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Advanced Higher Physical Education

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1 Advanced Higher Physical Education
Course Structure

2 Internal Units Similar to the National 5 and Higher course, there are two internal units that you must pass in order to be presented for the final assessments. These units are: Performance Skills Factors Impacting on Performance

3 Performance Skills You must pass ONE activity at Advanced Higher level. This activity does NOT need to be school based although Mr Fleming must have an understanding of the activity. To complete this unit learners must be able to: Select, apply and adapt a repertoire of complex movement and performance skills in challenging contexts.

4 Performance Skills cont….
Select, apply and adapt a repertoire of complex movement and performance skills in challenging contexts by: 1.1 Selecting, and applying consistently an appropriate repertoire of skills 1.2 Demonstrating a consistently high level of precision in body and spatial awareness. 1.3 Demonstrating body management which is controlled, fluent and contains distinct patterns and rhythms 1.4 Applying appropriate compositional, technical or tactical awareness in response to performance challenges. 1.5 Displaying high levels of problem-solving and decision- making during performance

5 Performance Skills cont….
The context of this task MUST be high-level and challenging, rather than in routine drills and practices. It will be in a competitive situation

6 Factors Impacting on Performance
In this unit, learners will develop their INDEPENDENT research, analytical and evaluative skills by investigating a range of factors that impact on performance in physical activities. To complete this unit learners must be able to: Investigate factors which impact on personal performance development Apply knowledge and understanding to develop and evaluate personal performance development

7 Factors Impacting on Performance cont….
Outcome 1 Investigate factors which impact on personal performance development by: 1.1 Investigating factors related to high-level performance and performance development 1.2 Analysing the impact mental, emotional, social and physical factors have on personal performance.

8 Factors Impacting on Performance cont….
Outcome 2 2. Apply knowledge and understanding to develop and evaluate personal performance development by: 2.1 Applying knowledge and understanding of the factors to create a plan which will develop personal performance 2.2 Effectively applying the personal performance development plan 2.3 Gathering appropriate post-development plan data 2.4 Evaluating the personal performance development plan 2.5 Justifying future priorities for personal performance development

9 Course Assessment Similar to the National 5 and Higher course, there are two assessment components that are combined to give you your final assessment. The course is graded from A-D and the assessments are: Performance (30%) Project (70%) (No exam)

10 Performance The performance is worth 30 marks out of the total of 100 marks. It assesses the following skills, knowledge and understanding: 1 Applying a range of movement and performance skills during a high-level single performance 2 Making informed decisions during a high-level single performance

11 Performance cont…. In this assessment, you will have to carry out a high-level single performance. The duration of the single performance should be whatever the norm is for your chosen physical activity. You should agree the physical activity chosen with Mr Fleming and again he must have an understanding of the activity. The context of the high-level single performance must be challenging, demanding and/or competitive.

12 Performance cont…. You must demonstrate the following:
1a)Performance repertoire (8 marks) Demonstrate a broad and well established performance repertoire consistently selecting and combining complex skills effectively to meet the demands of the performance context 1b)Control and fluency (8 marks) Demonstrate control and fluency during the performance, including responding to challenges 1c)Decision making (8 marks) Demonstrate an ability to make and follow through appropriate decisions in response to a range of challenging performance demands 1d)Following rules, displaying etiquette, and control of emotions (6 marks) Demonstrate adherence to rules and regulations, appropriate etiquette and control of emotions throughout the performance.

13 Project The project is worth 70 marks out of the total of 100 marks.
In this project you will carry out research into a topic which impacts on performance. This may be an area of interest suggested by what you have studied in class, but you are free to research any appropriate topic which impacts on performance. With the approval of Mr Fleming, you should identify an appropriate topic for research before you begin the project.

14 Project cont…. The project report should be between 4,000 and 5,000 words in length. The word count should be submitted with the project. You are allowed up to 10% over the word count, anything above that will not be marked. The topic may be a topic which impacts either on your own performance, or the performance of another person, team or group although you must have access to this person or team to complete data collection etc.

15 Project cont…. The project assesses the following skills, knowledge and understanding: Demonstrating independent research and investigation skills Investigating how factor(s) impact on performance Understanding and applying methods to develop performance Analysing and evaluating the process of performance development

16 Project cont…. The project has four stages:
Stage 1, titled ‘Project Proposal’ worth 22 marks Stage 2, titled ‘Research’ worth 28 marks Stage 3, titled ‘Performance Development Plan Record’ worth 6 marks Stage 4, titled ‘Post-PDP Analysis and Evaluation’ worth 14 marks

17 Stage 1 Project proposal (22 marks)
1a) Investigation of performance (10 marks) 1b) Analysis of information (12 marks)

18 Stage 2 Research (28 marks) 2a) Literature review (13 marks)
2b) Analysis of information from literature review (10 marks) 2c) PDP target(s) (5 marks)

19 Stage 3 Performance Development Plan record (6 marks)
The PDP should be implemented at this point. You should provide a record of the implementation of the PDP. This should include relevant notes and comments and should include any amendments you have made to the plan.

20 Stage 4 Post-PDP Analysis and Evaluation (14 marks)
4a) Post-PDP data analysis (6 marks) 4b) Evaluation of the PDP (4 marks) 4c) Future development needs (4 marks)

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