common Stock-voting members Preferred Stock-don’t vote but get dividends before others

9 Stock Splits Each single share splits into more than one share Why?
Price becomes so high that others wont buy more Encourages new investors

10 Risks + Trading Firm may earn lower profits Smaller dividends
Price may decrease Stockbrokers Brokerage Firms-charge fees for all business

11 Charles Schwab Big Time Broker

12 Stock Exchanges Markets for buying stocks NYSE
Largest market Only large well established companies (Blue Chip) NASDAQ-gets lots of the other stocks Over the Counter

13 Futures and Options Futures Options
Contracts to buy or sell in the future-pay some now the rest later Options A choice to buy or sell at a fixed price for a limited time Call Option-to buy Put Option to sell Daytrading-make dozens of trades a day hoping to earn profit

14 Measuring Stock Performance

15 Measuring Stocks Dow Jones Industrial Avg—measures the ups and downs (daily) of30 large companies S&P 500-measures 500 companies Bull Market-Rising Bear Market-Falling


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