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“Latin American Revolutions and their Descendants”

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1 “Latin American Revolutions and their Descendants”
September Dr. Gilda Ramirez, President, Westside Business Association spoke on the 1910 Mexican Revolution and wave of Immigrants who came to this country as a result. She showed excerpts from the Emmy Award winning documentary film “Children of the Revolucion, How the Mexican Revolution changed America” documenting the journey of generations of Mexican Americans. View the film at:

2 For Better or Worse: The plight of the immigrant
January Sr. Barbara Netek from the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament and Dr. Maria De Arman, a military doctor who had been sent on assignment to several detention centers along the border gave us a first hand account of what they had seen at the centers in Dilley and Karnes County introducing us to the “Welcome Ministry” providing service to and advocacy for women and children seeking refuge status in this country.

3 Danza Universitaria De costa rica and the Bailando dance festival
October, Jilissa Cotten, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi - recipient of Faculty Enhancement Grant showed photos and spoke about the Bailando Dance Festival at TAMU-CC. Our donation helped sponsor this troupe of 12 professional dancers from San Juan, CR who spent the week in CC providing master classes in local schools and giving free performances at local outdoor events.

4 Soltis Center and the Eternal rain forest
February Kim Hammer presented on Children's Eternal Rain Forest and the Soltis Center for Research and Education, San Isidro, Costa Rica. The non-profit center is a part of Texas A&M University and provides opportunity for student groups from around the country to study in this tropical “classroom” and helps to preserve precious rain forest in Costa Rica.

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